Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
Yeah, second thread in one day, but this has been pissing me off for a while. I'm going to wring the neck of the next person who complains about gas prices being 'much too high'.

Gasoline, actually, is one of the cheapest liquids you can buy. Think about it. A gallon of water at the grocery store? Fove or six bucks, compared to the 'outrageous' $2 you spend per gallon of gas. You can get a gallon of straight, black, unflavored coffee at starbucks for $12.88. Any shmuck can make coffee, and besides, it's a renewable resource. You get some water, beans from a plant that you can just plant more of, and voila, you have coffee.

And yet it costs less than ONE SIXTH of that to get the same amount of oily black sludge that rich arab bastards are hauling up out of the deserts, and we're GOING TO RUN OUT very soon at the rate we're going. This brings up more problems for the rich arab bastards, but I won't go into that now... the point is we're paying a SCANDALOUSLY low price for a very rare resource.

I say everyone starts paying an arm and a leg for the stuff like the europeans are. It'd put us in perspective, and maybe motivate us to find something else to power our cars with.

And THEN, assholes, you can complain about gas prices.
A. I don't drink 1 gallon of any liquid every 18-40 miles I go.
B. And the only reason it is 4 or 5 or 6 dollars for a gallon of water is that it is from a store, and there has to be money made from it. And most people don't go to Starbucks for a straight black GALLON of coffee.

You are so dumb sometimes, Tanya.
Thanks for using my real name, Matthew - I'll be sure to kick you in the nuts for that tomorrow.

And besides, you missed the whole point. It doesn't MATTER whether or not people buy a gallon of coffee at a time - the point is they DO by coffee, and they usually pay out the ass for a miniscule "tall" class of some creamy hazelnut ****. If you're counting the actual drinks, it'd probably be a few hundred dollars a gallon. If you're willing to pay that much for coffee, why are you bitching about paying two buck for something you use as much as gas?

And you think NO ONE'S making a profit off of gasoline? Jesus, how stupid can you get? OPEC's definitely got their fingers into more pies than your average mini-mart, and still everyone underestimates the value of gasoline. I mean, the **** is going to be GONE. And because we need it and use it so much is even more a reason to make it more expensive. It's like supply and demand doesn't even matter here.
I will continue to complain if I feel like it. As long as it costs more than I want to pay, then it is too expensive.
I edited your post, Tanya, please do NOT use last names, first names are fine.

You can still kick him in the nutz if you want, but be sure to post a picture of the expression on his face.
Asmodai said:
Yeah, second thread in one day, but this has been pissing me off for a while. I'm going to wring the neck of the next person who complains about gas prices being 'much too high'.

Gasoline, actually, is one of the cheapest liquids you can buy. Think about it. A gallon of water at the grocery store? Fove or six bucks, compared to the 'outrageous' $2 you spend per gallon of gas. You can get a gallon of straight, black, unflavored coffee at starbucks for $12.88. Any shmuck can make coffee, and besides, it's a renewable resource. You get some water, beans from a plant that you can just plant more of, and voila, you have coffee.

And yet it costs less than ONE SIXTH of that to get the same amount of oily black sludge that rich arab bastards are hauling up out of the deserts, and we're GOING TO RUN OUT very soon at the rate we're going. This brings up more problems for the rich arab bastards, but I won't go into that now... the point is we're paying a SCANDALOUSLY low price for a very rare resource.

I say everyone starts paying an arm and a leg for the stuff like the europeans are. It'd put us in perspective, and maybe motivate us to find something else to power our cars with.

And THEN, assholes, you can complain about gas prices.

Think about it dip****!!! Some people use 1-2 gallons of gas a day on average. Some use less and some use a lot more. Do you buy a gallon of starbuck's coffee every day and do you have to have it in order to go to work or buy groceries? No, its not so hard to pay a dollar or whatever a small portion of coffee costs these days. That is a "want". Gas is a "need" for most americans. Not all of us can ride our bikes or walk to work, we have to buy gas. It's making everyones lives a little bit more expensive and it effects everyone, because fuel "fuels" america. We use it for everything from flying your fat ass from here to there or transporting groceries via a semi. The prices of everything will rise and everything is going to cost more so yes I will bitch about it. America wants to be the last man standing with fuel, which is good strategy and is smart, but I don't want to pay out of the ass for it.

You, being 16, probably just got your car. I doubt you paid for it, even if you did get one, you sure as hell don't pay for the gas or insurance. I know you don't have room to talk about this topic. Even if you do lie and say you worked your ass off for your car and paid everything from the registration to licensing, your lieing through your teeth. Better find a different topic...
Led_Zep_Sx said:
Think about it dip****!!! Some people use 1-2 gallons of gas a day on average. Some use less and some use a lot more. Do you buy a gallon of starbuck's coffee every day and do you have to have it in order to go to work or buy groceries? No, its not so hard to pay a dollar or whatever a small portion of coffee costs these days. That is a "want". Gas is a "need" for most americans. Not all of us can ride our bikes or walk to work, we have to buy gas. It's making everyones lives a little bit more expensive and it effects everyone, because fuel "fuels" america. We use it for everything from flying your fat ass from here to there or transporting groceries via a semi. The prices of everything will rise and everything is going to cost more so yes I will bitch about it. America wants to be the last man standing with fuel, which is good strategy and is smart, but I don't want to pay out of the ass for it.

You, being 16, probably just got your car. I doubt you paid for it, even if you did get one, you sure as hell don't pay for the gas or insurance. I know you don't have room to talk about this topic. Even if you do lie and say you worked your ass off for your car and paid everything from the registration to licensing, your lieing through your teeth. Better find a different topic...

I drive 80 miles round trip to work everyday... Before it gets said, I know I chose my job and that's my problem, BUT. When I started here I saw it took me just shy of a quarter of my tank to go to work each day. So I went from paying about $200 to paying $300 a month or more for the gas I use just to go to work!!(around $10 a day) That doesn't include any gas that is used to go different places like the grocery store or restaurant or whatever!

The big point here pointed out by Led_Zep_Sx is that Asmodai is far too young to have any say on things changing as far as gas prices!!

When you have been driving long enough to see gas double in price in about 3 years... Then you can say something.

Until then SHUT UP!! And someone do actually kick Asmodai in the nuts please!!
Gas prices ARE too high!!!! Ill complain, whine talk **** about as much as I ****ing want to! I haven't once here on GF but it pisses me off at every red light, stop sign, when Im stuck in traffic and can't help but to see that a quarter of my tank is already gone!, or every time an idiot in front of me is hitting on his breaks for no ****ing apparent reason. Because gas prices goes up everything goes up. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if it would go up slowly and give time for everybody to adjust to the prices but it seems like its going up everyday. If you don't like to read about people complaining on the gas prices here's an idea...skip it bitch!
Gas prices ARE way too high. It's something that everyone has to have. So, everyone can bitch about it as much as they damn well please. :mad:
cynthiaa89 said:
They'll go up because of the hurricane, definitely. :(

There are so many rumors flying around about that... in one class today a girl sais she heard it would go up to 4.00 a gallon... the news here said it would only raise it by about five cents. I will be curious to see how it affects us.
On the news a few minutes ago it said it would go up somewhere between 4-6 cents a gallon and stay that way for a while, but, who knows?
It better not go up too much higher just because people need to have it to basically save their lives and evacuate.. that's the most bullshit I ever heard

It did it last year during those hurricanes
Actually, I believe it was speculated that the prices would go up 40-60 cents. Due to the storm, refineries are being shut down, and barges are unable to dock on the coastline.
U.S. crude oil futures jumped nearly $5 a barrel in electronic trade to touch a peak of $70.80 a barrel, the highest front-month price since the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) began trading the contracts in 1983.
So there isn't much they can do to prevent the prices from going up. Especially since they've already begun to jump.

An estimated 633,000 barrels of daily crude oil production, 42 percent of the daily average output from the Gulf Coast, was halted as of Sunday because of Katrina.
At least eight refineries with a combined capacity of 1.8 million bpd were also shut down, according to operators.
It better not go up too much higher just because people need to have it to basically save their lives and evacuate.. that's the most bullshit I ever heard

It did it last year during those hurricanes

Well, sadly, I don't think they care too much about that. The thing is, people have to have it, and they know it.
I just left my favorite Indian store. Good thing I know the owner. His sign said $2.55 per gallon for regs (which is high for these parts), but he told me to hurry up and get gas because he was going to change the prices. As soon as he changed the price to $2.64 he got a phone call and had to change them again to $2.79. Thats one hell of a markup. Almost a quarter more in less than 30 minutes. Glad I filled up before he changed it. **** gas prices. It will soon get so bad that people (organized crime especially) will start hijacking gasoline trucks and bootlegging. Hmmm. :)
Oh tell me about it...I drove past the gas station and almost had a heart attack!
Diesel jumped up to $2.81!!!!! YIKES!!
Luckily, I filled my tank last week....130 miles, and I still have 3/4 of a tank to go. God I love my shitbox sometimes!
Asmodai said:
Yeah, second thread in one day, but this has been pissing me off for a while. I'm going to wring the neck of the next person who complains about gas prices being 'much too high'.

Gasoline, actually, is one of the cheapest liquids you can buy. Think about it. A gallon of water at the grocery store? Fove or six bucks, compared to the 'outrageous' $2 you spend per gallon of gas. You can get a gallon of straight, black, unflavored coffee at starbucks for $12.88. Any shmuck can make coffee, and besides, it's a renewable resource. You get some water, beans from a plant that you can just plant more of, and voila, you have coffee.

Gallon of water costs more like 75 cents tops dipshit. (I know you meant gallon of milk that comes in at about $3.50 tops) and if you drink a gallon of milk a day you have isues (not to mention probably way 400lbs) And exactly how long will a gallon of black coffee last (would last me a month at least!) meanwhile I pay about $40 a week in gas at the least. You make yourself sound like a complete dumbass here!

Asmodai said:
And yet it costs less than ONE SIXTH of that to get the same amount of oily black sludge that rich arab bastards are hauling up out of the deserts, and we're GOING TO RUN OUT very soon at the rate we're going. This brings up more problems for the rich arab bastards, but I won't go into that now... the point is we're paying a SCANDALOUSLY low price for a very rare resource.

I say everyone starts paying an arm and a leg for the stuff like the europeans are. It'd put us in perspective, and maybe motivate us to find something else to power our cars with.

And THEN, assholes, you can complain about gas prices.

OK a point (Found only after suffering your mindless drivel) I agree, we should take this oprotunity to push alterantive fuels made from renewable resources and yes, europe pays a lot more for gas than us (ciggies too). If oyu want to make a point make but don't try to (badly) inject some silly and horribly STUPID comparrison. Ya know that lump three feet above your head? Try using it next time.
I edited your post, Tanya, please do NOT use last names, first names are fine.

Yeah, that was a bit out of line - sorry. ^ ^ And as soon as I get my kickass new camera, I'll be sure to do so.

You, being 16, probably just got your car. I doubt you paid for it, even if you did get one, you sure as hell don't pay for the gas or insurance. I know you don't have room to talk about this topic. Even if you do lie and say you worked your ass off for your car and paid everything from the registration to licensing, your lieing through your teeth. Better find a different topic...

I don't have a car, and don't want one - at least not for a while. I really don't think people my age should be driving - I know I'M a clumsy ****, and so are most of the people I know. I also don't want to have to take part in this bullshit gas fiasco, largely for the reasons I mentioned. Believe it or not, even a few 16 year olds think about things. If I can't find an alternate, economically sound form of transportation, I didn't need to go there that badly in the first place.

Gallon of water costs more like 75 cents tops dipshit. (I know you meant gallon of milk that comes in at about $3.50 tops) and if you drink a gallon of milk a day you have isues (not to mention probably way 400lbs)

Maybe it's different here in crazy old CA, but I have definitely seen gallons of 'purified' water for upwards of 5 bucks

Wow, I feel like SD here, everyone calling me an idiot. Amazing, though, how no one at all saw my point. Gas should be more expensive BECAUSE everyone needs it. If we all could take our heads out of our asses long enough to think about global economy rather than our own pocketbooks, it would be obvious that finding a new source of fuel is absolutely necessary. It should be more expensive because there's so little of it left, and not being able to afford fossil fuels would force people to find a more permanent source of power.