Google Maps updated to include ‘photo tours’ [video]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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<a href="">Google Maps</a> has been updated to allow users to access new “photo tours” within the service. The feature uses contributed photos from around the world that are stitched together to give a 3D photo scene of a popular location. Photo tours are available for more than 15,000 popular sites around the world and can be initiated through Google Maps in two ways. “First, when you search for a place, such as Trevi Fountain, the results in the left panel will indicate if there is a photo tour available: click either the thumbnail image or the link to start the tour,” Google wrote on its blog. “Alternatively, if you’re browsing the map and click on the label for a particular landmark, the info window that appears will indicate if a photo tour is available.” The tours require Google Maps with WebGL and are available now. A photo tour demonstration follows below. <span id="more-137003"></span>
<center><iframe width="651" height="331" frameborder="0" src=""></iframe></center>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report