Global child abuse real issue


_ G O D _

Global child abuse real issue
by Alan Gold,25197,22428142-7583,00.html
See all stories on this topic:,25197,22428142-7583,00.html

FEW of us are fence-sitters when it comes to the abuse or endangerment of children.
The moment we hear about pedophilia or a child being abused by evil parents, we
demand that our governments do something to protect the innocent.
We make judgment calls against alleged abusers in our righteous indignation. Look,
for instance, at the lather into which the Prime Minister, the Leader of the
Opposition and worthy people across Australia have got themselves recently over a
12-year-old child chosen as a model to represent the face of Gold Coast Fashion Week.
No crime, it seems, makes us more infuriated than reading about the immorality of
pedophiles or the heartlessness of incestuous parents. The moment we're told of even
suspicions about the abuse such people perpetrate against innocents, we're ready to
throw off 100 years of humane treatment of criminals and threaten them with medieval
But who's really to blame for the exploitation of our children, who have been used as
models ever since advertising was in its infancy? Pretty youngsters are used to sell
food, toys, games and much more. The industry is well supervised and a responsible
adult must be present.
Perhaps 12 years of age is too young for a model to represent the Gold Coast, but
there are strict government regulations to ensure this child isn't overworked or
abused by predators. And in reality, there are far bigger dangers for the world's
children than being lauded by society for being young and beautiful.
The problem, surely, doesn't lie with the overly eager parents of young models, but
with the marketing, advertising, media and retail industries, which have been
mercilessly exploiting children for decades. Ultra-sophisticated marketing devices
and advertising are aimed squarely at children to force parents to purchase products
and services they otherwise wouldn't. The fast-food industry is notorious for tie-ins
with film companies in pushing the latest fad to get kids to come into their outlets.
Children with angelic faces adorn the pages of fashion magazines to push everything
from cosmetics to lingerie, dresses to jewellery. But why blame parents for making
money out of their beautiful offspring when the advertising and marketing industry
has created an insatiable demand? Why even call it child abuse when most kids who
strut their stuff as little adults in school performances or fashion parades are able
to be paid for it in the commercial world?
We as a community are infuriated when we read of such alleged abuse; yet how many of
us inform ourselves about the real and genuine abuse of children? Only now, after
decades of being warned about what was happening, has something been done about the
shocking abuse of Aboriginal children. How many of us protested against the
incarceration of refugee children in detention centres?
Why is the world silent about the most horrible abuse of kids imaginable that is
happening today? Sudanese, Bangladeshi and Pakistani children just out of infancy are
being trafficked as camel jockeys by the Arab Gulf states' racing industry, where
they are often sexually and physically abused, mentally stunted and starved to
prevent weight gain. Children as young as 10 in dozens of countries are armed with
rifles and bandoliers of bullets and sent off to fight in the front line of a war. An
estimated 200,000 to 300,000 children are fighting in Sudan, Uganda, Lebanon,
Liberia, Burma and other countries.
Children are being pressed into servitude by unscrupulous parents and
mobster-traffickers. UNICEF has estimated that there are 100 million children
worldwide who are working in conditions that are harmful to their health, development
and wellbeing.
And where was the outcry when it was discovered that Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini had willingly sacrificed hundreds of thousands of children whom he
deliberately sent to die as martyrs in the front line of his battle against Saddam
Hussein? This man of God imported half a million plastic tokens from Taiwan that were
hung around the necks of children as keys to paradise before they were force-marched
over minefields to clear the way for adult soldiers. They even wrapped themselves in
blankets so their body parts would stay together when they arrived in heaven.
How many of us have taken to the streets in protest against the exploitation of
children as sex slaves and prostitutes in Asia and the Middle East? Where is the
outcry against the rape of babies in South Africa because of the perverted belief
that sex with an infant is a cure for AIDS?
The amount of exploitation, pedophilia, enslavement and physical abuse against
children throughout the world is a mark of eternal shame in society. Yet we're
incensed when a beautiful 12-year-old girl, well protected by both her parents and
her society, is chosen to represent modern fashion on the Gold Coast.
Even in Australia, one of the richest and most advanced societies on earth,
government services that exist to assist and protect families are so badly
understaffed and underfunded that children supposedly in their care are dying of
parental abuse and neglect.
Perhaps we should be more worried about the real abuse of children than about a
pretty young girl growing up too fast.

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~