Giving a Bad Name...


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
Outlaw2747 said:

The people in this video gives a bad name to blacks and women alike for starting this crap at a pizza shop. Old news but I thought it would be interesting to talk about. That guy is obviously *****-whipped and the stubborn bitch is just as guilty. She deserved the comment that the guy on the cell phone said. All this over a pizza...

Totally Agree with you. I also don't understand how the 6 or 7 people around that guy didn't even lift a FINGER in his defense. There was atleast 3 grown men in the line, not to mention 2 or 3 men behind the counter that EASILY could have overcome the one black guy, hell take a frying pan or something to the back of the head..especially when hes smacking the guy when he's already on the ground...I just don't understand some people..
Crazywumbat said:
Totally Agree with you. I also don't understand how the 6 or 7 people around that guy didn't even lift a FINGER in his defense. There was atleast 3 grown men in the line, not to mention 2 or 3 men behind the counter that EASILY could have overcome the one black guy, hell take a frying pan or something to the back of the head..especially when hes smacking the guy when he's already on the ground...I just don't understand some people..
Everybody in this video looks bad! The shop owners did nothing, the white patrons acted as if they didn't care, and of course the two gorillas... I wonder what the events were just prior to the video footage? How did that guy offend this woman's sensibilities so? But regardless of that, a soon as she popped off with her "White Mother****er..." monologue ,the rest of those white people in there should have converged on both of them!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Everybody in this video looks bad! The shop owners did nothing, the white patrons acted as if they didn't care, and of course the two gorillas... I wonder what the events were just prior to the video footage? How did that guy offend this woman's sensibilities so? But regardless of that, a soon as she popped off with her "White Mother****er..." monologue ,the rest of those white people in there should have converged on both of them!

What ***** ass city did this happen in. And after it all they acted like nothing happen. I guess maybe I'm to quick to come to somebody's defence. In the bar days that got me into more than one fight.

One time at the bar(haha) some dude grabbed his woman by the hair and pulled her over the pool table. He was ready to go and she was still talking to a friend, so he grabbed her by the hair. I was at the other end of the bar, by the time i got there there was a line up to kick his ass.
I have to deal with these walking sterotypes almost every friday/saturday night. Its really sick how pathetically stubbron, rude and astonishingly self-centered they are. Just these 4 fat black women trolling the clubs who come into my store and parade around their idioticy. They really disgusting examples of humanity who simply huddle into their own little box and kill eachother off with their "I dun think so!"(s) and "Ummm, s'cuse me?"(s) (usually followed my "I dun think so")

Its awful sad that our sterotypes are base on the squeekiest wheel insted of the greesiest wheels (Outlaw you greesy ****! :) )
I won't stereotype this incident but I would have slammed that ****** so Goddamned forceful in his snotlocker that his ****ing unborn chimps would come out of their ho' mama crosseyed:mad:
I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If that were me in that situation, I would've dropped that fat baboon like a sack of bricks.

Both of them.
Me bein a girl and all would have had my gun out when the bitch with the braid got all up in my face...If you get that close to me that I can feel your body heat and your yellin in my face...the next thing is your going to try and harm my physically.
Does anyone agree that the whites in this video look just as bad (if not worse) than the blacks for being so complacent about the whole incident?
wouldn't say worse, but definatly idiots. I'd be happy if somebody just crashed through the wall and took them all out..
It's not a black or white issue. It's assholes that think they can push people around. That's what my Volvo tire checker is for (small aluminum bat). :D
My 45 would've been excessive force.
Totally unnecessary. I notice this alot. Always some stupid bitch causing trouble and some dim-witted simian of a boyfriend just pops in to the "rescue". I am the type that if my girl was in the wrong, then that's her damn fault. I am not gouing to go around and beat the **** out of people who barely did anything. Independant woman MY ASS.

As for the others, some of those people aren't fighters, and some would rather mind their own business but I definitely agree, they should have done SOMETHING to those insidious butt ****ing primates. That could have been THEM.
Yes I agree. That guy could have killed the other guy while ever body stood around and watched. That is defiantly a sad state of affair.

If someone is sticking a gun in another's face while I'm around they just might get shot!
In that case he would've gotten the old bat upside the head.
I don't see it as being related to race either. I just think that woman was a bitch for
A- yelling at this guy for NO reason and
B- ordering her boyfriend to beat him up.
I would never, in my life, order a man to beat someone up for me. I would either do my own work or ignore him, unless he was beating me up, then I'd turn to the guy I'm with and say, "um, a litle help here?"
I have to agree with just about everthing thats been written here. But lets be honest- would you want a fist fight with that big gorilla ? I'd have just tried to get between them.

Lets face it the gorilla could probably kill with just one punch. So the guy is walking around with deadly weapons (his fists)and legally its ok for him to do that. I think it would have been fair to shoot the guy. He started it for no reason.

What would have happened in court if the white guy had shot the ******? In the UK the white guy would have gone to jail for it for many years. But if the ****** killed the white guy with blows, he would have gotten 2 years suspended, or maybe a year in jail. It so unfair in the UK. You guys can kill burglars. We get big jail time for it.
Outlaw2747 said:
Is it just me or does it look like he took that guys cell phone when he left? Maybe I’m seeing things.

Crazywumbat said:
I also don't understand how the 6 or 7 people around that guy didn't even lift a FINGER in his defense....I just don't understand some people..
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Does anyone agree that the whites in this video look just as bad (if not worse) than the blacks for being so complacent about the whole incident?
Unfortunately, the laws are screwed up and those who jumped in would be considered guilty as well, especially if the black man would have gotten hurt. Hollywood loves to depict the hero that defends all coming in to save the day and not suffering any legal consequences, but it is not that way in real life.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
But regardless of that, a soon as she popped off with her "White Mother****er..." monologue ,the rest of those white people in there should have converged on both of them!
That is not how white society works. If a white person had done that in an establishment full of black the white person would have been beaten within an inch of their life. White people don’t stick together, and most white people aren’t going to fight unless they are drunk or trashy, which usually goes together.

eisanbt said:
I have to deal with these walking sterotypes almost every friday/saturday night. They really disgusting examples of humanity who simply huddle into their own little box and kill eachother off with their "I dun think so!"(s) and "Ummm, s'cuse me?"(s) (usually followed my "I dun think so")
Its awful sad that our sterotypes are base on the squeekiest wheel insted of the greesiest
Most stereotypes are based out of some sort of reality. Not all members of a certain group will fit the stereotype, but members of that group will be more likely than other groups to fit that stereotype. I have noticed this attitude mainly in black women, and in a few fat white women. I’m not sure what the root cause is. Perhaps they desire respect to the point of literally demanding it, or maybe they just think they can get away with acting like this. I had to work with a black woman like this. We got along alright, but she was so touchy, and she would look for things to be offended by. It was alright for her black friend to say she wasn’t attracted to white men, but it was offensive for me to say I wasn’t attracted to black men. It didn’t matter that I am also not attracted to red hair or short and stocky.

Lethalfind said:
I don't see this as a race issue, I've seen white folks acting the same way.
I disagree. It sounds nice to say this is not about race, and it is certainly more PC, but the truth is, this behavior is an anomaly in the white community, and we look down on those who act like this. The behavior is normal and even respected in the black community. I don’t think it has to do with genetics, but with culture. It is an ‘everyone owes me’, ‘keep my feelings on my shoulders’ attitude that causes this kind of behavior.

RoyalOrleans said:
I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. If that were me in that situation, I would've dropped that fat baboon like a sack of bricks.
Both of them.
Boy, they’ll give anyone a permit nowadays.
eisanbt said:
You hit it right on the head of the nail. These sort of people need to realize that they're just useless pieces of **** like everybody else. Where the hell do they get this idea of entitletment from? Perhaps from the culture but it had to start somewhere and I don't think you can blame shitty-pop/gang rap for this one.

We need to start teching kids humility in pre-school, **** overblown self-esteems.
It started with the implementation of Welfare. Now, they think they are owed a free lunch, because they are 'so oppressed'.