Government entitlements piss me off


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
but morons who want to expand those entitlements piss me off even more!

just when you'd think they'd be trying ways to save money, these ****ed up liberals want to spend more (and then blame the Bush administration for the deficit)

and CNN pisses me off too, because they publish this nonsense. I piss myself off for reiterating this **** here on GF!


Does this piss you off?
Yes. I'm pissed. I try to keep an open mind about this stuff, but the libs in this country are beyond silly.
Some people need help. I don't see a problem with them getting it, although I do have a problem with them using foodstamps for unnecessary items.
i'm not a big supporter of food stamps as, yes, they can be abused. A better system is needed, maybe some food drops from a hurcules into the poor parts of the country. (just kidding)

As for the whole spending issue, you have to realize that Bush is putting the country in a hole and yes the Democrates would be spending more money were they in office (that of course would vary pending on wither or not they went to war) But the thing is that the furthur left you go the more socialist you go and that ofcourse entales public programs using more tax money but also providing a better standered for everyone (if done properly) So obviously there would be more spending with a leftist party and liberial policy will tend to go that way, its just a different mannor in which some folks would like the country run. More social programs means more spending and less 'control' of "YOUR" money, but with the aim of helping everybody more in the end. Public Health care here in Canada being one example.

This ofcourse is NOT communism, no more then ultra-conservatves are total-anarchists. Conservative and Democrate are 2 different lines of thinking so its not exactly faiur to say the the Deomcrates are thinking conservativly enough.

Brought to you by GH. (Stealing my roomates account) :cool:
I think food stamps are nessicary unless they're abusing them and using them for some pointless bullshit, or unless someone who doesn't need these programs are getting them, causing the people that are actually starving not to get them.
Except for programs targeted towards education, the elderly, and the disabled, I don't believe anyone is "entitled" to government benefits. I'm including food stamps, section 8 housing, subsidized day-care and Medicaid. Why should anyone's poor choices be subsidized by the government. I understand the desire to have children. But what is wrong with first getting an education, planning, working and saving enough to support a family before actually beginning one?