GOP group's campaign ad says Democrats started KKK


New member
Politics turned into a game a loooong time ago...

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (AP) -- A national black Republican group is running a radio advertisement accusing Democrats of starting the Ku Klux Klan and saying the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican, a claim challenged by civil-rights researchers.
Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, the black Republican nominee for Maryland's open Senate seat, disavowed the ad Thursday as "insulting to Marylanders." He said his campaign asked the Washington-based National Black Republican Association to stop running it.

At an event in Baltimore, Steele said, "I don't know exactly what the intent of the ad was" but that "it's not helpful to the public discourse."

The ad does not mention Steele or his Democratic opponent, Rep. Ben Cardin.

The association's president, Frances Rice, did not return calls for comment. The group, founded a year ago, promotes the Republicans to black voters.

The spot begins with one woman telling another, "Dr. King was a real man. You know he was a Republican."

Steve Klein, a senior researcher with the Atlanta-based King Center, said Thursday that King never endorsed candidates from either party.

"I think it's highly inaccurate to say he was a Republican because there's really no evidence," Klein said.

A King biographer, Taylor Branch, also said Thursday that King was nonpartisan.

In the ad, the woman goes on to say, "Democrats passed those black codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan." Her companion replies, "The Klan? White hoods and sheets?"

The KKK, never a political party, was a racist group of white men that started in the South after the Civil War, when Republicans were almost unheard of in former Confederate states. The mainstream Democratic Party never endorsed the Klan nor claimed to have founded it.

The first woman also says, "Democrats fought all civil rights legislation from the 1860s to the 1960s. Democrats released those vicious dogs and fire hoses on blacks."

The ad asserts that "Democrats want to keep us poor while voting only Democrat" and "Democrats want us to accept same-*** marriages, teen abortions without a parent's consent and suing the Boy Scouts for saying '***' in their pledge."

About the Republicans, the ad says: "Republicans freed us from slavery and put our right to vote in the Constitution."

The group running the ads describes itself on its Web site as "a resource for the black community on Republican ideals." It does not say how many members it has.

Race is a prominent theme in the Maryland race for the seat held by retiring Democrat Paul Sarbanes. Steele, the first black candidate elected statewide in Maryland, faces a white Democrat in a heavily Democratic state with the highest percentage of black residents -- 29 percent -- of any state outside the South.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
The Ku Klux Klan was started by Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was most certainly a democrat, although I am sure not all democrats are/were Klan members.


New member
The Ku Klux Klan was started by Nathan Bedford Forrest and he was most certainly a democrat, although I am sure not all democrats are/were Klan members.
I bet most Klan members were democrats...

**** has changed!! I would expect the Democratic party to be the last kind of party to support the KKK. But than again thats like most other parties.



New member
Democrats usually support the weakest people, they don't believe in the death penalty, they believe in allowing abortion, they believe in Gay marriage, they support better treatment of criminals, like allowing them the vote and being able to own weapons after they have served out their sentences AND completed probation. They have been the people to support ways to help the poorer people of the US, National health insurance for instance.

Republicans on the other hand are more likely to want MORE tax breaks for the rich so they can become richer while the poor man stays poor.

That is not too say that all Democrats are that way, but they sure don't stand for burning crosses on peoples lawns and the only ones that would like to believe that are the frightened Repubs because of the MESS that Bush has made. They are frightened that the American people are SO sick of it they will vote a Dem into office.



New member
So you're telling me the next president will be a Democrat?

If this is true, will the troops in Iraq be withdrawled immediately, over a short time, or will they follow Bush's plan?



New member
So you're telling me the next president will be a Democrat?
If this is true, will the troops in Iraq be withdrawled immediately, over a short time, or will they follow Bush's plan?
Hamza don't get fooled. It won't matter who the president is. Were not leaving Iraq until the job is finished.



New member
Hamza don't get fooled. It won't matter who the president is. Were not leaving Iraq until the job is finished.
Apparantley some people like to think so.

Iraq is so ****** up right now it seems hard for me to decide weather or not I think the soldiers should be there or not.



New member
Yes, The South was ruled by the Democratic Party until LBJ's Great Society programs pushed economic conservatives into the Republican camp. The road to **** is paved with good intentions; welfare, and it's ilk, has broken up families and propagated poverty. Liberal economic programs have reaped it's greatest damage on black Americans.

Apparantley some people like to think so.
Iraq is so ****** up right now it seems hard for me to decide weather or not I think the soldiers should be there or not.
I don't think you wish to see the Sunni's of Iraq have the final solution imposed on them



New member
I don't think you wish to see the Sunni's of Iraq have the final solution imposed on them
You're with the Shiites in Iraq because they fight the Sunnis there but you're with the Sunnis in Lebanon because they fight Hezbollah...

Now that is ****** up.



New member
You're with the Shiites in Iraq because they fight the Sunnis there but you're with the Sunnis in Lebanon because they fight Hezbollah...
Now that is ****** up.
I'm with neither. Hope they kill each other off. The only good Muslim is a dead one.



New member
I'm with neither. Hope they kill each other off. The omly good Muslim is a dead one.

The only good American is the one trying not to **** with the Middle East!! It's too bad any taxpayer has.



New member
U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact

Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid

Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans


Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)


Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments


Grand Total


Total Benefits per Israeli


Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.

Aid to Israel

Grand Total


Interest Costs Borne by U.S.


Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers


Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli


Special Reports:

Congress Watch: A Conservative Total for U.S. Aid to Israel: $91 Billion

Are you seriously turning this into a muslim v. America battle again? :eek: You dont want to fight that fight? Every one I've seen... you lose... Back to the topic!

Dems did start the KKK. That's historical fact... I can see why it would be controversial to the dems for them to show that, they would much rather you be blind. They want the down-trodden to stay there. If not, why would they continue to push the economic policies that they push... ****, any of the policies that they push... :rolleyes:


Kryptonite Man

New member
Are you seriously turning this into a muslim v. America battle again? :eek: You dont want to fight that fight? Every one I've seen... you lose... Back to the topic!
Dems did start the KKK. That's historical fact... I can see why it would be controversial to the dems for them to show that, they would much rather you be blind. They want the down-trodden to stay there. If not, why would they continue to push the economic policies that they push... ****, any of the policies that they push... :rolleyes:
Logical. Flawlessly logical. That's one of the many reasons I despise liberals. Their support for the ACLU for one thing, and a whole host of other things, including their starting the ************* Ku Klux Klan!! :mad: :mad:


New member
Aren't you making sweeping generalizations there??

Not ALL dems support the ACLU and I'm sure you would have a hard time finding a dem who supports the Klan in these days and times.

In fact in Texas, the modern day clan is more likely to be Repubs then Dems. I know that back in the 1800's the Klan was a Democratic thing, the slave owers were more likely to be Dems but that has changed. The Klan of this century is not tied to the one of the 1800's.

Check out this link, it has some very interesting information.

The politicians are using this as a tool and you guys are falling for it, goose stepping and swallowing it all.

The information in this link is about the Democratic party, which the Democratic part of the 1800's is completely different then the one of today.

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