Governors Considered Possible VP Candidates


Patriot Games


Veep Pool Swimming With Governors

Saturday, February 23, 2008

WASHINGTON -- The Republican and Democratic nominees are certain to come
from the Senate. Thus, the nation's governors seem a ready pool of would-be
vice presidential candidates who could provide management experience lacking
at the top of each ticket.

"Seven governors have become president of the United States, and four have
become vice president," said Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, the chairman of
the National Governors Association opening its winter meeting with such bits
of history.

The Republican didn't, of course, mention that he's among the many governors
who might have the chance to try to increase those numbers. He, like the
others, tends to eschew such talk.

Still, names of more than a dozen governors have been floated as potential
running mates on the Republican and Democratic tickets.

Arizona Sen. John McCain is assured the Republican nomination, while
Democratic Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New
York are continuing to battle for the Democratic nod.

Jockeying for the No. 2 spot is well under way even though the nominees
typically don't choose running mates until the summer. Tons of names have
been tossed about, from former and current members of the House and Senate
to one-time governors and Cabinet officials.

But sitting governors offer an attractive blend: They are running state
governments now and, thus, dealing with issues of the day; they have
political and fundraising networks that are active and don't need to be
dusted off, and, in many cases, they are considered rising stars in their
respective parties who aspire to the next rung on the political ladder.

They also can claim they are Washington outsiders at a time when the public
is craving change and when both nominees are, by their occupations,
Washington insiders.

As McCain, and either Obama or Clinton, weigh their options, many
considerations come into play, among them: electoral votes a state offers,
whether a person would bring to the ticket credentials lacking at the top of
the ticket, and, perhaps, whether the person was an early and loyal

A sampling of governors who are being talked about in political circles, in
alphabetical order by state:



_Sarah Palin, Alaska. The state's first woman governor, 44, is an
up-and-comer who has had remarkably high approval ratings. But she lacks a
national profile. She's also from a far-flung Republican-leaning state that
isn't an electoral prize.

_Charlie Crist, Florida. His last-minute endorsement was widely credited
with helping McCain win the Florida primary and putting Crist, 51, on the
national stage. Florida is certain to be in play this fall, but Crist has a
centrist agenda that may rankle the GOP base.

_Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota. He's a two-term governor and longtime McCain
backer who is from the Midwest, a critical electoral-rich, swing-voting
region. Pawlenty, 47, has a national platform with the NGA, and will host
the GOP nominating convention in his state.

_Haley Barbour, Mississippi. The 60-year-old was lauded for his leadership
in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He could give McCain a boost in
conservative Southern states. But he's also a Washington insider; he's a
former national GOP chairman who founded a lobbying firm.

_Mark Sanford, South Carolina. While in Congress in 2000, he endorsed McCain
in his first presidential bid but was neutral this year as governor. The two
remain friendly. Age 47, Sanford has an independent streak that sometimes
conflicts with the establishment.

_Jon Huntsman Jr., Utah. He has been a loyal McCain backer since early on.
Huntsman, 47, comes from one of the country's most Republican states and
he's a Mormon. But he's also solidly conservative, and that could help
McCain tremendously.



_Janet Napolitano, Arizona. Age 50, she has proven that she can attract
independents and crossover Republicans. In any other year, she could help
Democrats capitalize on a changing Southwest. This year that would be tough;
McCain is an Arizona senator. But she backed Obama and he might find it
advantageous to choose a woman if he wins the nomination.

_Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas. She knows how to win _ twice _ in a state that's
solidly Republican in presidential elections, which could help the
Democratic nominee expand the playing field. Age 59, she has a moderate
image and is politically savvy. She's another woman who backed Obama and
campaigned for him.

_Bill Richardson, New Mexico. He ran for president this year but dropped out
after poor showings in a celebrity-packed field. A Hispanic who is 60, he
appeals to an up-for-grabs constituency in a politically shifting region. He
has foreign policy experience.

_Ted Strickland, Ohio. A big-time Clinton backer, he probably would only be
considered for the slot if she wins the nomination. Strickland, 66, had a
generally moderate voting record in Congress, and could help deliver the
pivotal state for her.

_Tim Kaine, Virginia. He's another Democrat who ran as a moderate and proved
he can win in a state that leans Republican in presidential elections.
Virginia, too, is a potential swing state that he could help turn
Democratic. Kaine, 49, backed Obama early.

_Joe Manchin, West Virginia. This first term governor, 60, is popular in the
state, and could help put a state that Bush won twice into the Democratic
column. He is known nationally for his legislative efforts following several
deadly mine accidents.