Georgia : Governor to Hold Public (Xian) Prayer Ritual for Rain



ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
on a higher power.

Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
the crisis has worsened.

He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
to pray for rain.

While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically

"Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
way, for the public to pray for rain."

Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
of difficulty."

The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.

"The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
of the people of Georgia."

- - - - -

He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
would be more 'PC' :)

Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
trucks instead ...

. . . .

And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother

Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
next decade at least ! :)
B1ackwater wrote:
> ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
> Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
> and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
> on a higher power.
> Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
> the crisis has worsened.
> He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
> to pray for rain.
> While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
> nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
> to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically
> expedient.
> "Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
> other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
> Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
> way, for the public to pray for rain."
> Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
> during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
> issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
> Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
> of difficulty."
> The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
> Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
> of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.
> "The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
> organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
> of the people of Georgia."
> - - - - -
> He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
> would be more 'PC' :)
> Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
> for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
> and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
> for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
> homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
> The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
> If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
> trucks instead ...
> . . . .
> And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
> should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
> rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
> a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
> Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother
> goddess.
> Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
> ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
> an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
> right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
> the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
> you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
> next decade at least ! :)

Just as long as they don't try an exorcism. They wouldn't be able to
make quorum for a month. ;)


"Power never concedes anything without a
demand. It never has and it never will."
--Frederick Douglass
On Nov 13, 6:58 am, (B1ackwater) wrote:
> ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
> Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
> and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
> on a higher power.
> Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
> the crisis has worsened.
> He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
> to pray for rain.
> While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
> nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
> to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically
> expedient.
> "Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
> other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
> Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
> way, for the public to pray for rain."
> Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
> during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
> issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
> Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
> of difficulty."
> The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
> Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
> of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.
> "The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
> organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
> of the people of Georgia."
> - - - - -
> He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
> would be more 'PC' :)
> Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
> for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
> and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
> for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
> homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
> The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
> If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
> trucks instead ...
> . . . .
> And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
> should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
> rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
> a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
> Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother
> goddess.
> Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
> ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
> an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
> right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
> the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
> you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
> next decade at least ! :)

This doesnt surprise me at all. Half of my husband's family is from
Atlanta. What a crappy place. Anyway, I checked the forecast- no rain
until Sunday.
No matter what happens, as always, these prayer loonies will attribute
it all to their actions. They might maybe just sorta could talk about
conserving water or open debate on the wildlife preservation issues
that surround increased draw on surrounding lakes. But that sounds too
much like government. And, as a RED STATE, Georgia believes government
is bad. The Atlanta Freethought Society should be pissed about the non-
action Perdue has taken. The crisis that is about to hit ATL has been
a long time in coming. If there is a God, let the AFS not so much
protest as offer an equally powerfull alternative: the IPU.

Now, just for fun, a quote from another source I found on this topic:

"The only solution is rain, and the only place we get that is from a
higher power," Perdue spokesman Bert Brantley said on Wednesday.

Thats true; CLOUDS are a higher power.
If god created the draught, why would he reverse it because of prayers. Is
he a bloody scam artist?

"B1ackwater" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 13:26:05 -0000, Gegenwart911
> <> wrote:
>>On Nov 13, 6:58 am, (B1ackwater) wrote:
>>> CNN
>>> ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
>>> Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
>>> and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
>>> on a higher power.
>>> Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
>>> the crisis has worsened.
>>> He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
>>> to pray for rain.
>>> While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
>>> nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
>>> to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically
>>> expedient.
>>> "Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
>>> other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
>>> Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
>>> way, for the public to pray for rain."
>>> Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
>>> during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
>>> issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
>>> Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
>>> of difficulty."
>>> The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
>>> Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
>>> of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.
>>> "The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
>>> organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
>>> of the people of Georgia."
>>> - - - - -
>>> He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
>>> would be more 'PC' :)
>>> Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
>>> for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
>>> and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
>>> for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
>>> homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
>>> The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
>>> If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
>>> trucks instead ...
>>> . . . .
>>> And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
>>> should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
>>> rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
>>> a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
>>> Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother
>>> goddess.
>>> Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
>>> ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
>>> an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
>>> right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
>>> the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
>>> you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
>>> next decade at least ! :)

>>This doesnt surprise me at all. Half of my husband's family is from
>>Atlanta. What a crappy place. Anyway, I checked the forecast- no rain
>>until Sunday.

> Long-range forecast is for little rain period. Atlanta will
> enter the next hot season will little more reserve water
> than it has right now. Same goes for the Miami area ... their
> big lake didn't come close to being refilled this fall.
> Disaster looms.
>>No matter what happens, as always, these prayer loonies will attribute
>>it all to their actions.

> If they pray today and it rains three months from now
> they'll credit the rain to the power-o-prayer. Proper
> religions really are airtight ... if you have problems
> it's a "test" and if the problems go away it's because
> you prayed them away or burnt enough witches and homos
> or increased the amount in the collection plate or ...
>>They might maybe just sorta could talk about
>>conserving water or open debate on the wildlife preservation issues
>>that surround increased draw on surrounding lakes. But that sounds too
>>much like government.

> Prayer sessions let the "common man" feel involved and
> important dontchaknow. Good political strategy.
> As for "conservation" ... I think they're well PAST that
> now. Even at minimum practical consumption and dessicating
> half the wildlife I think Atlanta is doomed to run out
> somewhere in the middle of next summer. They'd have to
> get rains like the midwest got this year from those
> stalled fronts. Maybe they will, but just as likely the
> midwest will get 'em again.
> Pipelines ... BIG pipelines !
>>And, as a RED STATE, Georgia believes government
>>is bad.

> Well, it is.
> Unfortunately, totally self-governed people are
> even worse nowdays.
> There's a balance of evils, a middle road. Too
> bad it's unmarked.
>>The Atlanta Freethought Society should be pissed about the non-
>>action Perdue has taken. The crisis that is about to hit ATL has been
>>a long time in coming. If there is a God, let the AFS not so much
>>protest as offer an equally powerfull alternative: the IPU.

> Well, extensive studies showed that the dike system around
> New Orleans could suffer catastrophic collapes from as
> little as a cat-3 storm ... but nothing was done, no lessons
> were learned, no preparations were made. Neither government
> or citizens like to hear bad news - so they don't, WON'T,
> hear it.
>>Now, just for fun, a quote from another source I found on this topic:
>>"The only solution is rain, and the only place we get that is from a
>>higher power," Perdue spokesman Bert Brantley said on Wednesday.
>>Thats true; CLOUDS are a higher power.

> Well, they're "high" ... but then clearly so was Mr. Brantley
> for phrasing his thought that way. University people are
> supposed to be scientific, enlightened and, well, maybe
> Brantley is professor of medieval studies ? :)
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 13:26:05 -0000, Gegenwart911
<> wrote:

>On Nov 13, 6:58 am, (B1ackwater) wrote:
>> CNN
>> ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
>> Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
>> and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
>> on a higher power.
>> Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
>> the crisis has worsened.
>> He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
>> to pray for rain.
>> While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
>> nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
>> to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically
>> expedient.
>> "Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
>> other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
>> Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
>> way, for the public to pray for rain."
>> Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
>> during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
>> issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
>> Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
>> of difficulty."
>> The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
>> Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
>> of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.
>> "The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
>> organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
>> of the people of Georgia."
>> - - - - -
>> He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
>> would be more 'PC' :)
>> Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
>> for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
>> and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
>> for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
>> homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
>> The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
>> If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
>> trucks instead ...
>> . . . .
>> And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
>> should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
>> rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
>> a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
>> Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother
>> goddess.
>> Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
>> ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
>> an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
>> right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
>> the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
>> you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
>> next decade at least ! :)

>This doesnt surprise me at all. Half of my husband's family is from
>Atlanta. What a crappy place. Anyway, I checked the forecast- no rain
>until Sunday.

Long-range forecast is for little rain period. Atlanta will
enter the next hot season will little more reserve water
than it has right now. Same goes for the Miami area ... their
big lake didn't come close to being refilled this fall.

Disaster looms.

>No matter what happens, as always, these prayer loonies will attribute
>it all to their actions.

If they pray today and it rains three months from now
they'll credit the rain to the power-o-prayer. Proper
religions really are airtight ... if you have problems
it's a "test" and if the problems go away it's because
you prayed them away or burnt enough witches and homos
or increased the amount in the collection plate or ...

>They might maybe just sorta could talk about
>conserving water or open debate on the wildlife preservation issues
>that surround increased draw on surrounding lakes. But that sounds too
>much like government.

Prayer sessions let the "common man" feel involved and
important dontchaknow. Good political strategy.

As for "conservation" ... I think they're well PAST that
now. Even at minimum practical consumption and dessicating
half the wildlife I think Atlanta is doomed to run out
somewhere in the middle of next summer. They'd have to
get rains like the midwest got this year from those
stalled fronts. Maybe they will, but just as likely the
midwest will get 'em again.

Pipelines ... BIG pipelines !

>And, as a RED STATE, Georgia believes government
>is bad.

Well, it is.

Unfortunately, totally self-governed people are
even worse nowdays.

There's a balance of evils, a middle road. Too
bad it's unmarked.

>The Atlanta Freethought Society should be pissed about the non-
>action Perdue has taken. The crisis that is about to hit ATL has been
>a long time in coming. If there is a God, let the AFS not so much
>protest as offer an equally powerfull alternative: the IPU.

Well, extensive studies showed that the dike system around
New Orleans could suffer catastrophic collapes from as
little as a cat-3 storm ... but nothing was done, no lessons
were learned, no preparations were made. Neither government
or citizens like to hear bad news - so they don't, WON'T,
hear it.

>Now, just for fun, a quote from another source I found on this topic:
>"The only solution is rain, and the only place we get that is from a
>higher power," Perdue spokesman Bert Brantley said on Wednesday.
>Thats true; CLOUDS are a higher power.

Well, they're "high" ... but then clearly so was Mr. Brantley
for phrasing his thought that way. University people are
supposed to be scientific, enlightened and, well, maybe
Brantley is professor of medieval studies ? :)
On Nov 13, 5:58 am, (B1ackwater) wrote:
> ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- As Georgia descends deeper into drought, Gov.
> Sonny Perdue has ordered water restrictions, launched a legal battle
> and asked President Bush for help. On Tuesday, the governor will call
> on a higher power.
> Gov. Sonny Perdue has several times mentioned the need for prayer as
> the crisis has worsened.
> He will join lawmakers and ministers on the steps of the state Capitol
> to pray for rain.
> While public prayer vigils might raise eyebrows in other parts of the
> nation, they are mostly shrugged off in the Bible Belt, where turning
> to the heavens for help is common and sometimes even politically
> expedient.
> "Christianity has more of a place in the culture here than in some
> other region," said Ray Van Neste, a professor of Christian studies at
> Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. "And it's only natural, in a
> way, for the public to pray for rain."

If that fails, the governor expressed hope that their outstanding
"abstinence education" program would provide at least a few
virgins for ritual sacrifice.


> Perdue won't be the first governor to hold a call for public prayer
> during the epic drought gripping the Southeast. Alabama Gov. Bob Riley
> issued a proclamation declaring a week in July as "Days of Prayer for
> Rain" to "humbly ask for His blessings and to hold us steady in times
> of difficulty."
> The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta
> Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen
> of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.
> "The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is
> organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name
> of the people of Georgia."
> - - - - -
> He could have always prayed to Indra or Thor ... they
> would be more 'PC' :)
> Anyway, it's clear that gawd is PUNISHING Atlanta
> for its sins. Atlanta shall be cursed with burning thirst
> and chaos shall rule the land. That's what they get
> for spawining Jimmy Carter and tolerating miscegenation,
> homosexuals, Hanoi Jane Turner, CNN and porNOGraphy !
> The wrath o gawd is upon you !!! Too late for prayer.
> If you want relief, well, better call in the Budweiser
> trucks instead ...
> . . . .
> And the Freethoughters ... you shouldn't complain, you
> should EXPLOIT the mythological madness. Stage your own
> rain-evoking ritual right across the street ... but use
> a "wiccan"-style ritual involving nekked women, Super-
> Soaker squirt guns and a dance for the earth-mother
> goddess.
> Hey, if it's OK for the Gov to do some public xian
> ritual for rain then it's damned well OK to hold
> an equivalent ritual using some alternative religion -
> right ? If the cops interrupt YOUR ritual but not
> the Govs ... well then ... you've got all the ammo
> you need to keep the courts tied in knots for the
> next decade at least ! :)