Good rep, Bad rep.


New member
Adding to a post from GF Pioneer Hugo, I have a proposition for phreakwars and the other mods.

This whole concept of adding good rep and bad rep has a lot going for it, but, as has been evidenced by CES recently, adding bad rep without a fair and just reason is not in the interests of fostering fair debate. More like backstabbing and baiting.

My proposal is, that if a certain poster ends up in the idiot box, all prior bad rep handed out by that particular idiot is not only handed back to the receiver of that bad rep, but doubled, as a further "add insult to injury" jab.

I realise that this is gonna add work to the mods load, but those members who wish for that bad rep to be doubled back, need only let the mod know about it, and wait patiently for that mod to get around to it.

I sincerely believe that this will not only add to the interest of that green bar of indication of public assent/dissent, but will make lame arses think twice before posting inciteful bad rep.

What say you?

Late edit: Phreakwars, can you tack a simple yes/no poll onto this? Cheers.



New member
The rep system, while not perfect, is unable to be tampered with, even by MODS, when a person is tossed into the box, there status temporaly goes to ZERO rep anyway. While I appreciate the suggestion, I will have to decline.

First of all, the rep system used now, will eventually be replaced when the modules are written, and second, by doing what you suggested, it would only encourage OTHERS to purposely idiot box others for there own personal gain just because they didn't like recieving the bad rep that they did.

I can't give a specific timeline as to WHEN the new rep system will be installed on GF, but to make changes to an existing system, and how it works, at this time, knowing fully well the entire process will be getting a revamp anyway later on down the line, is counter-productive.





New member
Hopefully, when the NEW rep system is in place, we will be able to RANK a new thread and only people with a select number of points or higher will be able to participate.

I can't give other details on this at this time, but just know something is in the works.





New member
Hopefully, when the NEW rep system is in place, we will be able to RANK a new thread and only people with a select number of points or higher will be able to participate.

I can't give other details on this at this time, but just know something is in the works.


Well I rather like that



New member
Basically the new system will act as a FILTER, like in say this scenario... this topic was rated for members having say 50,000 rep points or higher to participate, then if you looked in the member list and sort by rep points (which will need to be added) you'll be able to see who CAN and who CAN'T participate in the topic. Now lets say Spleefman STARTED a topic, and he has 50,000 rep points, he would have the option of applying the RATING FILTER which is set by his EXISTING REP POINTS. He could choose to say that he wants ONLY posters with 50,000 or higher to be able to post, or he can turn off the rating cap, enabling EVERYBODY to respond.

This works VERY WELL for a couple of key reasons, even to the advantage of the lower ranked poster.

Let say TIZZ is the one who started the topic, and WANTS the filter, but she only has 40,000 rep points. And lets say she does NOT want Spleefy to have any part of the discussion because... we'll she happens to think he's an idiot, she has NO CHOICE but to let him respond, because after all, based on MEMBER REP VOTES, he ranks HIGHER then her for substance and intelligence in his posts (Kinda like REAL GF huh ?? :D ), but anyway, if Spleefy went and did the SAME THING on Tizz, tizz COULD NOT participate because she does not have enough REP, ... now... lets say tizz starts whoring around in OTHER posts and somehow manages to get a couple sympathy rep points and climbs up to that 50,000 mark, she is now ABLE to participate.

Our current system is TOOO lenient, it gives TOO MUCH rep, this is why the overhaul is needed to make it work.



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