Giving In?


New member
Hey. I've found a song from Linkin Park that's called Giving In and it standing there that it's from a album that's called The Morning After..

I've got all the albums by LP, but i haven't this 1.

Does it exist???

I'm sure it's Lp thats singin' so i just wonder.

sorry any spelling or typing faults!! i'm Norwegian....



New member
Hey. I've found a song from Linkin Park that's called Giving In and it standing there that it's from a album that's called The Morning After..I've got all the albums by LP, but i haven't this 1.

Does it exist???

I'm sure it's Lp thats singin' so i just wonder.

sorry any spelling or typing faults!! i'm Norwegian....
Heja Norge!

Welcome, I'm from Iceland.

Giving in is a song by Adema and The morning after is not an album, it's a song by Chester. Hope that answers your questions. ;)



New member
Okey.. Thank you. Heja Island!! :thumbsup:
Tak så mykket! (jeg ved ikke hvordan man skriver det lol :p )

Still, about the song, Chester does sing some in the background of it, that's why everyone mistook it for Linkin Park.



New member
I always wondered whether this was a genuine LP song or not... I figured it was maybe like Adema ft. LP...


New member
I'm pretty sure that Chester isn't in the album version of the song, but on Projekt Revolution 2002, where Adema, Z-Trip and some others toured with LP...Chester came out and sang some of Giving In during Adema's set. I guess this inspired someone to go out and say Chester was in the original song...

Hope that clears things up.



New member
I'm pretty sure that Chester isn't in the album version of the song, but on Projekt Revolution 2002, where Adema, Z-Trip and some others toured with LP...Chester came out and sang some of Giving In during Adema's set. I guess this inspired someone to go out and say Chester was in the original song...
Hope that clears things up.
THANK YOU, i've been telling people this forever.. finally somebody



New member
it is definately an ADEMA song...*** i love those boys...lmao

i have three copies of ADEMA feat LP giving in and none of them sound like LP (chester) is in them....dodgy if u ask me



New member
You don't have any three copies because Chaz only came on stage during Adema's set and sang it once. I'm not even sure the copy exists, but I know he did it during PR 02 with Z-Trip and Adema. How many times do pprkuttheory and I have to say that?


New member
what i was trying to illustrate...but obviously didnt...(maybe you couldnt understand :p ) that there are no download able copies even if they say they are ADEMA feat LP it still isnt it? :)


New member
Ohh ok yeah I understand. Yeah cause you look at it says Adema ft. LP and it isn't them. You are 100% correct, sorry for my misunderstanding >_<
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