Global warming scam continues..Gore joins Billion Dollar Firm


Harry Dope

Global Warming Plot Thickens: Gore Joins Venture Capital Group
Update: Media Matters shill doesn't like this post, and is responded
to at end of article.
The financial scam involved in advancing climate alarmism got even more
obvious Monday - to folks outside of the media, that is! - when Nobel
Laureate Al Gore joined "Silicon Valley's most prestigious venture capital
firm to guide investments that help combat global warming."

As reported by the Associated Press (emphasis added, h/t NBer Wildcatter
1980): "Gore, who won the Nobel Peace Prize last month for his work on
climate change, joins Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers as it and dozens of
other venture firms expand into so-called 'clean-tech' investments

Media that have continually ignored the financial aspects of this con will
certainly not see the exquisitely delicious irony in the following
announcement from the same article:

Also Monday, Kleiner Perkins partner John Doerr announced he's joining the
advisory board of Generation Investment Management, the $1 billion
investment firm that Gore founded with David Blood, who previously managed
$325 billion in assets out of Goldman Sachs' London office. Doerr is one of
Silicon Valley's most outspoken clean-tech advocates.

Anybody getting a whiff of rodentia yet, or do you need another clue media
will surely ignore?

Well, here goes.

On October 3, NewsBusters highlighted a spectacular Human Events expos