Gitmo interrogators told to trash notes



SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- A military defense lawyer says the Pentagon urged interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to destroy handwritten notes in case they were called to testify about potentially harsh treatment of detainees....

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NewsBot said:
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- A military defense lawyer says the Pentagon urged interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to destroy handwritten notes in case they were called to testify about potentially harsh treatment of detainees....

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Well you would think that handwritten notes where just that. Notes that were probably preliminary thoughts, questions and allegations that might or might not have happened. You can't base these on facts. I don't think the manual really talked about reports of how long they kept someones head under water. ;)
snafu said:
Well you would think that handwritten notes where just that. Notes that were probably preliminary thoughts, questions and allegations that might or might not have happened. You can't base these on facts. I don't think the manual really talked about reports of how long they kept someones head under water. ;)

I bet they burned the fingernails they pulled off with a pliars..
wez said:
I bet they burned the fingernails they pulled off with a pliars..

Well a few finernails is a whole lot better than a few body parts that they would've blown up.