GOP Proven to be a Humongous Failure at Every Level of Government

  • Thread starter 9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio
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9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio

GOP struggles with identity crisis

Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

Sunday, September 9, 2007

It is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, but today there
is an identity crisis roiling the Republican Party as it approaches
the 2008 election - as GOP moderates and conservatives confronting the
Iraq war, corruption and the declining profile of President Bush
engage in a heated debate over just whose party it will be in the

The painful struggle for the soul of the GOP was played out here at
the state convention of the California Republican Party, the nation's
largest, in shockingly different speeches by two leading GOP governors
this weekend.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has championed "post-
partisan" cooperation, issued a bold call for a return to Reagan's
"big tent" and moderation during the opening night of the GOP
gathering of 1,400 Friday. He warned conservative party activists who
dominate the GOP to take the conciliatory middle of the road - court
independents and address issues such as global warming and health care
- or watch their party "dying at the box office."

Minutes later, conservative Texas Gov. Rick Perry shattered that mood
with an incendiary address deriding Schwarzenegger-style moderation
and decrying California's "bankrupt, liberal political philosophy"-
exhorting Republicans to stand their ground on social issues such as
abortion and gay marriage. And without ever mentioning the California
governor's name, Perry launched a blistering attack clearly aimed at
his direction.

"It's a sad, sad state of affairs when liberals campaign like
Republicans to get elected, and Republicans govern like liberals to be
loved," he said, getting whoops and repeated standing ovations from
the 400 delegates at the opening dinner that put Schwarzenegger's
polite reception to shame.

With five months to go until the first primaries and caucuses of the
2008 presidential election, the divergent scenes at the state GOP
convention in the nation's most populous state served as a road map
for what may lie ahead as Republicans debate what issues, what
candidates - indeed, what very philosophy - they should offer to
American voters if their beleaguered party is to thrive and hold

The dilemma was evident as delegates heard Saturday from presidential
candidate John McCain, who in 2000 was considered a favorite maverick
of many delegates. The Arizona senator has lost ground among moderates
for his strong support of the Iraq troop surge and among conservatives
for his advocacy of immigration reform and campaign finance reform.

McCain acknowledged this is a "perilous time for our party - but, far
more important, a perilous time for our country."

"As we all know, the war in Iraq has not gone well, and the American
people have grown sick and tired of it," he said. "I, too, have been
made sick at heart by the many mistakes made by civilian and military
commanders, and the terrible price we paid for them."

But as he gently reminded the delegates of the late President Reagan's
"shining city on the hill" speech - McCain sat at the side of Reagan
when it was delivered - he suggested that there should be no
partisanship in the goal of serving what Reagan called America, "the
last best hope of man on earth."

The challenges posed for the embattled Republican Party in California,
dominated by conservative leadership, are particularly daunting: The
state GOP is in the minority in both legislative houses, has lost
120,000 voters from its rolls in the past year, operates in the red
because of a paucity of donors and has few promising prospects for
future statewide elective races.

But the discomfort with the call for a retooling was evident in
conservative California Republican Party state chair Ronald Nehring,
who was asked in a press conference more than a half-dozen times by
reporters if he agreed with Schwarzenegger's speech. He stubbornly
refused to express an opinion, sticking to his message that Democrats
are "the party that has lost the middle ground."

GOP delegates were apparently also not eager to get into a fight on
the party's platform - and whether Republicans should jettison hard-
line talk on such social issues as abortion and gay marriage and stick
to a more streamlined, mainstream approach, the "big tent" Reagan
philosophy that Schwarzenegger espoused.

Patrick Dorinson, a GOP consultant, said that Schwarzenegger's
"terrific" call for a return to the moderate middle was a necessary
reminder to Republicans that "you have to truly understand the
electorate that you are dealing with ... and clearly we have to reach
out to independents."

Adam Mendelsohn, the governor's communications director, said
Schwarzenegger wants the party to be "talking about solving problems"
and reforms on voters' minds, health care being at the top of the
list. "Just because there are issues that Democrats owned," he said,
"that doesn't mean there aren't Republican solutions."

But conservatives were dismayed, even angered, by what they said was
the governor's efforts to abandon party principles.

"Rick Perry gave the Republican speech at this convention," said Mike
Spence, a leading voice in the conservative California Republican
Assembly. "What (Schwarzenegger) has been doing is undermining the
Republican party his entire governorship ... the way he's run the
party, his campaigns and his policies. He came here to attack and to
bring up divisive issues."

Jon Fleischman, a vice chair of the California GOP and influential
publisher of the Flashreport, a popular GOP Web site, said that
Schwarzenegger must "come back to his roots, Ronald Reagan, Milton
Friedman." But "to come into a Republican convention and talk about
how the success plan for Republicans is to be more like Democrats is
very unfortunate."

McCain, asked whether his party is resonating with the political
middle, acknowledged a host of problems facing GOP elected officials
and candidates at all levels.

"I don't think it's our message. I think it's our actions," he said.
"I think when you have former members of Congress in federal prison;
when you have the corruption that was bred by this out-of-control
spending, which betrayed our Republican base that cares about fiscal
conservatism; when we fail after Hurricane Katrina - we say
everything's fine and there's people that literally are dehydrating
without water in the Superdome - they've lost confidence that we
can ... be effective (as) the ruling party."
"9 Trillion Dollar Republican National Debt" <> wrote in
> GOP struggles with identity crisis
> Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
> Sunday, September 9, 2007
> It is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, but today there
> is an identity crisis roiling the Republican Party as it approaches
> the 2008 election - as GOP moderates and conservatives confronting the
> Iraq war, corruption and the declining profile of President Bush
> engage in a heated debate over just whose party it will be in the
> future.
> The painful struggle for the soul of the GOP was played out here at
> the state convention of the California Republican Party, the nation's
> largest, in shockingly different speeches by two leading GOP governors
> this weekend.
> California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has championed "post-
> partisan" cooperation, issued a bold call for a return to Reagan's
> "big tent" and moderation during the opening night of the GOP
> gathering of 1,400 Friday. He warned conservative party activists who
> dominate the GOP to take the conciliatory middle of the road - court
> independents and address issues such as global warming and health care
> - or watch their party "dying at the box office."
> Minutes later, conservative Texas Gov. Rick Perry shattered that mood
> with an incendiary address deriding Schwarzenegger-style moderation
> and decrying California's "bankrupt, liberal political philosophy"-
> exhorting Republicans to stand their ground on social issues such as
> abortion and gay marriage. And without ever mentioning the California
> governor's name, Perry launched a blistering attack clearly aimed at
> his direction.
> "It's a sad, sad state of affairs when liberals campaign like
> Republicans to get elected, and Republicans govern like liberals to be
> loved," he said, getting whoops and repeated standing ovations from
> the 400 delegates at the opening dinner that put Schwarzenegger's
> polite reception to shame.
> With five months to go until the first primaries and caucuses of the
> 2008 presidential election, the divergent scenes at the state GOP
> convention in the nation's most populous state served as a road map
> for what may lie ahead as Republicans debate what issues, what
> candidates - indeed, what very philosophy - they should offer to
> American voters if their beleaguered party is to thrive and hold
> ground.
> The dilemma was evident as delegates heard Saturday from presidential
> candidate John McCain, who in 2000 was considered a favorite maverick
> of many delegates. The Arizona senator has lost ground among moderates
> for his strong support of the Iraq troop surge and among conservatives
> for his advocacy of immigration reform and campaign finance reform.
> McCain acknowledged this is a "perilous time for our party - but, far
> more important, a perilous time for our country."
> "As we all know, the war in Iraq has not gone well, and the American
> people have grown sick and tired of it," he said. "I, too, have been
> made sick at heart by the many mistakes made by civilian and military
> commanders, and the terrible price we paid for them."
> But as he gently reminded the delegates of the late President Reagan's
> "shining city on the hill" speech - McCain sat at the side of Reagan
> when it was delivered - he suggested that there should be no
> partisanship in the goal of serving what Reagan called America, "the
> last best hope of man on earth."
> The challenges posed for the embattled Republican Party in California,
> dominated by conservative leadership, are particularly daunting: The
> state GOP is in the minority in both legislative houses, has lost
> 120,000 voters from its rolls in the past year, operates in the red
> because of a paucity of donors and has few promising prospects for
> future statewide elective races.
> But the discomfort with the call for a retooling was evident in
> conservative California Republican Party state chair Ronald Nehring,
> who was asked in a press conference more than a half-dozen times by
> reporters if he agreed with Schwarzenegger's speech. He stubbornly
> refused to express an opinion, sticking to his message that Democrats
> are "the party that has lost the middle ground."
> GOP delegates were apparently also not eager to get into a fight on
> the party's platform - and whether Republicans should jettison hard-
> line talk on such social issues as abortion and gay marriage and stick
> to a more streamlined, mainstream approach, the "big tent" Reagan
> philosophy that Schwarzenegger espoused.
> Patrick Dorinson, a GOP consultant, said that Schwarzenegger's
> "terrific" call for a return to the moderate middle was a necessary
> reminder to Republicans that "you have to truly understand the
> electorate that you are dealing with ... and clearly we have to reach
> out to independents."
> Adam Mendelsohn, the governor's communications director, said
> Schwarzenegger wants the party to be "talking about solving problems"
> and reforms on voters' minds, health care being at the top of the
> list. "Just because there are issues that Democrats owned," he said,
> "that doesn't mean there aren't Republican solutions."
> But conservatives were dismayed, even angered, by what they said was
> the governor's efforts to abandon party principles.
> "Rick Perry gave the Republican speech at this convention," said Mike
> Spence, a leading voice in the conservative California Republican
> Assembly. "What (Schwarzenegger) has been doing is undermining the
> Republican party his entire governorship ... the way he's run the
> party, his campaigns and his policies. He came here to attack and to
> bring up divisive issues."
> Jon Fleischman, a vice chair of the California GOP and influential
> publisher of the Flashreport, a popular GOP Web site, said that
> Schwarzenegger must "come back to his roots, Ronald Reagan, Milton
> Friedman." But "to come into a Republican convention and talk about
> how the success plan for Republicans is to be more like Democrats is
> very unfortunate."
> McCain, asked whether his party is resonating with the political
> middle, acknowledged a host of problems facing GOP elected officials
> and candidates at all levels.
> "I don't think it's our message. I think it's our actions," he said.
> "I think when you have former members of Congress in federal prison;
> when you have the corruption that was bred by this out-of-control
> spending, which betrayed our Republican base that cares about fiscal
> conservatism; when we fail after Hurricane Katrina - we say
> everything's fine and there's people that literally are dehydrating
> without water in the Superdome - they've lost confidence that we
> can ... be effective (as) the ruling party."

The reaction by the wackadoodles to Schwarzenegger (cool) and to Perry
(thunderous applause) provides further proof that the Republican Party is
committing suicide.

"9 Trillion Dollar Republican National Debt" <> wrote in
> GOP struggles with identity crisis
> Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
> Sunday, September 9, 2007
> It is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, but today there
> is an identity crisis roiling the Republican Party as it approaches
> the 2008 election - as GOP moderates and conservatives confronting the
> Iraq war, corruption and the declining profile of President Bush
> engage in a heated debate over just whose party it will be in the
> future.
> The painful struggle for the soul of the GOP was played out here at
> the state convention of the California Republican Party, the nation's
> largest, in shockingly different speeches by two leading GOP governors
> this weekend.


It's not surprising that people who hate government fail at providing it.
Republicans view government as the problem, as the root of all evil, that
can't function properly. They feel that only private enterprise and markets
can solve all problems and that there is no place for government. Remember
Reagan speech of feared words: "I'm from the government and I'm here to

As Al Franken said: "Republicans always complain about how bad government
is...Then we elect them and they prove it." The response to Katrina was the
poster child for how bad government can be. But, so is Iraq where the
continuing problems are the results of bad planning and a failure to
understand the situation as it developed.

You can't have it both ways, Good responsive government requires people who
believe that government has a place and can fuction peoperly to meet the
needs of the people. It is foolish to think that people who campaign on the
evils of government can actually provide good government. The failures we
see should be no surprize.
On Sep 13, 7:27 am, "Joe S." <> wrote:
> "9 Trillion Dollar Republican National Debt" <> wrote in
> > GOP struggles with identity crisis

> > Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer

> > Sunday, September 9, 2007

> > It is the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, but today there
> > is an identity crisis roiling the Republican Party as it approaches
> > the 2008 election - as GOP moderates and conservatives confronting the
> > Iraq war, corruption and the declining profile of President Bush
> > engage in a heated debate over just whose party it will be in the
> > future.

> > The painful struggle for the soul of the GOP was played out here at
> > the state convention of the California Republican Party, the nation's
> > largest, in shockingly different speeches by two leading GOP governors
> > this weekend.

> > California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has championed "post-
> > partisan" cooperation, issued a bold call for a return to Reagan's
> > "big tent" and moderation during the opening night of the GOP
> > gathering of 1,400 Friday. He warned conservative party activists who
> > dominate the GOP to take the conciliatory middle of the road - court
> > independents and address issues such as global warming and health care
> > - or watch their party "dying at the box office."

> > Minutes later, conservative Texas Gov. Rick Perry shattered that mood
> > with an incendiary address deriding Schwarzenegger-style moderation
> > and decrying California's "bankrupt, liberal political philosophy"-
> > exhorting Republicans to stand their ground on social issues such as
> > abortion and gay marriage. And without ever mentioning the California
> > governor's name, Perry launched a blistering attack clearly aimed at
> > his direction.

> > "It's a sad, sad state of affairs when liberals campaign like
> > Republicans to get elected, and Republicans govern like liberals to be
> > loved," he said, getting whoops and repeated standing ovations from
> > the 400 delegates at the opening dinner that put Schwarzenegger's
> > polite reception to shame.

> > With five months to go until the first primaries and caucuses of the
> > 2008 presidential election, the divergent scenes at the state GOP
> > convention in the nation's most populous state served as a road map
> > for what may lie ahead as Republicans debate what issues, what
> > candidates - indeed, what very philosophy - they should offer to
> > American voters if their beleaguered party is to thrive and hold
> > ground.

> > The dilemma was evident as delegates heard Saturday from presidential
> > candidate John McCain, who in 2000 was considered a favorite maverick
> > of many delegates. The Arizona senator has lost ground among moderates
> > for his strong support of the Iraq troop surge and among conservatives
> > for his advocacy of immigration reform and campaign finance reform.

> > McCain acknowledged this is a "perilous time for our party - but, far
> > more important, a perilous time for our country."

> > "As we all know, the war in Iraq has not gone well, and the American
> > people have grown sick and tired of it," he said. "I, too, have been
> > made sick at heart by the many mistakes made by civilian and military
> > commanders, and the terrible price we paid for them."

> > But as he gently reminded the delegates of the late President Reagan's
> > "shining city on the hill" speech - McCain sat at the side of Reagan
> > when it was delivered - he suggested that there should be no
> > partisanship in the goal of serving what Reagan called America, "the
> > last best hope of man on earth."

> > The challenges posed for the embattled Republican Party in California,
> > dominated by conservative leadership, are particularly daunting: The
> > state GOP is in the minority in both legislative houses, has lost
> > 120,000 voters from its rolls in the past year, operates in the red
> > because of a paucity of donors and has few promising prospects for
> > future statewide elective races.

> > But the discomfort with the call for a retooling was evident in
> > conservative California Republican Party state chair Ronald Nehring,
> > who was asked in a press conference more than a half-dozen times by
> > reporters if he agreed with Schwarzenegger's speech. He stubbornly
> > refused to express an opinion, sticking to his message that Democrats
> > are "the party that has lost the middle ground."

> > GOP delegates were apparently also not eager to get into a fight on
> > the party's platform - and whether Republicans should jettison hard-
> > line talk on such social issues as abortion and gay marriage and stick
> > to a more streamlined, mainstream approach, the "big tent" Reagan
> > philosophy that Schwarzenegger espoused.

> > Patrick Dorinson, a GOP consultant, said that Schwarzenegger's
> > "terrific" call for a return to the moderate middle was a necessary
> > reminder to Republicans that "you have to truly understand the
> > electorate that you are dealing with ... and clearly we have to reach
> > out to independents."

> > Adam Mendelsohn, the governor's communications director, said
> > Schwarzenegger wants the party to be "talking about solving problems"
> > and reforms on voters' minds, health care being at the top of the
> > list. "Just because there are issues that Democrats owned," he said,
> > "that doesn't mean there aren't Republican solutions."

> > But conservatives were dismayed, even angered, by what they said was
> > the governor's efforts to abandon party principles.

> > "Rick Perry gave the Republican speech at this convention," said Mike
> > Spence, a leading voice in the conservative California Republican
> > Assembly. "What (Schwarzenegger) has been doing is undermining the
> > Republican party his entire governorship ... the way he's run the
> > party, his campaigns and his policies. He came here to attack and to
> > bring up divisive issues."

> > Jon Fleischman, a vice chair of the California GOP and influential
> > publisher of the Flashreport, a popular GOP Web site, said that
> > Schwarzenegger must "come back to his roots, Ronald Reagan, Milton
> > Friedman." But "to come into a Republican convention and talk about
> > how the success plan for Republicans is to be more like Democrats is
> > very unfortunate."

> > McCain, asked whether his party is resonating with the political
> > middle, acknowledged a host of problems facing GOP elected officials
> > and candidates at all levels.

> > "I don't think it's our message. I think it's our actions," he said.
> > "I think when you have former members of Congress in federal prison;
> > when you have the corruption that was bred by this out-of-control
> > spending, which betrayed our Republican base that cares about fiscal
> > conservatism; when we fail after Hurricane Katrina - we say
> > everything's fine and there's people that literally are dehydrating
> > without water in the Superdome - they've lost confidence that we
> > can ... be effective (as) the ruling party."

= The reaction by the wackadoodles to Schwarzenegger (cool) and to
> (thunderous applause) provides further proof that the Republican Party is
> committing suicide.

= Good.

Seriously, when Dems argue it is usually for some worthy issue, when
Reps argue it is over who and what they are as a party, they have
completely lost their identity and touch with reality. Republicans
have become absolutely too incompetent and unstable a party to be
attempting to lead anyone when they can't even find their way of the
paper bag or agree on who they even are anymore.