General Dave "I Walk on Water" Petreaus, when he was head of Iraqi training mission, LOST 190,000 we


Joe S.

Just Another Incompetent Bush Lapdog: When Charged With Training Iraqi
Military, General 'Jesus' Petraeus 'Lost' 190,000 Weapons, Millions of
Rounds of Ammunition - Costing US Taxpayers Hundred of Millions of Dollars
Yahoo News, September 27th, 2007
As President Bush and Democratic challenger Sen. John Kerry clashed in late
2004 over the direction of the Iraq war, a rising Army star joined the
debate. Then-Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, head of a new command overseeing the
training and equipping of Iraq's security forces, said headway was being

Tens of thousands of rifles, pistols, body armor, vehicles, and radios,
along with millions of ammunition rounds, had been delivered to Iraqis over
a three-month period, he wrote in a commentary for The Washington Post six
weeks before the presidential election.

The weapons and countless pieces of other gear, paid for with tens of
millions of U.S. tax dollars, were indeed flowing