Global slave-trade problem-solving.


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As sad as it may be, slavery and the global slave
trade still thrive to this day. Trafficking concerns
men, women and children. It takes the form of forced
labour, sexual exploitation, trading of human tissues
and organs, recruitment of children into armed
conflicts or even the trade of children into sex tourism
industry. The victims are victims of slavery deprived
of their fundamental rights, freedoms and dignity.

Trafficking is usually transnational and directly
connected to organized criminal establishments
which are amazing flexible in finding new ways
to get around the law in their blatant violation of
the Human Rights. For instance, in trafficking,
victims are being deceived and misled by the
promises of a better life. They recruit their friends
and members of their family, thus turning it into
a vicious circle. The business is a lucrative one,
rating third only after trafficking of drugs and arms.
This is why the combat against Trafficking is hard.
We need to turn this crime from a low risk high
profit to a high risk low profit crime.

The direct involvement of society is very crucial.
Not only should the public be informed and made
aware of the problem in order to help the authorities,
but above all to stop the trade in its roots, to stop
the demand.

Ask yourself a question, "Where does my country
stand in addressing a crime slavery and genocide?

The Europe of today is very different compared to
what it used to be a few decades ago. Africa and
Asia have faced similar dramatic changes and many
natural disasters. As a result, an increased migration
wave has greatly affected the countries emerging
from authoritarian regimes - their economic stability
and growth, their living standards and the fact that
the slavery rendered attractive to criminal networks,
establishments, and even government institutions
engaged in trafficking, both as a transit and as a
destination country.

A recognition of these changes is important in
creation of anti-trafficking legislation. Law has
introduced many new articles into the Criminal
Code and made trafficking in persons illegal for
purpose of unfair exploitation of labor, sex, and
in trade of human tissues or organs, recruitment
of children to be engaged in armed conflicts.
As we speak, a new draft law is brought to the
Criminal Code and most notably it has provided
guidance for authorities in dealing with predators
of all kinds.
Recently the Law introduced other measures, a
reflection period for law enforcement authorities
providing the relevant legal action against slavery
and trafficking in human beings. So the legislative
tools are in place and we constantly review them
and amend them. By implementing these tools
we can demonstrate substantial achievements.
Citizens' personal commitment in human rights
issues would convey the mandate and objective
to coordinate the implementation of Law on the
Suppression of the Trafficking in Persons and all
the efforts and activities, which the governmental
agencies and NGOs undertake in that aspect.
Participation of competent experts in this field
can assist in strenuous task of solving this vice.
We need a plan that covers the whole range of
counter-trafficking actions. (i.e monitoring the
phenomenon; establishing databases, collecting
statistics; screening procedures to identify victims;
establishing shelters; support to victims including
provision of legal and financial aid, granting of
residence & work permits to people fleeing their
countries, voluntary repatriation; psychological
support; educating the victims; educating law
enforcement authorities and judicial personnel;
awareness - raising campaigns).
The elaborate counter-trafficking measures on
Prevention, Protection and Prosecution are first
and foremost a challenge to conventional political
and legal culture. Indeed a challenge to our society.
Only a consistent human rights approach and a
comprehensive action can lead to positive results.
It is important to stress, that this approach, not
only upholds humanitarian values, but primarily
leads to better results in prosecuting those who
are accountable for this heinous crime. It is also
a precondition for successful investigation of the
crime and for prevention of re-trafficking.
It will be necessary for government involvement
as well as for civilians - to taken the following
specific actions and measures in persecution
of the perpetrators:
Further to their operational role on the ground,
the mandate of these task forces is to exchange
intelligence and information with prosecutors,
NGO shelters and other competent partners and
to collect complete data, which leads to concise
database. A cooperation in streamlining victim
protection (screening and referral procedures),
and serves as a roadmap for a proactive law
enforcement, capable to address the heinous
and elusive nature of Trafficking in Persons. Our
intention is to reflect the severity of the crime
and deter criminal networks.
The project of combating Trafficking in Persons
will commence a large scale national and cross
border operation, which includes involvement of
governments of all countries, including third world.
The project will bring a new era of high impact
operations and dismantling of criminal networks.
The demand of the services should be targeted.
Trafficking in Persons means that: "Anyone who
knowingly violate the Human Rights of citizens,
or accepts the work of a person, who is subject
to the conditions of slavery, will be made aware
of it immediately, and will be suffering the loss of
one's citizenship, followed by banishment from
the country of commitment of such violation."
The above provision is of great importance given
that it targets demand. The same applies to the
new draft law combating sex tourism. According
to the relevant provision anyone who knowingly
uses the services of a child, will be persecuted
in accordance with the law, and banished from
the countries affected with his crime, followed
by departure to another country within 2 months.
If the departure order will not be met voluntarily,
an administration of the execution of the order
will be provided at the expense of perpetrator,
without regard to choice of land of destination.

Victim's identification will ensure the application
of victim protection measures. Immigration law
provides one month reflection period' for victims
that have not yet been identified by the prosecutor.
During this period the potential victim receives
psychological support and legal aid, making him
aware about his/her rights.
Shelters currently assist trafficking victims in the
countries of their destination, when requested.
Victims' voluntary repatriation in cooperation with
the immigration law is provided by agencies in the
countries of origin, as well as at places of arrival.
Free legal support and administrative assistance
is being offered to all trafficking victims. They are
being informed about their rights, addressing the
issues of their migration, including residential and
work permits in the countries of their new home.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the
migrants and the local authorities provides vital
role in solving coordination problems, and has
facilitated the screening and referral process.

Children and unaccompanied minors, who are
victims of trafficking are equally benefiting from
the Memorandum promoting the cooperation in
Protection and Assistance to those individuals.

Educating law enforcement officials and police
task forces in counter trafficking operation and
prosecution will receive specialized training. It
will be conducted in cooperation with the Police
Association, the Police Officers Union and other
organisations providing education seminars to
address guidance for prosecutors and judges.
Law enforcement officials will receive special
training in the framework of the above project.

Addressing root causes in countries of origin
can be very effective with their cooperation. To
ensure this, they have to finance programs for
the victims after their repatriation to countries
of their destination.

The International and regional Human Rights
Defence Center implements a project which
to establishing counter-trafficking between all
involved countries that foster the cooperation
and promotion of the anti-slavery programs....

Cooperation with International Organizations
and the alternative coordinating and hosting
several local and regional initiatives ensures
this initiative in anti-trafficking contact points.

Awareness raising campaign consider a very
important preventive measure, and making it
possible for victims to be aware of trafficking
and less likely to be deceived by perpetrators.
A sponsoring campaign will raise awareness
of the general public.

Acceptance that combating trafficking requires
continuous informing and awareness raising of
the public is relevant and of major importance....

More critical is to get the community involved.
People need to be involved as active citizens.
Citizens, who will recognize the problem, who
will not be passive and tolerant to the streets
begging kid, to women and men exploited, who
will not turn their eyes elsewhere thinking this is
not my problem. The government program can
only succeed, is if people care more for their
neighbours, people become more and more
aware, thus decreasing the demand, the trigger
in the criminal networks' hand. The public need
hope that others are also getting more involved.

Outlined above are mainly facts and figures. If
all of the involved parties will commit to tackle
the Trafficking in Persons, they will succeed.
Please note that, although the problem affects
most of the countries, there many peculiarities
and difficulties in tackling the phenomenon in
each of them. So when assessing the progress
of a country, one should always bear in mind the
individual condition, problem and uniqueness
of each one of them. For objective conclusions,
assessment must be done in comparative way.
One cannot claim complete elimination of this
problem until every country achieves that goal.

I intend to last long enough to put out of business all ****-suckers
and other beneficiaries of the institutionalized slavery and genocide.


"The army that will defeat terrorism doesn't wear uniforms, or drive
Humvees, or calls in air-strikes. It doesn't have a high command, or
high security, or a high budget. The army that can defeat terrorism
does battle quietly, clearing minefields and vaccinating children. It
undermines military dictatorships and military lobbyists. It subverts
sweatshops and special interests.Where people feel powerless, it
helps them organize for change, and where people are powerful, it
reminds them of their responsibility." ~~~~ Author Unknown ~~~~