Google launches Android Design style guide for developers


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Google is looking to unify the look of apps for its Android operating system with the release of Ice Cream Sandwich. <a href="">After announcing new requirements for the Android Market</a>, Google has launched a new online style guide for Android developers called “Android Design.” The website features tools and suggestions to help developers create applications that blend with the updated user interface found in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Google describes the site as “the place to learn about principles, building blocks, and patterns for creating world-class Android user interfaces.” Matias Duarte, the Director of Android, spoke with <em>The Verge</em> and announced the website will be continually updated throughout the life of the Android OS.<span id="more-122356"></span>
[Via <a href="">The Verge</a>]
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report