

john f winston

Subject: Something About Chemtrails. Part 4 of 4. June 20, 2007.

This talks about honey bees.


Oak Ridge's liabilities are huge and the corrupted national
security types would rather hide the issues, than ever tell the truth.
In the process, they also get to make money the same way as the A-A
and industry parasitic relationships have for nearly a century now.
This is what sustains the air pharmacology methods. It is the
definition of "smoke and mirrors" used in national s-curity ways to
hide issues. It has every aspect of the term Racketeering, which
is what it is now about.
The dumb down effect is connected to the fluoride toxic
effects on the brain and is called the mind control project in some
One can even see the p-esident of the US plays these same games,
helping industry to hide pollutants and dodge class action
responsibility, helping AM- pharmacy continue great profits and
denying the poor, helping petrochemical industry to the point of
w-rs to gain control of o-l interests. These same issues set up the
Imperialism of the US pr-sidency.
The Aluminum methods were dangerous to health, as there is a
dangerous synergism for aluminum, which will tend to pull the HF out
of the air. Al-F is connected to thyroid hormone damage via Gq/11
The Aluminum or Titanium compounds are stored in the grey water
compartment of aircraft and injected into the fuel lines at altitude.
These were installed by a s-cret program called "Project Cloverleaf."
The game plan is to take the American citizens hostage as well, using
the same basic scam as in NAZI Germany. Today, we have a G-vt. run
by serious -IA methods using lots of C-A t-ugs, and those pretending
to be r-ligious. This Go-t. is about 180 degrees opposed to the
values of C-rist. America has a C-O these days protecting the
interests of those in oi-l, R-ckefeller AM- medicine, Ro-kefeller
based pharmacology, we-pons work, and chemicals. We have to see what
is going on as a hostile take over of A-erica. The cover up of global
warming in the B-sh censored E-A report is going to lead to the same
type health cover ups as harmed thousands in the DOE plants and
communities from DOE's cover ups.
The new area for these Sodom and Gomorra like effects is the
East African Rift zone, which is marked by many volcanoes. It is
along this line that many illnesses spawn that now go around the
world. It is a variant of what happens in China with Flu's each
year. Both areas are highly fluorides impacted, which breeds
immune dysfunction and viral breeding. Basically, we've known what
causes the flu and the common cold for a long time, just d-ctors
don't want to expose what makes them rich.
German Industrial giant I.G. F-rben designed fluoride nerve
gases, and supplied cyanide chemicals for the d-ath camps. The Bu-h's
have a long historical connection to Fa-ben. Far-en was split up
after the w-r to become things like pharmaceutical, chemical, and
oi- companies. Germany used fluoride to keep their pri-oners
dumbed down and tired. It is the effect of damage to the T-3
thyroid hormone process. Its been well known effect by chemical
companies since the 30's, most especially in Germany. The early
German and Farbe- research even discovered the Gq/11 effects and
the T-3 damage. This was in research on frogs.
The fluorine effects with the big three G-protein metals in
Oak Ridge, aluminum, beryllium, and mercury, is not the only
G-protein effect today.
The chemical industry has let PCB, Dioxin, and chlorine rocket
fuels get out of control. These materials have similar strong pick
up by the food chain, long retention time in the body, and
G-protein mimicry that affects health.
Remember, K-cinich said "Chemtrails are real" and now he can't
go anywhere without more questions. There is a big problem, which
the DOE does not want to make public. The se-ret long term
objectives are to pull the acids and particulate out of the air,
lessen the severity of storms, and get the UV-b levels down; but
not blame those industries that caused it. The DOE and Gov-. along
the way intends to reward these weapo=s developers with huge
funding for keeping the main goals and problems hushed. Then take
the citizens hostage and keep them from taking on the corporate
One thing to notice around Oak Ridge and other fluoride
damaged sites is the honey bees d-e off. They become susceptible
to tracheal mite infections. Honey Bees feed on pollen and one of
the properties of plants is the pollen concentrates fluoride and
metal pollution. This process damages the honey bee immunity and
k-lls them off. This also causes problems with African Killer Bee
movement north.
Cows and grass eaters are just vacuum cleaners of air
pollutants and this damages their immunity. This is causing all
the overuse of antibiotics on cows and the need to some Noah's Ark
methods to cover the ground with titanium to compensate for the
fluoride toxic effects.
This same property of the fluoride and metal toxic's to
concentrate into the reproductive system is also true for mammals
and humans. Reproductive processes are the most susceptible to
toxins, and the effects of these materials even on DNA folding
patterns is important. These same effects seen in mice and bees,
also happens to man as his toxic exposures increase.
We are already seeing massive signs of these type problems
in man from damages to the thyroid hormone process. Adults and
kids are getting extreme weight and energy problems from the
thyroid damage process. The AMA's simple test for Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone only helps to conceal this problem. The
problem of thyroid damage from fluorides and metals can only be
found by running the full panel thyroid hormone tests.
The issue of mad cow syndrome is also in the same venue as
it comes from re-feeding bone meals and use of pesticides. The
cow's nervous systems fail under the damage to the immune system.
Cow's are chocked full of antibiotics to help there immune
failings along and these get passed to man via milk and meat.
This simple knowledge about fluorine's electronegative
effects set up the look at other G-protein effects and this turned
up fluoride-metal complex effects. The big three for these effects
in Oak Ridge were the aluminum, beryllium, and mercury types. Via
a process similar to how iodine pills are used to protect from the
dangers of I-131 nuclear power plant accident or bomb releases, the
idea for Titanium was born. The titanium and aluminum oxide
particle methods system could be placed on planes in the grey
water compartments where tanks store the compound and fuel
mixers gated on with altitude to make the white trails. The airline
program that did this was called "Project Cloverleaf," and was
named after the road that I once lived on and connected to fig
leaves coving shame.
It was the ignorance of vaccine makers putting aluminum and
mercury into vaccines that set up the AIDS crisis in Africa. The
East African Rift zone is highly polluted with fluorides and this
causes many illnesses. The vaccine companies went into these areas
and vaccinated and damaged the population via the G-protein effects
of fluorides and metals. G-proteins were not well known in these
times, first being found in the 60's and then winning the Nobel
Prize in 1994. One of the main cases for the chemtrails is to
cover up this health damage the pharmaceutical vaccine companies
did to these countries and to the world. (Steve's Note: While
heavy metals affect immunity systems, the AIDS epidemic was
clearly created by the use of 'designer viruses', ('created in
laboratories'), as AIDS epidemics occurred overnight in major US
cities, (like NY and San Francisco), right after receiving a free
Hepatitis B vaccination in the mid 1970's, and these people DID
NOT live along the East African Rift. Similar vaccination programs
occurred in Africa, (for smallpox & polio). Based on what
happened in US cities, I suspect a similar program there.)
The basic science and causation for this has long been known.
The German IG Farben company was broken up after World W-r II and
became some of the biggest chemical, pharmaceutical, and
petroleum companies in the world.
Today, 60 percent of d-ugs made use G-protein binding site
effects on cells. The extensive use of fluoride based fluxes for
the aluminum used in airplanes made this process one of strategic
metals importance. Later, fluorine became of even more significance
for the production of bo-b uranium for the at-mic bom-. The issues
of se-recy and national secu-ity extended a cloak over the problems
with rising levels of fluoride in the environments of the US and
the world.
It was the IG Far-en company that linked highly to Hitler's
-ar machine and it also linked to US interests tied to the Bus-
family and their money.
So, the cover up of the fluorides health effects connect right
to the liabilities of two pres-dents of the US, and also to G-P
interests in the AM- and pharmaceutical domains. In ever sense of
the word here, money and power corrupt absolutely.
After daddy B-sh left the -IA he went to work for a
pharmaceutical company named "Eli Lilly," and this is the company
that founded a proliferation of fluoride drugs, like Prozac, to
attempt to profit from the low level effects of fluoride-metal
complexes in the environment by modifying the G-protein effects
linked to fluorine. Eli Lilly also had lots of C-A connections
and made the dr-g LSD for the CI- linked "mind control projects"
and the first "C-caine." Again, this is all G-protein research.
This is how fluorides connect to "mind control" and "MK Ultra"
issues of Dr. Sydney Goett-ieb. (Steve's Note: Sydney G-ttlieb
was the head of the -IA mind control program referred to as MK
ULTRA.) Fluoride's G-protein effects on the brain are the basis
for brain-wash techniques.
It is these connections that are linked to how the C-A and
its "spooks" harass persons. The CI- method called "no-pest-strip"
uses LSD in a low temp wax base placed on a target persons clothes
to make persons go paranoid from their enhanced sensory perception.
This is connected to the d-ath of Fo-restal when he was looking at
the human experiments issues of the nu-lear testing and Area 51.
The CI- and spooks also use Freon burned in cars ahead of persons
releasing HF and fluoride compounds linked to anesthetics to make
accidents from persons falling asleep. This is what ki-led Karen
Si-kwood. (Sil-wood died in a car crash, due to 'falling asleep'.)
The issues of hypnosis even link to the G-protein methods, as
persons to be hypnotized are exposed to a chemical that blocks
their cognition.
Similar methods with fluoride cause long lasting neural network
damage and are used in brain-washing techniques to make persons
forget what they know.
A low level of this type effect is happening on the US population
to keep it dumbed down. (Steve's Note: The Nazi's placed fluoride
in the drinking water of the con-entration camps, to increase
'compliance'.) It is a mind control method from the halls of the
-IA and Eli Lilly. These are the methods of the corrupted Bus-es.
The problem with fluorine is its electronegativity. This element
with the highest electronegativity causes the G-protein binding
sites to not be clearable and the chemical stability of Freon.
When things like nerve gases decompose or dru-s like Pr-zac
decompose, the fluoride residues tend to reform into fluoride metal
complexes that attack the G-protein system again. This is especially
dangerous when aluminum and mercury are also very prevalent. It is
this principle effect that drives all illnesses in the world, sets
the aging of man, and controls the issue of longevity and eternal
One of the ways to self-assess fluoride effects on the nervous
system is to pay attention to the rates of "muscle twitching" in the
body. Muscle twitching is directly related to the G-protein binding
sites being damaged by the fluoride-metal complex. The same effects
happen with sarin, soman, DDT, PCB, mercury, etc. As the effect gets
worse it makes for jitteriness and almost Parkinson's like motions.
As the nerve cells become more affected, peripheral neuropathy
starts and numbness in limbs. As it progresses, back pain, loose of
power in limbs, shuffle gate, and worse problems set in. One can
see the process for the root of the damage for ALS, MS, and how
concentrations of these fluorides in the brain cause Parkinson's
syndrome. The immune system will begin to fail and sinus
infections develop and fatigue will set in. Lower back pain and
joint pain will set in. These are all directly connected to the
retention of the fluoride-metal complex in the body causing low
level nerve gas like illness in the population.
The very same fluorine chemical practice mistakes that damaged
the ozone shielding also became the same chemical that damaged the
brain barrier shielding leading to all manner of nervous and
immune system illnesses.
It is well known that US industrialist Henry F-rd started
what became the J-wish holocaust via a pamphlet he had printed
about control of the money system, which the Nazi's and Hitler
endorsed. This lead to the taking hostage and ki-ling of millions
of Je-s. -ush is doing a similar mass kil-ing via keeping the
health effects of fluoride on the immune system suppressed and
using the titanium methods to control it in the US and some
other areas. The US doing mass medication is intended to keep
the fluoride problem off the table of openness. Bu-h is essentially
using viral outbreaks due to fluoride's immune system damage and
mass attrition to -ill off major landmasses of populations. A prime
example is Africa and soon will be India and China. B-sh and his
megalomanical network are committing mass genocide type effects to
do population control. He is then placing a Eli Lilly person that
makes AIDS dr-gs in charge of the HIV issues. B-sh exceeds Hitler's
atrocities by orders of magnitude.
There is a large reason the G-vt. is doing things like putting
aluminum seeds in the atmosphere that act like hygroscopic municipal
water plant materials to settle pollutants. A reason to also put
similar barium materials into the air, with hygroscopic effects that
also form acid and water vapor collection that promotes 'Mie'
('electromagnetic radiation') scattering over large areas of the US,
other countries, and oceans. Then, also putting titanium in the mix.
The reasons are in part to control CO2 global warming due to coal
emissions, and in large part to offset the pollution induced illnesses
from fluoride, using air pharmacology.
The jet fuel and airline industry favor the fuel mixable aluminum
alcohol de-icing fuel additive, because it pulls the acids from the
air that corrosion damage the aluminum skinned airplanes. This
became a whole new jet fuel with an additive that helped slow the
corrosion of the plane's skin.
This jet fuel additive appears to be connected to the jet fuel
health effects seen at the Na-al Air Station in Falon, Nevada where
kids are coming down with high rates of leukemia. Arsenic and
fluoride appears also involved. The JP-8 fuel is directly connected
to T-cell suppression, like that of fluoride-metal complexes.
The problem with vaccines is the use of Al as an adjuvant and
Hg as a preservative. Once one knows about the mechanism of
G-proteins and the destructive fluoride metal synergism one can see
that vaccine applied to these areas would cause a disaster. The
vaccine fluoride-metal synergism effect damaged this areas immune
health and laid the pathway for HIV transmission and infection.

(JW In the final analysis of all of this the Bu-hes probably
aren't even aware of all the things that people are blaming them

Part 4 of 4.

John Winston.
Subject: Is It Dry Or Wet? June 20, 2007.

It seems that in some areas they are getting a lot of rain and some
floods but in other places they are getting very little rain.


C-nspiracy Journal
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain - he may be trying
to control your mind with microwave beams. Or he could be hiding the
truth about aliens and UFOs. Or he could be selling d-ugs to finance
some g-vernment priority that the public need not know about. Or he
could be reading the latest issue of the number one, weekly
co-spiracy newsletter of strange stuff and high weirdness -
Con-piracy Journal!

This week Cons-iracy Journal brings you such thought-provoking
stories as:

- U.S. Experiencing Drought for the Ages -
- Public Donates to Fund Backward-in-Time Research -
- Wireless Energy Promise Powers Up -
- Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Loses Funding -
AND: Pentagon Confirms It Sought To Build A 'G-y Bomb'

All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of

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Get your issue TODAY at your favorite bookstore or magazine stand.

U.S. Experiencing Drought for the Ages

Drought, a fixture in much of the West for nearly a decade, now
covers more than one-third of the continental USA. And it's spreading.

As summer starts, half the nation is either abnormally dry or in
outright drought from prolonged lack of rain that could lead to water
shortages, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, a weekly index of
conditions. Welcome rainfall last weekend from Tropical Storm Barry
brought short-term relief to parts of the fire-scorched Southeast.
But up to 50 inches of rain is needed to end the drought there, and
this is the driest spring in the Southeast since record-keeping began
in 1895, according to the National Climatic Data Center.

California and Nevada just recorded their driest June-to-May period
since 1924, and a lack of rain in the West could make this an
especially risky summer for wildfires.

Coast to coast, the drought's effects are as varied as the landscapes:

..In central California, ranchers are selling cattle or trucking them
out of state as grazing grass dries up. In Southern California's
Antelope Valley, rainfall at just 15% of normal erased the spring
bloom of California poppies.

..In South Florida, Lake Okeechobee, America's second-largest body of
fresh water, fell last week to a record low - an average 8.89 feet
above sea level. So much lake bed is dry that 12,000 acres of it
caught fire last month. Saltwater intrusion threatens to contaminate
municipal wells for Atlantic coastal towns as fresh groundwater
levels drop.

..In Alabama, shallow ponds on commercial catfish farms are
dwindling, and more than half the corn and wheat crops are in poor

Dry episodes have become so persistent in the West that some
scientists and water managers say drought is the "new normal" there.
Reinforcing that notion are global-warming projections warning of
more and deeper dry spells in the Southwest, although a report in
last week's Science magazine challenges the climate models and
suggests there will be more rainfall worldwide later this century.

"It seems extremely likely that drought will become more the norm"
for the West, says Kathy Jacobs of the Arizona Water Institute, a
research partnership of the state's three universities. "Droughts
will continue to come and go, but . higher temperatures are going to
produce more water stress." That's because warmer temperatures in the
Southwest boosts demands for water and cause more to evaporate from
lakes and reservoirs.

"The only good news about drought is it forces us to pay attention
to water management," says Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute, a
think tank in Oakland that stresses efficient water use.

This drought has been particularly harsh in three regions: the
Southwest, the Southeast and northern Minnesota.

Severe dryness across California and Arizona has spread into 11
other Western states. On the Colorado River, the water supply for 30
million people in seven states and Mexico, the Lake Powell and Lake
Mead reservoirs are only half full and unlikely to recover for years.
In Los Angeles County, on track for a record dry year with 21% of
normal rain downtown since last summer, fire officials are
threatening to cancel Fourth of July fireworks if conditions worsen.
On Wednesday, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa urged residents
to voluntarily cut water use 10%, the city's first such call since
the 1990s.

In Minnesota, which is in its worst drought since 1976, the
situation is improving slowly, although a wildfire last month burned
dozens of houses and 115 square miles in the northeastern part of the

The Southeast, unaccustomed to prolonged dry spells, may be
suffering the most. In eight states from Mississippi to the Carolinas
and down through Florida, lakes are shrinking, crops are withering,
well levels are falling and there are new limits on water use. "We
need 40-50 inches of rainfall to get out of the drought," says Carol
Ann Wehle of the South Florida Water Management District.

Despite a recent storm, water hasn't flowed in Florida's Kissimmee
River, which feeds Lake Okeechobee, in 212 days. The district has
imposed its strictest water-use limits ever in 13 counties, cutting
home watering to once a week and commercial use by 45%.

The drought also has provided an occasional benefit: Okeechobee's
record low level allowed crews to clean out decades of muck and

And some stricken areas are recovering. Texas and Oklahoma, charred
by wildfires in the dry winter of 2005-06, are drought-free.

Even in California, where winter snowpack in the Sierra Nevada range
was only 27% of normal this year, plentiful runoff from last year's
snows filled many reservoirs, so shortages are unlikely this year.
But another dry winter would tax supplies.

Gleick says water managers are not reacting forcefully enough to the
drought: "The time to tell people that we're in the middle of a
drought and to institute strong conservation programs is today, not a
year from now." The Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California is doing that. Last month, it began a "Let's Save" radio

After nearly a decade of drought in parts of the West, the nation's
fastest-growing region wrestles with rising water demands and
declining supply.

Donald Wilhite of the National Drought Mitigation Center says the
Southwest and Southeast are "becoming gradually more vulnerable to
drought" because the rising population will need more water. "We
think of water as an unlimited resource," he says. "But what happens
when you turn on the tap and it's not there?"

Source: WBIR

Public Donates to Fund Backward-in-Time Research

Experiment may be 'weird,' but donors think it's pretty cool.

It can take a village to save science -- a village that so far
includes a Las Vegas music mogul, Kirkland rocket scientist, Port
Townsend artist, Bothell chemist, Louisiana gas-and-o-l man with a
place in Port Angeles and a Savannah, Ga., computer programmer.

The public has stepped forward with cash to boldly go where nobody
in the mainstream scientific establishment wants to go -- or, at
least, to have to pay for the attempt to go.

John Cramer, a physicist at the University of Washington, is
reflected among some of the materials he's using for an experiment
that challenges the traditional concept of time. The public has
donated $--,000 to his research.

Backward. In time, that is.

A University of Washington scientist who could not obtain funding
from traditional research agencies to test his idea that light
particles act in reverse time has received more than $--,000 from
folks nationwide who didn't want to see this admittedly far-fetched
idea go unexplored.

"This country puts a lot more money into things that seem to me much
crazier than this," said Mitch Rudman, a music industry executive in
Las Vegas whose family foundation donated $--,000 to the experiment.
"It's outrageous to me that talented scientists have to go looking
for a few bucks to do anything slightly outside the box."

What John Cramer is proposing to do is certainly outside the box.
It's about quantum retrocausality.

"He's looking into the fundamental qualities of the universe," said
Denny Gmur, a scientist who works for a biotechnology firm in
Bothell. "I had $-,000 set aside to buy myself a really nice guitar,
but I thought, you know, I'd rather support something that's really
mind-boggling and cool."

Almost everything in quantum theory is mind-boggling and outside the
box, sometimes transforming the box into an inverted spherical cube
of infinite volume or forcing an entirely new definition of the
essence of boxness.

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subjec: Is It Dry Or Wet? Part 2. June 21, 2007.

Here is something about Quarks.


Cramer, a physicist, for decades has been interested in resolving a
fundamental paradox of quantum mechanics, the theory that accounts
for the behavior of matter and energy at subatomic levels. It's
called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.

It was set up by Albert Einstein (and two other guys named Rosen and
Podolsky) in the 1930s to try to prove the absurdity of quantum
theory. Einstein didn't like quantum theory, especially one aspect of
it he ridiculed as "spooky action at a distance" because it seemed to
require subatomic particles interacting faster than the speed of

However, experimental evidence has continued to pile up
demonstrating the spooky action. Two subatomic particles split from a
single particle do somehow instantaneously communicate no matter how
far apart they get in space and time. The phenomenon is described as
"entanglement" and "non-local communication."

For example, one high-energy photon split by a prism into two lower-
energy photons could travel into space and separate by many light
years. If one of the photons is somehow forced up, the other photon --
even if impossibly distant -- will instantly tilt down to compensate
and balance out both trajectories.

As the evidence for this has accumulated, several fairly contorted
and unsatisfying efforts have been aimed at solving the puzzle.
Cramer has proposed an explanation that doesn't violate the speed of
light but does kind of mess with the traditional concept of time.

"It could involve signaling, or communication, in reverse time," he
said. Physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman years ago promoted
this idea of "retrocausality" as worth considering. Cramer's version
aimed at using retrocausality to resolve the EPR paradox is dubbed
(by him) the "transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics."

Most physicists, such as the celebrated cosmologist Stephen Hawking,
still believe time can move only in one direction -- forward. Cramer
contends there is no hard and fast reason why.

He has proposed a relatively simple bench-top experiment using
lasers, prisms, splitters, fiber-optic cables and other gizmos to
first see if he can detect "non-local" signaling between entangled
photons. He hopes to get it going in July. If this succeeds, he hopes
to get support from "traditional funding sources" to really scale up
and test for photons communicating in reverse time.

It may be important to note, at this point, that Cramer is not crazy.

On Sunday, he began his annual stint running particle physics
experiments at the Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider. He and others at the national lab use the
supercollider to smash together particles, create the hottest matter
ever made by humans and study things such as quarks or other
subatomic particles. (JW That sounds like what we used to do
at SLAC at Stanford University at Stanford, Calif. I operated a
5.0 megawatt power supply that powered and experiment that produced
Z particles.)

Cramer, who also writes science fiction books as a hobby, earlier
worked at CERN, the world's largest particle physics laboratory, on
the border between France and Switzerland. In the 1980s, he was
director of the UW's nuclear physics laboratory and today remains a
well-respected experimental physicist.

"I'm not crazy," he confirmed. "I don't know if this experiment will
work, but I can't see why it won't. People are skeptical about this,
but I think we can learn something, even if it fails."

Not too long ago, Cramer thought he would not even be allowed to fail.

None of the standard scientific funding agencies wanted any part of
the project. N-SA's Institute for Advanced Concepts sent Cramer a
rejection letter, adding it was getting out of the advanced concepts
business anyway -- now that most of the space agency's money is going
to the federal g-vernment's renewed push into manned spaceflight.

The most creative branch of the m-litary-science-industrial complex
(known as DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) also
rejected Cramer's proposal. Officials at DARPA told the UW physicist
his experiment is "too weird" -- even though they recently gave money
in support of a project aimed at creating Terminatorlike liquid

"I thought we were going to have to pull the plug," Cramer said. But
when word of his funding plight went out across the Internet a few
months ago after a Seattle P-I article, people like Rudman and Gmur
began contacting the UW to see if they could lend some support.

"Heck, if it works we can go back in time and get our money back,"
laughed John Crow, a businessman who splits his time between his gas-
and-o-l business in Shreveport and a home in Port Angeles.

Crow donated $-,000 because he found Cramer's approach too
fascinating not to try.

"I'm just a crass businessman, but in business we know high risk
offers high reward," he said. "This isn't that much money to find out
if time can go both forward and backward."

Walter Kistler, a retired physicist and rocket scientist who started
Redmond-based Kistler Aerospace, donated $-,000. Kistler's company
struggled for many years unsuccessfully promoting the concept of
reusable rockets, even going bankrupt once, but recently won a NA-A

"I know how difficult it can be to get people to even consider new
or unusual ideas," he said. "Even Einstein had trouble accepting the
basic ideas of quantum theory. I've talked to professor Cramer, and
what he is trying to do could be very important."

Kistler said he was overjoyed to hear that other people thought this
was worth supporting.

"Artists have experienced non-local space all along, we just can't
prove it," said Richard Miller, an artist and photographer in Port
Townsend. Miller, who prefers not to disclose the amount of his
donation, said he's not worried about the strong possibility of
failure here.

"I would say the predicted failure of this project is probably a
good omen," he said. "Most predictions are wrong."

Cramer said it's possible that the primary goal of his experiment
could fail and yet still produce something of value. Some new
subtlety about the nature of entanglement could be revealed, he said,
even if the photons don't engage in measurable non-local
communication. The "disentanglement" itself, he said, could be quite

"It wouldn't be as nice as a positive result, but it would certainly
be interesting and publishable," Cramer said. If there is an
interesting negative result or a half-positive result, he said he
will buy more precise equipment to see if he can tease out what's
happening. Cramer has all the money he needs for this phase, but he
hopes to see a second phase.

In the music business, said Rudman, the Las Vegas music mogul, most
records they produce don't do well. In the vernacular, he said, "They

"But the rare hits we get every once in a while pay for all the
stiffs, and then some," Rudman said. "If this stiffs, it stiffs. But,
man, you've got to try, don't you? You've got to be willing to take
the risk of being wrong to find something new."


The University of Washington has set up a special account to which
individuals or groups can contribute funds for John Cramer's

Tax-deductible contributions to the project may be made by
contacting Jennifer Raines, UW Department of Physics, at, or mailing a check made out to the
University of Washington with a notation on the check directing
deposit to the account for "Non-Local Quantum Communication
Experiment" to:

Jennifer Raines, Administrator

Department of Physics

University of Washington

Box 351560

Seattle, WA 98195-1560

Source: Seattle PI

Designer Bug Holds Key to Endless Fuel

The U.S. scientist who cracked the human genome is poised to create
the world's first man-made species, a synthetic microbe that could
lead to an endless supply of biofuel.

Craig Venter has applied for a patent at more than 100 national
offices to make a bacterium from laboratory-made DNA.

It is part of an effort to create designer bugs to manufacture
hydrogen and biofuels, as well as absorb carbon dioxide and other
harmful greenhouse gases.

DNA contains the instructions to make the proteins that build and
run an organism.

The J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Maryland, is applying
for worldwide patents on what it refers to as Mycoplasma laboratorium
based on DNA assembled by scientists. When asked whether the world's
first synthetic bug was thriving in a test tube, Dr Venter said: "We
are getting close."

The Venter Institute's US Patent application claims exclusive
ownership of a set of essential genes and a synthetic "free-living
organism that can grow and replicate" that is made using those genes.
To create the synthetic organism his team is making snippets of DNA,
known as oligonucleotides or "oligos", of up to 100 letters of DNA.

To build a primitive bug, with about 500 genes in half a million
letters of DNA, Dr Venter's team is stitching together blocks of 50
or so letters, then growing them in the gut bug E. coli. Then they
turn these many small pieces into a handful of bigger ones until
eventually two pieces can be assembled into the circular genome of
the new life form.

John Winston.

Subjec: Is It Dry Or Wet? Part 3. June 21, 2007.

This talks about wireless transmission of electrical power.


The synthetic DNA will be added to a test tube of bacteria and the
team hopes that one or more microbes starts moving, metabolising and

The Canadian ETC Group, which tracks developments in biotechnology,
believes that this development is more significant than the cloning
of Dolly the sheep a decade ago.

On Wednesday, ETC spokesman Jim Thomas called on the world's patent
offices to reject the applications. He said: "These monopoly claims
signal the start of a high-stakes commercial r-ce to synthesise and
privatise synthetic life forms. Will Venter's company become the
'Microbesoft' of synthetic biology?"

A colleague, Pat Mooney, said: "For the first time, G-d has
competition. Venter and his colleagues have breached a societal
boundary, and the public hasn't even had a chance to debate the far-
reaching social, ethical and environmental implications of synthetic

However, Dr Venter did ask a panel of experts to examine the
implications of creating synthetic life. His institute convened a
bioethics committee to see if its plans were likely to raise

The committee had no objections but pointed out that scientists must
take responsibility for any impact their new organisms had if they
got out of the lab. The organisms can be designed to d-e as soon as
they leave laboratory conditions.

Dr Venter announced the project to build a synthetic life form in
2002. In theory, by adding functionalised synthetic DNA, the
bacterium could be instructed to produce plastics, d-ugs or fuels.

Dr Venter's institute claims that its stripped-down microbe could be
the key to cheap energy production. The patent application claims an
organism that can make either hydrogen or ethanol for industrial

Source: The Age
end of consp


Wireless Energy Promise Powers Up

A clean-cut vision of a future freed from the rat's nest of cables
needed to power today's electronic gadgets has come one step closer
to reality.

US researchers have successfully tested an experimental system to
deliver power to devices without the need for wires.
The setup, reported in the journal Science, made a 60W light bulb
glow from a distance of 2m (7ft).

WiTricity, as it is called, exploits simple physics and could be
adapted to charge other devices such as laptops.

"There is nothing in this that would have prevented them inventing
this 10 or even 20 years ago," commented Professor Sir John Pendry of
Imperial College London who has seen the experiments.

"But I think there is an issue of time. In the last few years we
have seen an exponential growth of mobile devices that need power.
The power cable is the last wire to be cut in a wireless connection."

Professor Moti Segev of the Israel Institute of Technology described
the work as "truly pioneering".

The researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
who carried out the work outlined a similar theoretical setup in
2006, but this is the first time that it has been shown to work.

"We had a strong faith in our theory but experiments are the
ultimate test," said team member Assistant Professor Marin Soljacic.

"So we went ahead and sure enough we were successful, the
experiments behave very much like the theory."

The experimental setup consisted of two 60cm (2ft) diameter copper
coils, a transmitter attached to a power source and a receiver placed
2m (7ft) away and attached to a light bulb.

With the power switched on at the transmitter, the bulb would light
up despite there being no physical connection between the two.
Measurements showed that the setup could transfer energy with 40%
efficiency across the gap.

The bulb was even made to glow when obstructions such as wood, metal
and electronic devices were placed between the two coils.

"These results are encouraging. The numbers are not far from where
you would want for this to be useful," said Professor Soljacic.

The system exploits "resonance", a phenomenon that causes an object
to vibrate when energy of a certain frequency is applied.

When two objects have the same resonance they exchange energy
strongly without having an effect on other surrounding objects. There
are many examples of resonance.
"If you fill a room with hundreds of identical glasses and you fill
each one with a different level of wine each one will have a
different acoustic resonance," explained Professor Soljacic.

Each glass would ring with a different tone if knocked with a spoon,
for example.

"Then if I enter the room and start singing really loudly one of the
glasses may explode if I hit exactly the right tone."

Instead of using acoustic resonance, WiTricity exploits the
resonance of low frequency electromagnetic waves.

In the experiment both coils were made to resonate at 10Mhz,
allowing them to couple and for "tails" of energy to flow between

With each cycle arriving, more pressure, or voltage in electrical
terms, builds up in this coil," explained Professor Pendry.

Over a number of cycles the voltage gathered until there was enough
pressure, or energy, at the surface to flow into the light bulb. This
accumulation of energy explains why a wine glass does not smash
immediately when a singer hits the right tone.

"The wine glass is gathering energy until it has enough power to
break that glass," said Professor Pendry.

Using low frequency electromagnetic waves, which are about 30m
(100ft) long, also has a safety advantage according to Professor

"Ordinarily if you have a transmitter operating like a mobile phone
at 2GHz - a much shorter wavelength - then it radiates a mixture of
magnetic and electric fields," he said.

This is a characteristic of what is known as the "far field", the
field seen more than one wavelength from the device. At a distance of
less than one wavelength the field is almost entirely magnetic.

"The body really responds strongly to electric fields, which is why
you can cook a chicken in a microwave," said Sir John.

"But it doesn't respond to magnetic fields. As far as we know the
body has almost zero response to magnetic fields in terms of the
amount of power it absorbs."

As a result, the system should not present any significant health
risk to humans, said Professor Soljacic.

The team from MIT is not the first group to suggest wireless energy

Nineteenth-century physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla experimented
with long-range wireless energy transfer, but his most ambitious
attempt - the 29m high aerial known as Wardenclyffe Tower, in New
York - failed when he ran out of money.

Others have worked on highly directional mechanisms of energy
transfer such as lasers. However, unlike the MIT work, these require
an uninterrupted line of sight, and are therefore not good for
powering objects around the home.

Professor Soljacic and his team are now looking at refining their

"This was a rudimentary system that proves energy transfer is
possible. You wouldn't use it to power your laptop.

"The goal now is to shrink the size of these things, go over larger
distances and improve the efficiencies," said Professor Soljacic.

The work was done in collaboration with his colleagues Andre Kurs,
Aristeidis Karalis, Robert Moffatt, John Joannopoulos and Peter

Source: BBC

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Loses Funding

The hills in Visoko are a natural formation and not pyramids, as
Semir Osmanagic wishes to present them, says Bosnian Culture Minister.

The Ministry of Culture of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
wants to put an end to the funding of the project "Bosnian Pyramid of
the Sun." Opinions on the subject as well as on the pyramid
phenomenon are so divided in Bosnia that some public persons, who
have denied the existence of pyramids, said that they would set
themselves on fire if those were really proven to pyramids.

Numerous p-liticians have given support to the research in Visoko,
formerly a royal town. Experts have protested and the people find all
this interesting.

However, Culture Minister Gavrilo Grahovac decided to shut down the
source of funding, at least this one, because this was not a serious
archaeological research. The credibility of the people who
collaborated on the project was "unreliable" and they have published
their findings that were kept away from the experts.

The scientific research team has proved that the hill Visocica is a
natural geological formation and its relief is the consequence of
natural tectonic movement.

The present appearance of Visocica is the result of structural
factors and climate changes at work. By acting on its own initiative,
the foundation does not act in keeping with the existing regulations
of archaeology, in spite of being registered at the B-H Justice
Ministry, and its registration itself ought to be looked into.

Part 3.

John Winston.