Ghouliani's ex SC campaign chief headed for rehab


Harry Hope


June 27, 2007

Thomas Ravenel Headed To Rehab In Arizona


Federal prosecutors said that suspended South Carolina Treasurer
Thomas Ravenel will enter a rehabilitation center that specializes in
addictive behavior.

Ravenel was indicted last week on a cocaine distribution charges.

U.S. Attorney Reggie Lloyd told The State newspaper in Columbia that
one of Ravenel's defense attorneys will file a letter in court about
Ravenel's plans later this week.

The newspaper reported that Revenel, a 44-year-old real estate
developer, plans to enter the Sierra Tucson treatment center in

The Web site for the treatment center says it specializes in treating
addictions and behavioral disorders.

On Monday, Ravenel's father, Arthur, said that his son has a drug
problem and his family has urged him to get help.

Last week, Gov. Mark Sanford appointed Ken Wingate the interim state
treasurer while things are being sorted out.

Thomas Ravenel has also stepped down as the chairman of GOP
presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's South Carolina campaign.

Arthur Ravenel, 80, said he will stay on as a regional chairman for
Giuliani's campaign.

The elder Ravenel is a former state senator and congressman who will
work in the southeastern portion of the state for Giuliani.

