Ghouliani Continues to Evade Questions about Knowledge of Kerik-Gate


Harry Hope


As NYC Mayor, Rudy Promoted Mob-Linked Friend Despite His Ethical

Despite evidence showing that Rudy Giuliani knew about Bernard Kerik's
ethical problems and still promoted his once-close friend throughout
his career, Rudy astonishingly continues to claim ignorance.

As Kerik prepares to surrender to federal authorities tomorrow for tax
fraud, corruption and conspiracy charges, Giuliani has yet to explain
why he shepherded Kerik's career while an ethical cloud hung over his

While Bernard Kerik was New York City's Corrections Department
Commissioner appointed by Giuliani, he accepted $165,000 in gifts from
an allegedly mob-linked construction firm. Giuliani has not disputed
evidence presented to a grand jury that he was briefed on Bernard
Kerik's relationship with that company before Kerik's appointment as
New York City police commissioner. [New York Times, 3/30/07, 7/10/06;
Newsday, 12/18/04]

Rudy Giuliani personally called President Bush and recommended former
New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to be Homeland
Security chief.

According to the Washington Post, even as the nomination broke down
amidst massive ethical questions," Giuliani advised Kerik through the
political storm."

"Rudy Giuliani's tough-on-crime mantra is laughable given that he
promoted Bernard Kerik throughout his career while knowing about his
ethical problems," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney.

"If Rudy really had no knowledge of Kerik's mob ties, then he is
admitting to a level of incompetence that surely will worry voters.

Voters are going to question Rudy Giuliani's judgment given his long
time support for a man who is being investigated for mob ties."

BASICS OF THE INDICTMENT: Corruption, Conspiracy, Lying During DHS

Charges being deliberated by the federal grand jury "include tax
fraud, corruption and conspiracy" [New York Times, 11/8/07]

-- Mob Ties. "Some of the tax and corruption charges expected to be
considered today by the federal panel stem from the renovations and
Mr. Kerik's relationship with Interstate, including his efforts to
lobby for the license on behalf of the company, which had hired his
brother and a close friend, the people briefed on the case said." [New
York Times, 11/8/07]

-- Lying During DHS Nomination. "The charges are expected to include a
count that accuses Mr. Kerik of having lied on his application to
serve as Homeland Security chief," [New York Times, 11/8/07]


How Exactly Did Rudy's Small Firm Assist With Kerik Papers At Issue In
Felony Probe?

With the nomination, "Giuliani's firm assisted in filling out the
forms, according to a source familiar with the situation, and the
papers are now an issue in the federal criminal investigation."
Since Giuliani Partners is a small operation staffed almost
exclusively by long-time Giuliani advisors, will any of them be
implicated? [Washington Post, 4/8/07]

What Did Rudy Know And When Did He Know It?

Still unclear is exactly what Giuliani knew about Kerik's long-time
troubles, while he appointed him to be Corrections Commissioner,
Police Commissioner, and then pushed him to be Secretary of Homeland
Security, even as evidence of his problematic ties mounted.

-- A Denial?

At first he denied he knew about the mob ties when he nominated Kerik
to head the NYPD in 2000.

-- Then A Memory Lapse?

More recently, Giuliani changed his story, not disputing evidence that
he had been briefed on some questions, but saying he doesn't remember
it either.

According to The New York Times, Giuliani was briefed by the city's
top investigator, who "knew that Mr. Kerik had intervened on behalf of
a firm suspected of mob ties and that the commissioner's brother and
best friend worked for the company." [New York Times, 11/3/07]

Why Did Giuliani Gut City's Department Of Investigation?

The city Department of Investigation oversaw Kerik's "background

"The agency is designed to be semi-independent, but Mr. Giuliani had
torn down that wall, senior investigators said, appointing friends
like Mr. Kuriansky as commissioner and having them attend his morning
meetings." [New York Times, 11/3/07]

DON'T FORGET: Giuliani Defended Kerik

Giuliani Knew Of Many Problems When Pushed Him For DHS, Advised Him
Through Storm.

The New York Times explained that "by the time Mr. Giuliani
recommended him for the federal job, his administration knew that Mr.
Kerik had acted on behalf of Interstate Industrial.

It also knew that he had drawn criticism for a range of other
incidents, from sending detectives to search for his lover's cellphone
to using officers to research his autobiography."

The Washington Post wrote that even as the nomination broke down
amidst massive ethical questions, "Giuliani advised Kerik through the
political storm." [New York Times, 11/3/07; Washington Post, 4/8/07]

DON'T FORGET: Kerik Has Long History Of Problems:

-- 2006: Pled Guilty To Ethics Violations.

In 2006, Kerik pled guilty in Bronx Supreme Court on two misdemeanor
charges -- failing to report a loan and accepting $165,000 in
apartment renovations as a gift. [New York Times, 7/1/06]

-- 2002: Fine From Ethics Board.

In 2002, Kerik was fined $2500 by the New York City Conflicts of
Interest Board for using city police officers to research his
autobiography, in direct violation of conditions the board had
laid out for him. [Associated Press, 2/28/02]

-- 2002: Kerik Wasted Reconstruction Funds In Iraq.

After he and Rudy left office in 2002, Kerik was sent to Iraq by the
Bush administration to help train Iraqi police, while he was
affiliated with Giuliani through their joint security firm "Kerik's
tenure in Iraq generated strong criticism of his management.
Iraqi officials complained to U.S. authorities about $1.2 billion
Kerik spent to train Iraqi police officers in Jordan, spending they
called wasteful. Iraqis also questioned why Kerik spent tens
of millions of dollars to buy weapons for Iraqi trainees when the U.S.
military had confiscated plenty of such weapons after the invasion."
[Washington Post, 3/31/07; 4/8/07]

-- 2001: Kerik Used Apartment For 911 Rescue Workers For Extramarital

"Three years later, after his federal nomination was withdrawn, it
was discovered that he had used an apartment originally set aside for
weary rescue workers at ground zero as a nest for an extramarital
affair with Ms. Regan." [New York Times, 11/3/07]

-- 2000: Kerik Mob Ties Long An Issue.

Kerik's ties to Lawrence Ray and New Jersey's Interstate Industrial
Corporation are a long-running issue. The firm had hired Kerik's best
man, Lawrence Ray, as well as his brother Donald, and Kerik admitted
lobbying for the company as it sought a city license, which had been
refused because of the firm's ties to organized crime. Kerik pled
guilty in 2006 to allowing to the company to do $165,000 in free
renovations on his Bronx apartment in 1999 and 2000. The two brothers
- Frank and Peter DiTommaso - who run the company have been
indicted in the Bronx for lying under oath about their dealings with
Kerik. Some aspects of Kerik's ties have been known since 2000. [New
York Times, 3/30/07, 7/20/06; Washington Post, 4/8/07]

-- 1997-2000: As Corrections Commissioner, Questionable Judgment.

"Behind the scenes Mr. Kerik ruled like a feudal lord, many former
employees have said. He had taken up with a woman who was a correction
officer; he was accused of directing officers to staff his wedding.

He befriended the agency's inspector general, whose watchdog
responsibilities require keeping an arm's-length relationship, and the
investigator attended his wedding.

As the years passed, one of his top deputies was convicted of taking
$142,000 from a Correction Department charity that Mr. Kerik headed.

Another deputy, Anthony S. Serra, became a warden at Rikers Island
even after he was accused of coercing officers to work on Republican
campaigns. He was later convicted of forcing staff members to do
campaign work and dispatching officers to renovate his
upstate home." [New York Times, 11/3/07]


Hey, Rudy, put your dress on and repeat after

Chandra Levy Saves GW Bush

Chandra Levy's body turns up just in time to distract the entire US
media from questions about what the Bush administration knew before
9/11. Her body miraculously appears in a wooded area that was
thoroughly searched by police officials after her disappearance. It's
"discovered" just in time to bounce all questions about Bush right out
of the news. Will we get to hear more about the man who was, "looking
for turtles" and found her? I doubt it.

The right's responses to questions about the Bush administration and
9/11 have been classic examples of obfuscation. They range from blame
it all on Clinton to grim warnings that daring to even ask such
questions are tantamount to being a terrorist oneself. The real issue
is not, "what did semi-literate dimwit GW Bush know before 9/11" but
what did Bush administration officials - Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft et al
- know.

The London Explosions + Giuliani + more...
by brad Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 12:12 AM

First is a piece from Tarply, but after reading, there is more
about connections with Giuliani, some companies, and "terror drill
excersices", happening on 7/7 ! this is just a bit TOO reminiscent of
the wargames happening the same day as 9/11 !!! Now, read on...


By Webster G. Tarpley

Washington DC, July 11 - Last week's London explosions carry the
characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic
terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence
services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police
Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive
war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive
attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included.
With the London attacks, the Anglo-American invisible government adds
another horrendous crime to its own dossier. But this time, their
operations appear imperfect, especially in regard to the lack (so far)
of a credible patsy group which, by virtue of its ethnicity, could
direct popular anger against one of the invisible government's
targets. So far, the entire attribution of the London crimes depends
on what amounts to an anonymous posting in an obscure, hitherto
unknown, secular Arabic-language chatrooms in the state of Maryland,
USA. But, based on this wretched shred of pseudo-evidence, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair - who has surely heard of a group called the
Irish Republican Army, which bombed London for more than a decade -
has not hesitated to ascribe the murders to "Islam," and seems to be
flirting with total martial law under the Civil Contingencies Act. We
are reminded once again of how he earned his nickname of Tony Bliar.


That the British Government knew in advance that blasts would occur is
not open to rational doubt. Within hours of the explosions, Israeli
Army Radio was reporting that "Scotland Yard [London police
headquarters] had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time
before they occurred." This report, repeated by, added
that "the Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting
in Foreign Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room
rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the
first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to
address an economic summit." This report is attributed to "unconfirmed
reliable sources." At around the same time, the Associated Press
issued a wire asserting that "British police told the Israeli Embassy
in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received
warnings of possible terror attacks in the city," according to "a
senior Israeli official." This wire specifies that "just before the
blasts, Scotland Yard called the security officer at the Israeli
Embassy to say that they had received warnings of possible attacks...."

According to eyewitness reports from London, BBC claimed between 8:45
and some minutes after 10 AM that the incidents in the Underground
were the result of an electrical power surge, or alternatively of a
collision. Foreign bigwigs, presumably not just Netanyahu, were
warned, while London working people continued to stream into the
subway. These reports have been denied, repudiated, sanitized, and
expunged from news media websites by the modern Orwellian Thought
Police, but they have been archived by analysts who learned on 9/11
and other occasions that key evidence in state-sponsored terror crimes
tends to filter out during the first minutes and hours, during the
critical interval when the controlled media are assimilating the cover
story peddled by complicit moles within the ministries. These reports
are not at all damaging to Israel, but are devastating for British
domestic security organs. An alternative version peddled by, namely that the Israelis warned Scotland Yard, is most
probably spurious but still leaves the British authorities on the
hook. Which Scotland Yard official made the calls? Identify that
official, and you have bagged a real live rogue network mole.

Another more general element of foreknowledge can be seen in the fact
reported by Isikoff and Hosenball of Newsweek that, since about
November 2004, the US FBI, but not other US agencies, has been
refusing to use the London Underground.

Operations like these are generally conduited through the government
bureaucracies under the cover of a drill or exercise which closely
resembles the terror operation itself. So it was with Amalgam Virgo
and the multiple exercises held on 9/11, as I show in my 9/11
Synthetic Terror - Made in USA (Joshua Tree CA: Progressive Press,
2005). So it was with the Hinckley attempt to assassinate Ronald
Reagan, when a presidential succession exercise was scheduled for the
next day, as I showed in my George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
(1992; reprint by Progressive Press, 2004). An uncannily similar
maneuver allows the necessary work to be done on official computers
and on company time, while warding off the inquisitive glances and
questions of curious co-workers at adjoining computer consoles.


Such a parallel drill was not lacking in the London case. On the
evening of July 7, BBC Five, a news and sports radio program, carried
an interview with a certain former Scotland Yard official named Peter
Power who related that his firm, Visor Consulting, had been doing an
anti-terror-bombing drill in precisely the Underground stations and at
the precise times when the real explosions went off. Peter Power and
Visor had been subcontractors for the drill; Power declined to name
the prime contractors. Small wonder that Blair, in his first official
report to the Commons on July 11, went out of his way to rule out a
board of inquiry to probe these tragic events.

Tony Blair may be eyeing the advantages of emergency rule for a
discredited lame duck like himself, but the British people may have a
different view. The alternative is clear: on the one hand is the
American response after 9/11, marked by submissive and credulous
gullibility in regard to the fantastic official story of what had
happened. On the other hand is the militant and intelligent Spanish
response after March 11, 2004, marked by powerful mass mobilization
and righteous anger against politicians who sought to manipulate the
people and sell a distorted account of events. Which way will the
British people go? Straws in the wind suggest that the British
response may be closer to the Spanish, although it may develop more
slowly because of the lack of mass organization and related factors.
If this is the case, Tony Blair, Jack Straw, and the rest of the
malodorous "New Labor" crypto-Thatcherites will be out the window.

My thesis is that the London explosions represent a form of
communication on the past of the transatlantic Anglo-American
financier faction with Bush, Blair, and the heads of state and
government assembled at Gleneagles, Scotland for the G-8 meeting on
the day of the blast. The London deaths were designed to deliver an
ultimatum in favor of early war with Iran. Here a word of
clarification may be necessary. The demonization of Bush by his many
enemies, while understandable, risks blurring the basic realities of
power in the US and UK. Since the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy
assassination (to go back no further than that), we have been aware of
a secret team. During the Iran-contra era, the same phenomenon was
referred to as an invisible, secret or parallel government. This is
still the matrix of most large-scale terrorism. The questions arises
for some: do Bush and Cheney tell the invisible government what to do,
or does the invisible government treat the visible office holders as
puppets and expendable assets? To ask the question is to answer it:
Bush, Cheney & Co. are the expendable puppets. The explanation of
terror is not Bush MIHOP, as some seem to argue, but rather invisible
government MIHOP, an altogether more dire proposition.

How then does the invisible faction communicate with the public
mouthpieces? Given the violence of the power relations involved, we
can be sure that it is not a matter of sending out engraved
invitations announcing that the honor of Bush's presence is requested
at the launching of an attack on Iran. Rather, the invisible and
violent rogue network communicates with Bush, Blair, and others by
means coherent with their aggressive nature - as they did on 9/11.
Bush, of course, is a weak and passive tenant of the White House whose
instinct is to do virtually nothing beyond the day-to-day routine.

We therefore need to note that the London blasts come after two months
of vigorous and impatient prodding of Bush by the invisible
government. On May 11, a small plane almost reached the White House
before it was turned away, while the Congress, the Supreme Court, and
the White House (but not the Pentagon, the Treasury, etc.) were
evacuated amid scenes of panic. The White House went to red alert, but
Bush was not informed until it was all over, and was riding his
bicycle in the woods near Greenbelt, Maryland. Flares were dropped
over the Brookland district and Takoma Park, MD. The resemblance of
all this to a classic coup scenario was evident. On May 18, a live
hand grenade, which turned out to be a dud, landed near Bush as he
spoke at a rally in Tbilisi, Georgia.

On June 29, the approach of another small plane led to an evacuation
of the Congress and the Capitol, again with scenes of panic. On the
afternoon of July 2, no fewer than three small planes came close to
Bush's Camp David retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland; this
story was suspiciously relegated to the local news page of the
Washington Post. The details of these incidents are of little
interest; what counts is the objective reality of a pattern. These
incidents also provide background for Bush's unbalanced behavior on
July 5 at Gleneagles, when he crashed into a policeman while riding on
his bicycle. Then came the London blasts on July 7.

What is it that the invisible government wants Bush and Blair to do?
Scott Ritter announced last January that Bush had issued an order to
prepare an attack on Iran for the month of June. According to a well-
informed retired CIA analyst I spoke with on July 3, this order
actually told US commanders to be ready to attack Iran by the end of
June. This project of war with Iran is coherent with most of what we
know about the intentions of the US-UK rogue faction, and thus
provides the immediate background for the London explosions. The Bush
administration and the Blair cabinet have failed to deliver decisive
military action, and the invisible government is exceedingly

One way to increase the pressure on Iran would be to implicate a group
of Iranian fanatic patsies in the London bombings. This would not be
difficult; in fact, as I show in 9/11 Synthetic Terror, the British
capital, referred to during the 1990s as Londonistan, is home to the
largest concentration of Arab and Islamic patsy groups in the entire
world in such infamous locations as Finsbury mosque and Brixton
mosque; these groups are known to have enjoyed de facto recruiting
privileges in Her Majesty's Prisons. But perhaps an Iranian patsy
group would be too obvious at this time. More likely may be the
sinking of a US warship in the Gulf by a third country, duly
attributed to Iran.

In a recent speech, Dr. Ephraim Asculai of Tel Aviv University made
two main points: first, that there is no military solution to the
Iranian nuclear issue, and second, that there is no such thing as a
point of no return in nuclear weapons development. Dr. Asculai showed
that South Africa, Sweden, and other nations had turned away from
deploying A-bombs well after having acquired the ability to produce
them. Dr. Asculai is evidently arguing against widespread tendencies
in the US-UK-Israeli strategic community who are whipping up hysteria
around the notion that Iran is now indeed approaching exactly such a
point of no return.

For her part, Miss Rice of the State Department has now declared that
it will no longer be sufficient for Iran to turn away from nuclear
weapons production; the entire Iranian program for nuclear energy
production will also have to be dismantled, in her view. Such
maximalism makes a negotiated solution impossible as long as the
current Washington group holds power.


The US, UK and Israel have been on the brink of war with Iran for at
least a year, and the rogue network is generally aware that time is
not on its side. There is also an important new development which
threatens the ability of the Anglo-Americans to wage war. On July 5,
the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which
brings together China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Krygyzia, Kazakhstan, and
Tajikistan plus new members India, Pakistan, and Iran, issued a call
for the United States to vacate the bases seized in the autumn of 2001
under the cover of the 9/11 emergency and the looming invasion of
Afghanistan. The parties to this call represent about half of the
world's population. This demand was immediately rejected by the State
Department, but veteran Russian Eurasian expert Yevgeny Primakov
crowed that for the first time a formula had been agreed to by which
the US would be ejected from this region. The US presence goes back to
the Bush-Putin emergency hotwire talks of September 11, 2001, when
Putin, seeing that the madmen had seized control in Washington,
dropped Russian objections to a US intrusion into the former Soviet
republics of central Asia. The US-UK can attack Iran from Iraq in the
west, from Afghanistan in the east, and from Qatar in the south, but
without the Uzbek and Kyrgyz bases, the Anglo-American ability to
attack from the north as well will be severely limited. The SCO states
are also concerned about US-backed "color revolutions" on the recent
Georgian and Ukrainian models, traditionally known as CIA "people
power" revolutions, being used to destabilize their governments. To
make matters worse for Washington and London, Kazakhstan is a few
months away from opening an oil pipeline to China, which will diminish
the US-UK ability to use their Gulf presence to blackmail Beijing.
Washington and London are also dismayed by the pro-Iranian overtures
in various fields being made by their Shiite puppets in Baghdad.

And what of the report in the Washington Post of July 11, which claims
that US and UK planners are now contemplating a sharp reduction in the
US forces in Iraq? The most plausible explanation is that this is pure
disinformation, similar to news blips issued by both Hitler and Stalin
in May and June of 1941. It should also be noted that the British plan
explicitly provides for most of the forces now at Basra to go to
Afghanistan, where they would be positioned for operations against
Iran, or into central Asia.

Generally, the invisible government appears dismayed by its loss of
momentum and the constant erosion of the political position of its
asset, Bush. 110,000 US factory workers lost their jobs in June, the
worst total in a year and a half: auto and textiles are collapsing.
The housing bubble may also be nearing its end, with the bankruptcy of
Fannie Mae on the near-term agenda. World derivatives have officially
reached $300 trillion, with JP Morgan Chase holding the largest single
portfolio. The one virtuoso performance of July 7 was that of the
Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and European Central Bank, which
flooded equity and capital markets with liquidity through such
vehicles as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT), turning a big Wall
Street loss into a small gain.

During the recent Reopen 9/11 tour of 8 European cities, Jimmy Walter
repeatedly forecast that the general predicament of the Bush regime
and the US financier faction would lead to another large-scale terror
attack before the end of 2005; this has now occurred, and there is no
end in sight. The tide of US public opinion has now definitively
turned against the Iraq war and to some degree against Bush, as all
major polls demonstrate. Notable is the 42% affirmative response to
the Zogby International question as to whether, if it could be proved
that Bush lied to launch the Iraq war, he should be impeached. Larry
Franklin of the Wolfowitz-Feith neocon apparatus has been indicted for
divulging US secrets, and the American-Israeli Public Affairs Council
has been raided twice; further indictments are expected. Karl Rove has
now been revealed as the source of the Valerie Plame leak, making Rove
and perhaps other White House officials fair game for federal
indictment. The Niger yellowcake forgeries and the Chalabi state
secrets cases are still pending - to say nothing of two stolen
elections and the 9/11 Septembergate itself. All these factors incline
the rogue network to seek an improvement in their situation through a
flight forward to a wider war in Iran. Those who stand to lose most by
such an Iranian adventure must now mobilize to make Mr. Bush's second
term as eventful as Nixon's second term turned out to be in 1974.


On 7/7 Rudy Giuliani was in London nearby the attacks, coming from
Yorkshire, 200 miles away.
His reason for a visit in London is not established yet.

According to a BBC5 report, the consultancy agency Visor Consultants
with government and police connections was running an exercise for an
unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being
bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life
on the morning of July 7th.


Original BBC link (to be open in REAL PLAYER):

There are some claims, that Rudy Giuliani had "past associations" with
Power Visor Consultants. I couldn't establish these links yet, however
Peter Power might know Richard Sheirer, Giuliani & Partners, because
both met on older and forthcoming "world conference of disaster
management", as already mentioned in another thread.

Sheirer was former Commissioner of New York City's Mayor's Office of
Emergency Management (OEM), which drilled "building collapses" and
"plane crashes" prior 9/11, as confirmed by Bernhard Kerik at a May
2004 testimony for the 9/11 panel.

Peter Power
Managing Director, Visor Consultants
United Kingdom

Peter Ryan
Principal Security Advisor, Athens 2004 Olympics

Richard Sheirer
Senior Vice President, Giuliani & Partners
United States

Here's another ITV video mirror link, with Peter Power (Visor)
admitting, live on TV, that they were running terror-bombing exercises
ALMOST EXACTLY like what happenened, at the same time:

Direct link (open in Windows Media):

Blair rules out bomb inquiry
By Jamie Lyons in London

BRITISH Prime Minister Tony Blair today will dismiss calls for an
inquiry into the London terror attacks...
....The Prime Minister is also expected to chair a meeting of Cobra,
the civil contingencies committee..."

One possible related 7/7 test drill (incl. Ray Kelly) had same name:
COBRA (see link above)

The name of committee stands for
Cabinet Office Briefing Room A.K.A. COBRA

The Head of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat is Bruce Mann. He was
previously with the Ministry of Defence as Director General Financial
Management. Prior to that he served as Director of the MoD's Defence
Resources and Plans; he was seconded to NATO headquarters for the
Kosovo crisis; and he has been the Director of MoD Defence policy. He
was also the Secretary to the Butler Committee...

.... The Civil Contingencies Bill became an Act of Parliament on 18
November, 2004. The text of the Civil Contingencies Act:

In one article, i learned that "Interxion" runs the main "hub center"
for most of the "London Congestion Charge CCTV" program, conducted
since february 2003

"...The scheme relies on about 700 CCTV cameras covering around 203
entrances/exits to the 21 square kilometre central zone. Each lane of
traffic either entering or leaving the boundary of the zone is covered
by a monochrome camera linked to a Automatic Number Plate Recgonition
system. Each entry/exit road has at least one colour CCTV camera which
streams real time pictures back to the central "Hubsite"..."

Since its its foundation in 1998 in netherlands, "the company has
raised more than 300 million from major international investors,
including Baker Capital, Residex, Bear Stearns, BNP Paribas, Goldman
Sachs, CSFB, and Morgan Stanley..."

CEO is Michel Boussard, who came from IBM
Anthony Foy, Group Managing Director, worked at Broadbase Software
(now Kana Software)
".... KANA partners include Accenture, Aspect, BEA Systems,
Broadvision, Cisco, CSC, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, BearingPoint,
Microsoft, Remedy and Sun Microsystems...."

Detonation device
says that "A remote-controlled detonation would require electronic
communication and is less likely ... Mobile phones could not be used
as a trigger on trains in tunnels, where there is no reception. ...
[But] the use of a timer would have increased the chances of a bomb
being discovered prior to detonation ..."

It's true that an unattended bag in a tube carriage would be noticed.
And tube carriages don't allow you to shove a bag under the seat.
Still, in a packed carriage, a bag on the floor might not be noticed
as not belonging to anyone present. And if the timer had a short fuse,
maybe 1 minute, then the bomber could exit the carriage just before
the doors closed, with the explosion occurring soon after...

Berkeley "non-explosion" link?
July 7, 2005

"...Nontoxic "tracer gases" were released into the
[NYC]terminal between June 26-30, as scientists from four
national laboratories observed, including physicists
from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in

Cell Phones, magic
Sun Jul 10 2005

"...Jamie Gordon, may have been on the bus destroyed in Tavistock
Yvonne said the last that had been heard of her boyfriend was at
9.42am when he phoned his office to say that he was on a bus from
Euston to King's Cross.
Mr Gordon's work colleagues have said his mobile phone has been found
among the debris of the bus explosion..."

Firefighters NOT at 'explosion' scenes
"...a small group of dust-covered firefighters took a break from the
devastation below.
They are on standby in case of a collapse in the tunnel...
One firefighter, who asked not to be named, said: "There is no rescue
operation any more. It is purely body recovery."

Giuliani in London,6903,1525446,00.html
"...Former Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, was only yards away
from the first explosion and memories of 9/11 quickly came to mind.

'They are a very eerie reminder of 11 September. I was right near
Liverpool Street station when the first bombing took place, so I could
hear the sirens and then kept hearing reports of different bombing, in
different parts of the city..."
"...Giuliani...was staying at a hotel near Liverpool Street

Investigative Sources:

London Buses, Maps

IRA Comparison

Mastermind "patsie" arrested in November 2001
July 10, 2005

....Mustafa Setmarian Nasar, a Syrian who was the
alleged mastermind behind last year's Madrid train
bombings, has emerged as a key suspect in the London
attack, British sources told The Sunday Times of

September 2004
....Mustafa Setmarian Nasar, a Syrian who lived in
Granada and was head of the al-Qaeda cell in Spain,
was arrested in November 2001...

Netanyahu contradiction
Israel not warned about blasts - foreign minister
Spinning Netanyahu's London Terror Tip-off,8542,1523131,00.html

Inconsistencies (analysed by Peter Meyer)
"...24 is a pic of
"The bloodstained walls of the British Medical Association in
Tavistock Square, which bore the brunt of a bomb that ripped apart a
double-decker bus."

13 is a pic with caption:
2A video grab from ITN shows the wreckage of a London bus after an
onboard explosion in Tavistock Square."

But 13 seems to show a bus (wrecked) which is not close to any


Plotspeak for first official timeline (later altered)

"Prior Knowledge" aka limited hangout

British Police had Received Advanced Warnings of Terrorist Attack

FBI had 'prior knowledge'

"...fears of terror attacks have prompted FBI agents based in the
U.S. Embassy in London to avoid traveling on London's popular
underground railway (or tube) system...
FBI agents have been known to turn up late to cross-town meetings
because they insist on using taxis in London's traffic-choked business

Quinetic ties

Qinetiq, a porton down sub contarctor, and the government's former
research agency, "will begin creating computer simulations to show the
precise location of where the bombs were planted and direction of the

QinetiQ, (pronounced ki' ne tik as in 'kinetic
energy') was formed in July 2001 from the larger
part of DERA (Defence Evaluation and Research Agency)
as the first phase of forming a Public Private
Partnership (PPP). It incorporates the bulk of the
MOD's non-nuclear research, technology and test and
evaluation establishments in its heritage...

'suspects', bogus
"MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the
message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim
of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it
That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said."
"...About 30 al Qaeda fighters and sympathisers have been identified
by counter-terrorism officers as the most likely suspects behind the
London bombings, The Independent has learnt...
....Another suspect is Mohammed al Gerbouzi, a Moroccan, who is wanted
for questioning in connection with attacks in Casablanca and

Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade claims responsibility for London blast

NOTE: The credibility of Abu Hafs Brigade lacks, since they also
claimed responsibility for the U.S. norteastern power outage in Summer
2003, an assassination plot on Silvio Berlusconi and the the western
wildfires in 2003

'suspects', british

"...A former London police chief, meanwhile, said the bombers were
"almost certainly" British subjects, though investigators did not
endorse the theory....said John Stevens, who headed London's
Metropolitan Police for five years until retiring in January..."

3 suspects in London probe freed without charge

Tavistock Symbolism
"...The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. Author and
de-programmer Fritz Springmeier (The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines )
says that most people have built in "slides" that short circuit the
mind's critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive
topics. "Slides", Springmeier reports, is a CIA term for a conditioned
type of response which dead ends a person's thinking and terminates
debate or examination of the topic. For example, the mention of the
word "conspiracy" usually solicits a slide response with many

Underground Train numbers

204, 216, 311
08:50 Three bombs in the London Underground explode
within fifty seconds of each other

One bomb explodes on a Circle Line sub-surface
underground train number 204 eastbound between
Liverpool Street and Aldgate. The explosion took place
100 yards into the tunnel on the third carriage of the

A second bomb explodes on the second carriage of
a Circle Line sub-surface underground train number 216
westbound at Edgware Road. The explosion on the train
destroys a wall separating two tunnels causing the
wall to collapse onto a train on an adjoining

A third bomb explodes on a Piccadilly Line
deep-level underground train number 311 southbound
between King's Cross St. Pancras and Russell Square.
The explosion took place on the first carriage of the
train by the first set of double doors, causing severe
damage to the surrounding tunnel as well.

Visor Clients
.....Their clients in London have included JP Morgan
Chase, ING, Mellon, Lloyds TSB, Morley Fund
Management, Bank of New York, Arcadia Group, FCO and
Universal Music.

Video Sources

Cell Phone video, tube

"Witness" oddity reports

Richard Jones
Friday, 8 July, 2005, 10:14 GMT 11:14 UK

"...Richard Jones, from Binfield, near Bracknell, Berks,
had got off a bus just before it was blown up in
Tavistock Square on Thursday.
Mr Jones, 61, an IT consultant, has told BBC News he
saw a man acting suspiciously on the bus.
He said the man was fiddling with something in his bag
and seemed in an agitated state..."

Analysis by David Gordon West (UK, China):

Mr Jones, who was forced to take the bus from
Euston after Tube services were suspended,

2 - 9.33am: Passengers told that all underground train
services are being suspended because of a power fault
across the network.

3 -'I heard the bus bomb go off and shuddered - I knew
something terrible had happened'

'The building shook and we heard a muffled thump at
So, how could Mr Jones be forced to take a bus, AFTER
tube services were suspended.

The bus blew up at 8.50am
The tube services were suspended at 9.33am
We have another bullshit witness!!..."

Adam Stacey

Analysis by Ron Wynn:
"...Stacey's photograph of a frightened commuter, shot inside the
crippled London Underground."
The picture is of Adam Stacy himself taken by his pal, Eliot.

What isn't a small point is the fact that after leaving Kings Cross he
reports that the station lights flickered and as he says it was
"thought strange".
Another odditity is that there is no mention of fire. Fight fighters
galore but no stories about fighting fires. Just bangs, white & yellow
light and smoke, lots of smoke. Come to think of it perhaps there was
no combustable material..."

Jamie Gordon

Analysis by David West:
"...Jamie Gordon, who is thought to have been on the bus,
called his office at 9.42.
But the bus was heard to explode at 8.50..."

Trent Morgan

The reason he was being interviewed is because he just happens to have
been at the bali bombing as well


see also:
The London Bombings (by Peter Meier)

False Flag over London (by John Leonard)

London Bombings - An Inside Job (by Steve Watson)
[ Edited Mon Jul 11 2005, 04:35AM ]

Update: UK Metro line run by Bechtel
( thx to finding by Cpt. Wardrobe)


Mon Jul 11, 2005 8:16 AM BST

"...Tube Lines is a joint venture between specialist public services
provider Amey and U.S. private industrial firm Bechtel ... instead
of ... Tube Lines is a three-way joint venture between specialist
public services provider Amey, U.S. private industrial firm Bechtel
and facilities management firm Jarvis...
(corrects to show Jarvis is no longer a co-owner)....

....Metronet operates about two thirds of the capital city's
underground train lines, and Tube Lines the remainder...

....Tube Lines is a joint venture between specialist public services
provider Amey and U.S. privately held industrial firm Bechtel. The
group has a 30-year public/private partnership (PPP) contract to 2032
to operate the Northern, Jubilee and Piccadilly lines...

....Metronet is a consortium of Bombardier Transport, Balfour Beatty,
Thames Water, Seeboard and WS Atkins.

It operates the Bakerloo, Central, Circle, District, East London,
Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Victoria and Waterloo & City

Richard Sheirer's name (Giuliani + Partners) removed from Disaster
event with Peter Power (Visor)

You can still see him in a cache:

original link:
(also not available in

....UPDATES continue at


On Nov 8, 4:13 pm, Harry Hope <> wrote:
> As NYC Mayor, Rudy Promoted Mob-Linked Friend Despite His Ethical
> Problems
> Despite evidence showing that Rudy Giuliani knew about Bernard Kerik's
> ethical problems and still promoted his once-close friend throughout
> his career, Rudy astonishingly continues to claim ignorance.
> As Kerik prepares to surrender to federal authorities tomorrow for tax
> fraud, corruption and conspiracy charges, Giuliani has yet to explain
> why he shepherded Kerik's career while an ethical cloud hung over his
> head.
> While Bernard Kerik was New York City's Corrections Department
> Commissioner appointed by Giuliani, he accepted $165,000 in gifts from
> an allegedly mob-linked construction firm. Giuliani has not disputed
> evidence presented to a grand jury that he was briefed on Bernard
> Kerik's relationship with that company before Kerik's appointment as
> New York City police commissioner. [New York Times, 3/30/07, 7/10/06;
> Newsday, 12/18/04]
> Rudy Giuliani personally called President Bush and recommended former
> New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik to be Homeland
> Security chief.
> According to the Washington Post, even as the nomination broke down
> amidst massive ethical questions," Giuliani advised Kerik through the
> political storm."
> "Rudy Giuliani's tough-on-crime mantra is laughable given that he
> promoted Bernard Kerik throughout his career while knowing about his
> ethical problems," said DNC Communications Director Karen Finney.
> "If Rudy really had no knowledge of Kerik's mob ties, then he is
> admitting to a level of incompetence that surely will worry voters.
> Voters are going to question Rudy Giuliani's judgment given his long
> time support for a man who is being investigated for mob ties."
> BASICS OF THE INDICTMENT: Corruption, Conspiracy, Lying During DHS
> Nomination
> Charges being deliberated by the federal grand jury "include tax
> fraud, corruption and conspiracy" [New York Times, 11/8/07]
> -- Mob Ties. "Some of the tax and corruption charges expected to be
> considered today by the federal panel stem from the renovations and
> Mr. Kerik's relationship with Interstate, including his efforts to
> lobby for the license on behalf of the company, which had hired his
> brother and a close friend, the people briefed on the case said." [New
> York Times, 11/8/07]
> -- Lying During DHS Nomination. "The charges are expected to include a
> count that accuses Mr. Kerik of having lied on his application to
> serve as Homeland Security chief," [New York Times, 11/8/07]
> How Exactly Did Rudy's Small Firm Assist With Kerik Papers At Issue In
> Felony Probe?
> With the nomination, "Giuliani's firm assisted in filling out the
> forms, according to a source familiar with the situation, and the
> papers are now an issue in the federal criminal investigation."
> Since Giuliani Partners is a small operation staffed almost
> exclusively by long-time Giuliani advisors, will any of them be
> implicated? [Washington Post, 4/8/07]
> What Did Rudy Know And When Did He Know It?
> Still unclear is exactly what Giuliani knew about Kerik's long-time
> troubles, while he appointed him to be Corrections Commissioner,
> Police Commissioner, and then pushed him to be Secretary of Homeland
> Security, even as evidence of his problematic ties mounted.
> -- A Denial?
> At first he denied he knew about the mob ties when he nominated Kerik
> to head the NYPD in 2000.
> -- Then A Memory Lapse?
> More recently, Giuliani changed his story, not disputing evidence that
> he had been briefed on some questions, but saying he doesn't remember
> it either.
> According to The New York Times, Giuliani was briefed by the city's
> top investigator, who "knew that Mr. Kerik had intervened on behalf of
> a firm suspected of mob ties and that the commissioner's brother and
> best friend worked for the company." [New York Times, 11/3/07]
> Why Did Giuliani Gut City's Department Of Investigation?
> The city Department of Investigation oversaw Kerik's "background
> checks."
> "The agency is designed to be semi-independent, but Mr. Giuliani had
> torn down that wall, senior investigators said, appointing friends
> like Mr. Kuriansky as commissioner and having them attend his morning
> meetings." [New York Times, 11/3/07]
> DON'T FORGET: Giuliani Defended Kerik
> Giuliani Knew Of Many Problems When Pushed Him For DHS, Advised Him
> Through Storm.
> The New York Times explained that "by the time Mr. Giuliani
> recommended him for the federal job, his administration knew that Mr.
> Kerik had acted on behalf of Interstate Industrial.
> It also knew that he had drawn criticism for a range of other
> incidents, from sending detectives to search for his lover's cellphone
> to using officers to research his autobiography."
> The Washington Post wrote that even as the nomination broke down
> amidst massive ethical questions, "Giuliani advised Kerik through the
> political storm." [New York Times, 11/3/07; Washington Post, 4/8/07]
> DON'T FORGET: Kerik Has Long History Of Problems:
> -- 2006: Pled Guilty To Ethics Violations.
> In 2006, Kerik pled guilty in Bronx Supreme Court on two misdemeanor
> charges -- failing to report a loan and accepting $165,000 in
> apartment renovations as a gift. [New York Times, 7/1/06]
> -- 2002: Fine From Ethics Board.
> In 2002, Kerik was fined $2500 by the New York City Conflicts of
> Interest Board for using city police officers to research his
> autobiography, in direct violation of conditions the board had
> laid out for him. [Associated Press, 2/28/02]
> -- 2002: Kerik Wasted Reconstruction Funds In Iraq.
> After he and Rudy left office in 2002, Kerik was sent to Iraq by the
> Bush administration to help train Iraqi police, while he was
> affiliated with Giuliani through their joint security firm "Kerik's
> tenure in Iraq generated strong criticism of his management.
> Iraqi officials complained to U.S. authorities about $1.2 billion
> Kerik spent to train Iraqi police officers in Jordan, spending they
> called wasteful. Iraqis also questioned why Kerik spent tens
> of millions of dollars to buy weapons for Iraqi trainees when the U.S.
> military had confiscated plenty of such weapons after the invasion."
> [Washington Post, 3/31/07; 4/8/07]
> -- 2001: Kerik Used Apartment For 911 Rescue Workers For Extramarital
> Affair.
> "Three years later, after his federal nomination was withdrawn, it
> was discovered that he had used an apartment originally set aside for
> weary rescue workers at ground zero as a nest for an extramarital
> affair with Ms. Regan." [New York Times, 11/3/07]
> -- 2000: Kerik Mob Ties Long An Issue.
> Kerik's ties to Lawrence Ray and New Jersey's Interstate Industrial
> Corporation are a long-running issue. The firm had hired Kerik's best
> man, Lawrence Ray, as well as his brother Donald, and Kerik admitted
> lobbying for the company as it sought a city license, which had been
> refused because of the firm's ties to organized crime. Kerik pled
> guilty in 2006 to allowing to the company to do $165,000 in free
> renovations on his Bronx apartment in 1999 and 2000. The two brothers
> - Frank and Peter DiTommaso - who run the company have been
> indicted in the Bronx for lying under oath about their dealings with
> Kerik. Some aspects of Kerik's ties have been known since 2000. [New
> York Times, 3/30/07, 7/20/06; Washington Post, 4/8/07]
> -- 1997-2000: As Corrections Commissioner, Questionable Judgment.
> "Behind the scenes Mr. Kerik ruled like a feudal lord, many former
> employees have said. He had taken up with a woman who was a correction
> officer; he was accused of directing officers to staff his wedding.
> He befriended the agency's inspector general, whose watchdog
> responsibilities require keeping an arm's-length relationship, and the
> investigator attended his wedding.
> As the years passed, one of his top deputies was convicted of taking
> $142,000 from a Correction Department charity that Mr. Kerik headed.
> Another deputy, Anthony S. Serra, became a warden at Rikers Island
> even after he was accused of coercing officers to work on Republican
> campaigns. He was later convicted of forcing staff members to do
> campaign work and dispatching officers to renovate his
> upstate home." [New York Times, 11/3/07]
> _________________________________________________________
> Hey, Rudy, put your dress on and repeat after
> me...9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11..9/11...
> Harry