George W bin Bush forgiven unless.....


New member
source: New Zealand herald wed feb 1 2006

Zawahiri taunts bush

"Washington - Al quaeda's N0 2 Leader has invited George W. Bush to become a muslim,saying *** will forgive the united states president's "sins' if he embraces Islam.

In a new video message,Ayman al -Zawahiri Osama's bin laden's deputy, lashed out at bush for trying to kill him this month and taunted him by asking,"Do you know where I am?"

He called the president a "butcher," "liar" and a "failure" over a CIA missile strike on January 13 in eastern pakistan by a predator drone,which Government officials claim killed four high ranking al quaeda operatives among 13 victims,including women and children.

Zawahiri did not deny or confirm that some of his top aides were killed.

Instead he invited Bush, a born again christian, to become a muslim"Should you accept, you become a brother and *** forgives you all that is past...."

I can just picture Al Zawahiri and bush rigorously embracing each other all misty eyed and such and shucks all is forgiven!!!.

Is this sarcasm or what?...maybe I don't understand the retarded arab mind set.

that would be "the ***** of all scadadles"

daughter of a ***** etc etc etc:confused:



New member
Hmm... Well no need, G.W.B. is doing the same for all the soliders In Iraq... If you don't support the war, than you should really find out where your taxes are going. Some poor 19 year old kid who joined the Army to pay for his University is probobly dead because he ended up in iraq.
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