Give Full access to C:\Windows\Assembly (Win Vista)


need help


We are using Windows Server 2003 OS and Visual Studio 2005. When user trying
drag and drop .dll files in c:\windows\assembly folder we gets

"Assembly cache viewer- install failed"
Access is Denied: 'FileName.dll'.

I knew this definately a some permissions issue. i.e user need to have
permission to update the GAC...not having admin permissions!!!

How I can give more permissions to user?

I wrote a BATCH File:

icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Users":(F)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Users":(CI)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Users":(OI)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Users":(IO)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(F)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(CI)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(OI)
icacls C:\Windows\assembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(IO)

but i still get this error message...

can you help me???

need help wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Hi,
> We are using Windows Server 2003 OS and Visual Studio 2005. When user trying
> drag and drop .dll files in c:windowsassembly folder we gets
> "Assembly cache viewer- install failed"
> Access is Denied: 'FileName.dll'.
> I knew this definately a some permissions issue. i.e user need to have
> permission to update the GAC...not having admin permissions!!!
> How I can give more permissions to user?
> I wrote a BATCH File:
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Users":(F)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Users":(CI)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Users":(OI)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Users":(IO)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(F)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(CI)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(OI)
> icacls C:Windowsassembly /C /Grant "Power Users":(IO)
> but i still get this error message...
> can you help me???
> </span>

I suggest you read the thread in this NG "cannot change Program Files to
full control" and do the test to understand what is happening.

And then start reading about what else is happening in the tread with
the Program Files folder and folders within the Program File folder,
because it applies to C:\Windows and files and folders within C:\Windows.