Google’s original vision for the ‘Google Phone’ uncovered in court


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-137029 aligncenter" title="googlephone" src="" alt="" width="608" height="403" /></a></center>
Two years before the first commercial release of Android, Google shopped a device to carriers that contained a “basic phone user interface.” The Mountain View-based company approached T-Mobile and called the device a win-win when combined with the carrier’s unlimited data plan. The original designs surfaced during <a href="">Google’s trial against Oracle</a> over the use of Java in Android, <em>The Verge</em> reported. Additional documents revealed that Google was looking to change T-Mobile’s plan pricing structure, and offer unlimited data for $9.99 a month. To subsidize the reduced cost, the Internet giant would have agreed to not take the commission it might earn from the carrier when it referred Android buyers to its online store. Google’s original plan never became a reality, however, and the first commercial Android phone, the T-Mobile G1, was released with $25 and $35 data plans. A second image outlining additional details follows below. <span id="more-137024"></span>
<center><img class="size-full wp-image-137031 aligncenter" title="Google-dataplan" src="" alt="" width="628" height="455" /></center>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report