
Yup.........MisDirected Brain Waves in Detroit Keep American
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"GM Researching Driverless Cars

Jan 6 06:25 PM US/Eastern

DETROIT (AP) - Cars that drive themselves--even parking at their
destination--could be ready for sale within a decade, General Motors
Corp. executives say.

GM, parts suppliers, university engineers and other automakers all are
working on vehicles that could revolutionize short- and long-distance
travel. And Tuesday at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas GM
Chief Executive Rick Wagoner will devote part of his speech to the
driverless vehicles.

"This is not science fiction," Larry Burns, GM's vice president for
research and development, said in a recent interview.

The most significant obstacles facing the vehicles could be human
rather than technical: government regulation, liability laws, privacy
concerns and people's passion for the automobile and the control it
gives them.

Much of the technology already exists for vehicles to take the wheel:
radar-based cruise control, motion sensors, lane-change warning
devices, electronic stability control and satellite-based digital
mapping. And automated vehicles could dramatically improve life on the
road, reducing crashes and congestion.

If people are interested.

"Now the question is what does society want to do with it?" Burns
said. "You're looking at these issues of congestion, safety, energy
and emissions. Technically there should be no reason why we can't
transfer to a totally different world."

GM plans to use an inexpensive computer chip and an antenna to link
vehicles equipped with driverless technologies. The first use likely
would be on highways; people would have the option to choose a
driverless mode while they still would control the vehicle on local
streets, Burns said.

He said the company plans to test driverless car technology by 2015
and have cars on the road around 2018.

Sebastian Thrun, co-leader of the Stanford University team that
finished second among six teams completing a 60-mile Pentagon-
sponsored race of driverless cars in November, said GM's goal is
technically attainable. But he said he wasn't confident cars would
appear in showrooms within a decade.

"There's some very fundamental, basic regulations in the way of that
vision in many countries," said Thrun, a professor of computer science
and electrical engineering.

The Defense Department contest, which initially involved 35 teams,
showed the technology isn't ready for prime time. One team was
eliminated after its vehicle nearly charged into a building, while
another vehicle mysteriously pulled into a house's carport and parked

Thrun said a key benefit of the technology eventually will be safer
roads and reducing the roughly 42,000 U.S. traffic deaths that occur
annually--95 percent of which he said are caused by human mistakes.

"We might be able to cut those numbers down by a factor of 50
percent," Thrun said. "Just imagine all the funerals that won't take

Other challenges include updating vehicle codes and figuring out who
would be liable in a crash and how to cope with blown tires or
obstacles in the road. But the systems could be developed to tell
motorists about road conditions, warn of crashes or stopped vehicles
ahead and prevent collisions in intersections.

Later versions of driverless technology could reduce jams by directing
vehicles to space themselves close together, almost as if they were
cars in a train, and maximize the use of space on a freeway, he said.

"It will really change society, very much like the transition from a
horse to a car," Thrun said.

The U.S. government has pushed technology to help drivers avoid
crashes, most notably electronic stability controls that help prevent
rollovers. The systems are required on new passenger vehicles starting
with the 2012 model year.

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication and technology allowing cars to talk
with highway systems could come next.

Still in debate are how to address drivers' privacy, whether current
vehicles can be retrofitted and how many vehicles would be need the
systems to develop an effective network.

"Where it shakes out remains to be seen but there is no question we
see a lot of potential there," said Rae Tyson, a spokesman for the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. "