Google Maps 6.0 for Android adds indoor mapping, more [video]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Google Maps 6.0 for Android was released on Tuesday with several enhancements, the most notable of which is indoor map support. Google hopes the update will help Android users more easily navigate shopping malls, airports and other public spaces. Users are able to search throughout floor plans, too, which means a traveler can search for a coffee shop or the nearest restroom in an airport. Google said floor plans will appear when a user is zoomed-in fully on a building where mapping data is available; the differences between indoor and outdoor maps can be seen in the image above. Read on for more.<span id="more-114479"></span>
Floor plans supported in this initial release include the Mall of America, IKEA, The Home Depot, select Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s locations, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Chicago O’Hare Airport, San Francisco International Airport, Narita International and a handful of Japanese retail outlets.
Google also added a new drop-down menu for quickly switching between features within Maps, which makes it easier to jump to Places, Navigation, Latitude and more. There is a new Places home screen as well, which includes popular searches based on your current location. A video of Google Maps 6.0 for Android follows below.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report