(Great read!) Debbie Schlussel - Gaza in Arizona: How 'Civil Rights' Lawyer Morris Dees Seized Ameri

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Gaza in Arizona: How "Civil Rights" Lawyer Morris Dees Seized American
Land For Illegal Aliens

By Debbie Schlussel

You've read about him. You've seen him on TV. A sappy network TV movie
about him, starring Corbin Bernsen, is now doing re-run hell on the
Lifetime Channel.

To believe the conventional wisdom, Morris Dees, Jr. is a brave man
who protects Blacks and Jews against White Supremacist Klansmen.

That's the PR, anyway. The truth is otherwise.

The real Morris Dees, chief of the misnamed Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC), is using our courts to take American land from
Americans and give it to illegal aliens.

If this is the new civil rights, Martin Luther King, Jr. must be
turning over in his grave.

It's beyond outrageous.

Two miles from the border with Mexico, U.S. citizen Casey Nethercott's
dream ranch is now the property of Edwin Alfredo Mancia Gonzales and
Fatima del Socorro Leiva Medina, both illegal immigrants from El

And Nethercott didn't sell it to them. They took it by force, after
trespassing on it to sneak into the U.S. All orchestrated by Dees.

Dees' legal squad used American courts to put Nethercott in jail and
transfer his property to the illegals he tried to keep out.

According to the New York Times, Nethercott bought the Arizona ranch,
"Camp Thunderbird," in 2003 for $120,000, his entire savings. He used
the 70-acre property as headquarters for Ranch Rescue, a group like
(and connected with) the Minutemen, which tries to keep our borders
safe--since our government will not.

In March 2003, Nethercott and Ranch Rescue caught Mancia and Leiva
sneaking into the country on a ranch near the Texas border. Even
Mancia and Leiva admit that the Ranch Rescue members gave them
cookies, water, and a blanket, and let them go after an hour.

But they accused Nethercott of threatening them and hitting Mr. Mancia
with a pistol. Instead of trying the illegals for trespassing and
kicking them out, Texas prosecutors tried and convicted Nethercott of
gun possession by a felon (he previously served time in California for
assault), and he is now serving five years in a Texas prison.

It gets worse.

In prison for the gun possession charge, Nethercott was unable to
defend himself against a civil lawsuit filed by Dees and his gangster
mob of lawyers on behalf of the illegals who claimed post-traumatic
stress for their hour of cookies and water.

Dees took Nethercott's ranch to pay the default judgment of $850,000
against Nethercott (in addition to $600,000 garnered against two other

Perhaps this column should really be called, "How to Get Rich Quick
for Illegal Aliens."

It gets even worse.

Dees and his SPLC also tried to get Nethercott's $60,000 in bail money
transferred to the illegal immigrants. It was money Nethercott's poor
mother obtained by mortgaging her home in order to post bail. Dees'
lawyer mob also went after Nethercott's sister, a nursing assistant.

And you thought it couldn't get any worse? Think again.

Without filing these charges, Mancia and Leiva, the illegal immigrants
would have been deported. Instead they are living comfortably in our
country and have applied for visas available to immigrants who are the
victims of certain crimes and cooperate with authorities. Until then,
they are here on a year-to-year basis, with the help of Dees' lawyer
thugs, and the approval of our irresponsible government.

Dees' organization should be called the Southern Impoverishment Law
Center because he and his legal hucksters are playing perverted Robin
Hood--stealing money from loyal, little-guy Americans who want to
protect our borders and giving it to unworthy illegal immigrants who
break the law and shouldn't be here.

Then, there is Dees' misrepresentation of what his "Law" Center is all
about. As co-founder and chief trial counsel, he presents his
non-profit group as a small civil rights organization David battling
hate by neo-Nazi Goliaths. But SPLC is a multi-million dollar bully of
lower and lower-middle class Americans with little means to defend
themselves. And these days, few of them are supremacists and racists.
Most are patriots who fight the plague of illegal aliens.

Its fiscal year 2003 tax forms show the SPLC had nearly $153 million
in assets. It spent almost $24 million dollars in the year ending
October 31, 2004. Dees, unlike the endlessly charitable, little paid
lawyer portrayed in the TV movie, collected almost $300,000 in income
and benefits that same year. (He gave thousands in campaign
contributions to John Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic National
Committee.) Other directors and officers of this gangster lawyer
conglomerate all made over $100,000, most almost $200,000 or more.

SPLC spent over a million dollars annually on swanky lobbyists who
pushed to make laws easier for SPLC to ruin Americans like Nethercott.
SPLC spent more than $12 million dollars in grants and "teaching
tolerance" to law enforcement, schools, teachers, and students. If
Casey Nethercott's case is any example, SPLC's "tolerance" is unbarred
acceptance of outrage.

When asked about the illegal immigration problem and pressed on the
urgency of the Minutemen, Dees told MSNBC's Chris Matthews, "The INS
may not be doing its job to suit everybody, but neither is the SEC.
There are millions of Americans who lost their money to white boys on
Wall Street." And one poor American man who is lost his life and his
property to a White boy in Montgomery, Alabama, named Morris Dees.

SPLC's tax forms proclaims its purpose is "providing legal services
for victims of civil rights injustice and hate crimes." But who are
the real victims here? Casey Nethercott, his co-defendants, and his
family. The injustice is that he is in jail and lost everything. But
there was no hate crime here--unless you count the hate Morris Dees
harnessed and led through the court system to screw Nethercott at the
expense of illegal aliens who got cookies and water.

The moral of this story: Turnabout isn't always fair play.

When Morris Dees is involved, it's a travesty of justice. No wonder
people hate lawyers.

UPDATE: Predictably, I received an angry e-mail, today, from Morris
Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center. A man named David Holthouse,
identified as part of SPLC's "Intelligence Project," compared me to
Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels for "dehumanizing illegal
immigrants." No, I think they're very human and a very big problem,
and we should treat them accordingly, unlike their mob of gangster
lawyers at SPLC. Given that my grandparents survived the Holocaust,
while most of their families perished, I think it's a little absurd to
compare wanting to protect our borders from foreign invasion
(non-ethnic based, too) to the Nazis who sent 11 million people to
their deaths in ovens and otherwise.

Holthouse sent me two photos of a man named Kalen Riddle, whom he
claims was Nethercott's "former right hand man" at the "Camp
Thunderbird" Ranch. The pictures of Riddle, who sports a swastika on
his arm, are disturbing. Still, we are not in the business of
prosecuting thought in America, using it to take property from people
and give it to illegals. Nothing makes what SPLC did, right.

I have seen no evidence that Nethercott has any involvement in
neo-Nazi groups, and he is apparently being smeared. Liberal groups
like the ADL and SPLC used the presence of Riddle to sully the entire
Ranch Rescue, Minutemen Project groups, and citizen border patrol
groups, and Dees has vowed to go after them. But Ranch Rescue
disavowed Nethercott when the Riddle connection came to light.

Holthouse, in his e-mail message to me, also attacked the Minutemen
(for no reason) and wrote the gratuitous, "Hail victory Debbie. Have a
white day." Thanks, but what I really want is what Ranch Rescue and
the Minutemen want--safe, impenetrable borders. I guess Mr. Holthouse
forgot about 9/11. I haven't.

Here is the website for Ranch Rescue. Clearly, it does not have the
neo-Nazi goals SPLC and its Mr. Holthouse wish to ascribe to it. Ranch
Rescue's Mission Statement clearly says otherwise, and frankly, I
think Ranch Rescue should consider a defamation action against
Holthouse and SPLC, since Holthouse claims that they are "deranged
racists who, if they could have their way, would line you and all
other descendants of Jews up against a wall right next to the illegal
immigrants you call a 'plague' and shoot you dead--blond tresses or

The fact is, our borders are in a state of emergency, and someone must
do the job. Seizing someone's ranch because he gave some illegals
cookies and water and held them for an hour--even if he has a neo-Nazi
associate whom I find disgusting--is not the way we should ever do
things in America. His thought today, mine and yours tomorrow. It is
interesting that these groups--who constantly fight for the free
speech and civil liberties of their favored "minorities" (including
radical Muslims)--disregard the thought and speech of those they
disfavor, like the rest of us.



"The Illegal-Alien Crime Wave" by Heather MacDonald

See the COLOSSAL costs of illegal aliens to the American taxpayer:
"Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada"
("For The Race everything, for those outside The Race nothing")

-- Motto of MEChA, one of the nation's largest publically-funded
organizations with cells on high school and college campuses across the USA
(Note: Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez says he "used to be" a member)