Gore's Nashville home now a model of energy efficiency says nationalbuilders group

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

NASHVILLE - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his
Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the
home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised
the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly.

The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-
collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all
incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode

"Short of tearing it down and starting anew, I don't know how it could
have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building
Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for
sustainable design.

Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11
percent compared with a year ago, according to utility records
reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent
to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a
record heat wave.

Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which
is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as
new construction.

"One of the things that is tremendously powerful about what the Gores
have done is demonstrate that you can take a home that was a dog, an
absolute energy pig, and do things to correct that," Shinn said.

Gore bought the mansion in the Nashville suburb of Belle Meade in 2002
for $2.3 million.

It houses his offices and those of his wife, Tipper, as well as a
commercial kitchen for formal events.

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider declined to say how much the couple
spent on the improvements.

"The Gores decided to take a series of steps over time that might be
logistically or financially out of reach for many Americans," she
said. "But they were fortunate enough to have the ability to do so.

"But everyone can get started, whether it's changing light bulbs or
purchasing green power."

In February, a conservative think tank criticized Gore for using an
average of 16,000 kilowatt hours a month for an average monthly bill
of $1,206 in 2006. The typical Nashville home uses about 1,300
kilowatt hours a month.

Gore has said the criticism was unfair because the 10,000-square-foot
mansion was undergoing extensive remodeling. He said this week that
"global warming denier" groups were trying to discredit him because
they don't like the attention he has given to climate change.

"You're going to have people try to attack the messenger in order to
get at the message. They have not been able to succeed," Gore told CNN
from Norway, where he picked up the Nobel Peace Prize for his
environmental work.

"The only way to solve this crisis is for individuals to make changes
in their own lives," he said.

The Green Building Council's certification program has four levels,
with platinum being the highest followed by gold. Gore's home was one
of 14 to earn gold status and the only Tennessee home to earn any

Electricity usage at the home remains well above regional averages,
but Gore's power consumption decreased by 6,890 kilowatt hours, or 11
percent, between June and August, despite the heat wave.

Gore's electric use increased again after he had to take his solar
panels off-line in August so his new geothermal system could be
integrated into the system. But his natural gas use has dropped 93
percent in the three months since the geothermal pump was activated.

When the Gores' heated pool is hooked up to the system later this
month, their energy use is expected to decline more, his spokeswoman

Gore has also said he invests in renewable energy such as solar and
wind power to balance 100 percent of his electricity usage.

Stephen Smith, executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean
Energy, said the size of Gore's house limits how much he can cut his
energy consumption.

"We all need to evaluate what we legitimately need in square footage,"
he said.

Still, another owner of the same house likely would not have been as
dedicated as Gore to reducing energy consumption, said Smith, who also
serves on the advisory committee for Gore's Alliance for Climate

"I promise you the energy use would be as high, if not higher," he
