Governors address climate change


Captain Compassion

Governors address climate change
By JOHN FLESHER, Associated Press Writer

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - States should develop creative approaches to
climate change, just as they have with challenges such as health care,
despite their different economic interests, governors said Saturday.

"No individual state is going to solve the climate change problem, but
we can do our part," Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said. "In the absence
of national or international consensus or progress, we have the
opportunity to show the way."

Talks on state-level climate policy were planned for the annual
National Governors Association meeting this weekend at a resort on
Lake Michigan, where receding water levels have touched off debate
over the effects of global warming on the Great Lakes.

Stephen Johnson, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency,
and the European Union's environmental affairs counselor joined the
discussion. More than a dozen states are asking the EPA for greater
authority to regulate greenhouse gases, particularly automobile
exhaust emissions.

"With the states taking action, even if you don't have 100 percent of
America, you can have 40 or 50 percent or more, and that's a good
start," Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell said. "We can't just wait
around for the federal government."

Climate change is an international issue, Johnson said, but states can
help by promoting energy-efficient versions of products such as light
bulbs and building materials, along with clean energy technology.

"Technology is the key to addressing global climate change," he said
in an interview. "Without advances in technology that are
cost-effective, then we all have a serious problem."

Pawlenty, a Republican beginning a yearlong term Monday as chairman of
the governors association, said states should redouble efforts to
limit carbon emissions and develop renewable energy sources.

Such initiatives would benefit the environment while creating jobs and
making the nation more competitive, he said.

"The false premise of some of the critics is that you'll wreck the
economy," Pawlenty told The Associated Press. "I suggest if you do
this correctly, it will be a boost to the economy."

Aside from improving national security by reducing dependence on
foreign oil, a clean-energy strategy would spur investment in ethanol
and biodiesel plants, wind turbines, hydrogen fuel cells,
energy-efficient construction, and other technology, he said.

States can move more quickly than Washington to experiment with
policies encouraging such technology, Pawlenty said. "Hopefully we can
demonstrate that they work and entice the federal government to
embrace them and even make them applicable internationally," he said.

Pawlenty acknowledged his party has "catching up to do" on climate
change, but he noted that some of the most outspoken governors on the
issue are fellow Republicans.

For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger of California is threatening to the
sue the EPA for the right to exceed federal greenhouse gas standards
for motor vehicles. A dozen other states want the same authority.

The EPA plans a decision on California's petition by the end of the
year, Johnson said. The agency also is drafting nationwide auto
emission standards that would be in place by the end of 2008 unless
Congress acts first, he said.

While endorsing the idea of fighting climate change, several governors
made clear at a news conference that statewide economic needs would
influence their approaches.

Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm of Michigan, where the domestic auto
industry is battling congressional efforts to toughen fuel economy
standards, said success would come only when all countries