Global warming


New member
What ****** me off is people who say oh global warming is true, even though they don't reserachy the facts.

Global warming is Bullshit (co2 increasing temp i mean), show me indllable proof for Global warming and Ill eat my own foot, this is eve\idence that does not have opposing evidence



New member
Then why debate it?

I guess we will all find out if it is true or not either way come 10 years.

So shut up.




New member
***, its precisely people like you that are arrogant, you exist to post pathetic responses, thats right you win because arguing here is like the special olympics even if you win still still retarded ******


New member
I see the psyops have hit here too. Oh, it wasn't all a conspiracy to kill environmentalism; partly it was that people just didn't want to give up their SUVs and accept responsibility. The "scientists" Halliburton and Exxon hired to prove that there was no reason to do anything at all didn't help. Nor did Bush's censorship of the EPA, even after he got caught red-handed trying to **** with independent research that would have been disadvantageous for his friends in the oil industry.

You want to know what's going on? Global warming is real. The glaciers are melting. The average temperature is rising. CO2 levels are rising too, and yes they do correlate with temperature in the past.

You also have to understand that sometimes the environmental groups exaggerate slightly about some things. They stand to benefit from a sense of urgency, when in truth its a gradual process that's probably too monolithically huge for us to stop.

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