Global Warming


Aug 21, 2006
I know it's a big deal (if it's really happening) but I'm really tired of hearing people freak out about the whole thing! I mean, why can't we just shut up and agree on one solution?!
The only global warming any of us should worry about is the kind that Iran will be implementing.
I seem to remember this topic a while back ... but here goes anyhow.

1) The earth started out as a big huge molten ball of lava and magma and has slowly been cooling off for billions of years.

2) for the past 200,000 years the earth has been going in and out of ice ages that cycle about every 30 to 40 thousand years, each one more severe than the previous.

3) The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago.

4) The earth will be warming for the next 5 to 8 thousand years and then will begin cooling again.

5) In about another 4 to 5 billion years, the sun will have grown to the point that mercury, venus and the earth are swallowed up into the sun and the sun's corona will be about where the earth's orbit is today.

Anyone who is worried about "global warming" is a an ignorant and paranoid fool. and "global warming" has nothing to do with anything mankind as done to the environment and everything to do with the earth's own cyclical changes.
Jhony5 said:
The only global warming any of us should worry about is the kind that Iran will be implementing.
Funny how the liberals balk at the idea of curbing the axis of evil's access to nuclear weapons all the while freaking out about avearge global tempatures cllimbing 1 degree in 100 years.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Funny how the liberals balk at the idea of curbing the axis of evil's access to nuclear weapons all the while freaking out about avearge global tempatures cllimbing 1 degree in 100 years.

The word is "baulk" in English
. The axis of evil is a crock of **** construct to replace the fear that held the peons in their place during the Cold War.

The real freak-out is knowing that tossas like the shrub are party to the biggest arsenal of global destruction implements in history. Kinda makes me think of devolution when I picture that. ;)
Posted by MRIH:
Anyone who is worried about "global warming" is a an ignorant and paranoid fool. and "global warming" has nothing to do with anything mankind as done to the environment and everything to do with the earth's own cyclical changes.

I feel the same way. Treehugging environmentalists call this ignorance. An example of mass-ignorance by all the uneducated and selfish hummer owning idiots. I wonder if there were treehuggers back during the ice age? Maybe telling all the other cave men that they are the cause of over-glaciation?
Neal Boortz said:
Here are just a few little factoids for you to play around with, factoids that cause me to doubt that whatever global warming we're experiencing can be blamed on the actions of man.

1. The sun is hotter. Period. This fact cannot be denied. The sun is going through a lengthy period of increased activity that causes it to radiate more heat into space. Is it really that hard to believe that a hotter sun would lead to a hotter earth?
2. Our polar ice caps are melting? Sure looks like it. But .. the polar ice caps on Mars are melting also. So, are we to believe that this is caused by man on the Earth but by the hotter sun on Mars?
3. And while we're talking about ice caps melting, it's worth noting that the ice pack in the heart of Antarctica is actually getting thicker!
4. Scientific data clearly shows that the Earth has undergone warming and cooling cycles for millions of years. Why, all of a sudden, does a warming cycle just have to be caused by the actions of man?
5. Scientists who work on government grants are more inclined to blame global warming on the actions of man than are scientists who do not depend on continued government (political) funding.
6. And just how much warmer has our atmosphere become in the last 100 years? One degree. That's it. Just one degree.
7. Many of the people who are so involved in promoting the man-made global warming theme are people who are also involved in anti-capitalist movements. So, what is their true goal? Do they want to solve the global warming problem, or do they want to cripple the capitalist systems they so hate?
8. The U.S. Senate snubbed the Kyoto treaty by a vote of 99-0. This was during the Clinton years! What did these 99 senators know about the Kyoto Accords that we don't know?
9. Speaking of the Kyoto accords, they would severely impact the U.S. economy, but would leave China absolutely alone! China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Since a huge number of Kyoto proponents can also be called anti-American, could this cause you to wonder what the true goal of Kyoto is?
10. And just how many years ago was it that these very same scientists were warming us about the earth getting cooler?

Just some food for thought, folks. I for one believe that the failed, defunct communist movement in America has evolved into current environmentalism and animal rights activism.
GF Admin said:
Ok that was a pretty persuasive article. BUT, global warming aside, do you not agree that we are killing off the biosphere? Animals going extinct left and right, water contaminated etc.. so reducing our toxic out-put, pesticides, etc.. Sure would go along way. Kyoto or no Kyoto.

Despite what Boortz may say in his articles, I believe that man has contributed to the destruction of the biosphere. I do believe that it's about a three to one ratio in the favor of the Living Earth coping with changes in the atmosphere, gravitational pull, etc.
RoyalOrleans said:
Despite what Boortz may say in his articles, I believe that man has contributed to the destruction of the biosphere. I do believe that it's about a three to one ratio in the favor of the Living Earth coping with changes in the atmosphere, gravitational pull, etc.

From what I've come to know, the earth has far more control over the environment then do people. We are encouraging the warming of the earth, yes, but the earth is already on this course. The salt in the ocean water works as a cooling pump. It sinks towards the bottom and causes the ocean waters to circulate from the Atlantic to the pacific and then back again. This wears away at the glacial reserves and thus, causing them to recede. All this will result, oddly enough in causing a new ice age. I think the estimate for this is between 2-3 thousand years from now. Could be sooner though.

Either way we have centuries before we need worry about our environment encompassing our land in a massive sheet of ice.
Jhony5 said:
Thats bad for the enviroment, RO. All that friction contributes to global warming. Selfish *******.

This is true, in fact, I am currently writing a book called "Getting a Nut can Bust up the Ozone.".
Have any of you ever seen the movie "The day after tomorrow"?

One of the top 3 worst movies ever. Even if you set aside the horrible blatant scientific inaccuracies. The plot and overall story almost made me wretch in my own mouth and swallow it, as a means of distracting myself from the pain of watching it.
RoyalOrleans said:
This is true, in fact, I am currently writing a book called "Getting a Nut can Bust up the Ozone.".
The latest story is that the ozone is now repairing itself.
Earth's protective ozone layer, which was notably thinning in 1980, may be fully recovered by mid-century, climate scientists said on Wednesday.

Ozone in the stratosphere, outside the polar regions, stopped thinning in 1997, the scientists found after analyzing 25 years worth of observations.

The ozone layer shields the planet from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation, but human-made chemicals -- notably the chlorofluorocarbons found in some refrigerants and aerosol propellants -- depleted this stratospheric ozone, causing the protective layer to get thinner.

The scientists said the ozone layer's comeback is due in large part to compliance with an 1987 international agreement called the Montreal Protocol, which aimed to limit emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals.

"These results confirm the Montreal Protocol and its amendments have succeeded in stopping the loss of ozone in the stratosphere," said Eun-Su Yang of the Georgia Institute of Technology, who led a team that analyzed the data.

"At the current recovery rate ... the global ozone layer could be restored to 1980 levels -- the time that scientists first noticed the harmful effects human activities were having on atmospheric ozone -- sometime in the middle of this century," Yang said in a statement.

While ozone is a beneficial shield in the stratosphere, some six to 31 miles above Earth's surface, the ozone encountered at ground level can be damaging to lung tissue and plants and is a major component of smog.

The analysis was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres.

Researchers from
NASA and other agencies reported in June that the so-called ozone hole over Antarctica would recover by around 2068, which is some 20 years later than previously expected.

The Antarctic ozone hole is a massive loss of ozone that occurs each spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

A similar, though smaller and less severe, ozone hole has been reported in the Arctic.
Jhony5 said:
Have any of you ever seen the movie "The day after tomorrow"?

One of the top 3 worst movies ever. Even if you set aside the horrible blatant scientific inaccuracies. The plot and overall story almost made me wretch in my own mouth and swallow it, as a means of distracting myself from the pain of watching it.

It's almost as bad as Con Air and Armageddon.