Gas Station Owners Allege Price Fixing by Shell Oil Co.


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Gas Station Owners Allege Price Fixing Wires Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2007

SAN FRANCISCO -- Nearly two dozen gas station owners in California sued
Shell Oil Co., Chevron Corp. and Saudi Refining Inc., on Tuesday, claiming
the companies conspired to fix prices for 23,000 franchise owners

The case filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco seeks class-action
status for the plaintiffs. It is similar to another lawsuit filed in 2004 by
other California gas station owners that was thrown out by the U.S. Supreme
Court last year. The new group of plaintiffs hopes the court will consider a
slightly different argument.

Like the previous case, the plaintiffs in this case say chairmen of the
three oil companies met privately nearly every month starting in March 1996
for the "purpose of forming and organizing a combination." The lawsuit
alleges executives destroyed documents from the meetings, and a now-defunct
joint venture violated U.S. antitrust laws and caused artificially high
wholesale gas prices in nearly every state from 1999 to 2001.

In a new twist, the plaintiffs now say the venture violates a "rule of
reason" governing antitrust matters.

A Chevron spokeswoman, Stephanie Price, said the San Ramon-based company has
not seen the lawsuit and she couldn't discuss specifics. She did say
Chevron, which acquired Texaco Inc. in 2001, was vindicated last year when
Chief Justice John Roberts blasted the previous case for its "very
artificial hook."

The lawsuit hinges on a marketing deal that, plaintiffs say, allowed former
rivals to collude on prices starting in 1998, when Shell and Texaco Inc.
formed Equilon Enterprises LLC to market gasoline in western states. They
formed Motiva Enterprises LLC later that year for the eastern half of the
country. Houston-based Saudi Refining also joined Motiva.

Equilon and Motiva began operating when inflation-adjusted crude oil prices
hit their lowest levels since the Great Depression, according to San
Francisco-based lawyer Joseph M. Alioto, who represented plaintiffs in both
the old and new cases. Yet gas prices soared for franchise owners, forcing
them to pass on the cost to consumers or cut profit margins.

"These executives get together and say, 'OK, we're going to raise Texaco's
price to Shell's price, then we're going to raise both of them 50 to 75
percent, and we're going to do it after we've already had all these cost
savings,'" Alioto said.

The lawsuit doesn't seek a specific financial award. Alioto argues wholesale
prices were higher by at least 20 cents a gallon and possibly as much as 40
cents per gallon from 1999 to 2001.

Since an average gas station in the United States pumps about 100,000
gallons per month, Alioto says the energy companies owe each of the 23,000
station owners at least $240,000.

Station owners had little choice but to pay higher prices. Franchises
typically sign long-term contracts with oil suppliers, making it tough to
switch to another brand or an independent supplier.

A spokesman for the state-owned oil company of Saudi Arabia, of which Saudi
Refining is a subsidiary, said they had received no official notification of
a lawsuit. Representatives did not return phone calls and e-mails to
Houston-based Shell, a subsidiary of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group.