Google Wallet now supported by seven new retailers [video]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Google recently announced that its Google Wallet NFC mobile payment service now accepts a host of new retail locations, including American Eagle Outfitters, Foot Locker, Jamba Juice, Guess, The Container Store, Toys”R”Us and OfficeMax. Previously, the payments were only accepted in a handful of Walgreens and Subway sandwich stores in San Francisco and New York. In addition, Google says its Offers service, which provides discounts at each location, is also available in a number of the aforementioned retail outlets. Users can purchase a smoothie from Jamba Juice for $2 or take 15% off at Macy’s, for example. Unfortunately, Google Wallet is still only available to owners of Sprint’s Nexus S 4G, but we hope to hear more about Google’s NFC plans during its joint Ice Cream Sandwich press conference with Samsung in Hong Kong tonight at 10:00 p.m. EST. A video of Google Wallet in action follows below.<span id="more-108510"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report