G7 MEETING Oil producers urged to raise output


Captain Compassion

G7 MEETING Oil producers urged to raise output
02.09.08, 1:34 AM ET

TOKYO (Thomson Financial) - The Group of Seven finance ministers and
central bankers have urged world oil producers to boost their
production to bring down soaring crude prices, according to a draft
statement from their meeting.

In the statement, the G7 conceded that high oil prices largely reflect
rising world demand but

noted that 'geopolitical concerns' are also a factor.

'We encourage oil-producing countries to raise production, and
reiterate the need to enhance refinery capacity and improve energy
efficiency,' it said.

World oil prices struck a high above 100 usd a barrel at the start of
the year, but have since dropped on market worries that a US recession
and slowing global economic growth could curb demand for energy.

In the statement, the G7 said they opposed measures to artificially
lower domestic energy prices through tax breaks or subsidies, as this
would raise gas emissions and distort the energy market.

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then you are a tool of Capitalist interests. If you disagree with the theories
or dogmas of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming then you are a tool of
Capitalistic interests. Notice a pattern here? -- Captain Compassion

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escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. -- Marcus Aurelius

"...the whole world, including the United States, including all that
we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark
Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights
of perverted science." -- Sir Winston Churchill

Joseph R. Darancette