Greenpeace needs to be stopped for national Security

"Pope About Town" <> wrote in message
> FULL ANALYSIS FROM GREENPEACE: ExxonMobil's continued funding of global
> warming denial industry
> REPORT: ExxonMobil paid to mislead public
> Greenpeace: Exxon still funding climate skeptics

We need to target Greenpeace and get this Communist organization to stop
promoting the lies about Global warming being manmade, and their trying to
destroy the only large US Oil company that we have left with their lies.

They are promoting the lies for British Petroleum and the Communists who
bought half the US Refineries, and BP bought over 15,000 gas stations on US
Soil, and Citgo bought over 14,000 gas stations on US Soil, so that they
could take over our US Oil and send our gas money to Europe and Communist
Venezuela, instead of our US gas companies putting it back into our US

Britain gave Hong Kong to Communist China in 1997, and some say they used a
lot of the
money so BP could buy up our refineries, and even some of our oil in Alaska.
The Federal Trade Commission tried to stop the Illegal sales, but the US
Government sided with Tony Blaire and allowed the Illegal sales anyways.
Blare did this because Britain lost Oil deals in Iran during the 1979 US
Iran hostage crisis.

I wrote this to the medias, send it to your local medias and your families
if you want to help.

Being on disability and only getting $700 a month, and living alone unable
to drive, and the City taking us to court to try to get us hooked up to a
Communist City water and sewer movement, or we will have one year to move,
they are just doing this to create a greater manmade water shortage in the
USA, in a time when they are screaming a lie about global warming being
manmade, so that they can raise water prices, I need a News Media that will
be unbiased and present our side of life to the treasonous Politicians and
Corporations destroying our lives by raising the cost of living too high for
us to make it.

Will you help us promote the American Revolution 2, to the public and make
sure the treasonous Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic
Collapse Republicans know why we want to throw them out of office?


My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

The American Revolution

Expanded details can be added of how the Tax and Spend Democrats and the
Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans are destroying our water
supplies, our living costs, our resources, our businesses, our manpower, and
taking our tax money and giving us little in return, just when America is
going to need these things the most. And they cannot be that big of idiots
to be blindly doing this destruction, some of them have to be deliberately
listening to think tanks, and intelligence agencies, helping our enemies
destroy more American lives. If you have anything to add, I am going to be
taking on the Domestic and Foreign enemies of our US Constitution and Bill
of rights, head on. We had an estimated 95% of the Earth's Gold until Regan
did away with the US Constitution that says Congress could mint no money
based on anything but Gold, where did 95% of the Earth's Gold, our US Gold,
go to? Where did our US Constitution and Bill of rights go to? Where did our
Liberties go to? Why are so many Lives being destroyed by these Tax and
Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans?

Taxes and the rising Cost of living caused by lies about Global Warming.

I am busy fighting those who believed the Foreign and Domestic lies from
some delusional and habitual liars that say that Global Warming is manmade.

Global Warming is not manmade, it is caused by Solar Wind blasts from
fluctuations in Solar Activity that began in the mid 1950s to early 1960s,
and will not peak until 2011 to 2012. These Solar Wind blasts disrupted the
Earth's normal annual wobble on it's axis, causing Volcanic Activity to
increase, and the increase of underwater Volcanoes is warming the sea and
the water and the air changing weather patterns. While the fluctuations in
Cosmic Rays and Solar Winds from the abnormal Solar Activity, cause more or
less of the normal chemical reactions to occur in the dry Stratosphere that
occur naturally all over the Sunnyside of the Globe. But by fluctuation in
Solar Activity using Earth's Magnetic Field that normally naturally produces
water and acids in the dry Stratosphere, to naturally produce more water and
acids than normal to form the frozen clouds thicker near the Poles in their
winter months, as Earth's normal tilt causes the sunshine that holds these
heavy frozen clouds up in the dry Stratosphere against gravity like normal,
the frozen clouds being thicker, they reflect more sunlight than normal,
that bounces off them, and is warming and melting the Polar Ice caps.

Globally the average temperature of Earth is not really rising that much
maybe a few tenths of a degree, and it may only rise on average a few tenths
of a degree to a few degrees more, but the increase in Volcanic Activity
heating spots of the ocean and air hotter than normal, the normal weather
patterns have already been disrupted leaving droughts in some areas, and
floods in others.

Anything the treasonous Clinton Foundation or the Bloomberg idiot, or their
followers, or the likes of them that believe the lies about Global Warming
being manmade, tries to do about Global Warming, will result just like the
Ethanol from corn deal, the food for a family of four has risen $400.00 a
month, land prices have risen from $900 an acre to $6500 an acre in some
areas, making millions of more poor suffer more, making more default on
loans, and causing more home foreclosures and other loan foreclosures. And
if the Government were to raise their wages to offset the rising living
costs from just Ethanol from corn, just to avoid paying more, more US
Corporations would build more branches in countries promoting the lie, and
take more of our recourses and jobs overseas, and leave more Americans
jobless and homeless.

And on top of it, these treasonous men like the millionaire Bill Clinton and
billionaire idiot Michael Bloomberg leave out the one thing that we all need
to survive, while they stuff their greedy pockets, and are wasting our
resources and our money on a lie that Global Warming is manmade. So I am
struggling with finding a way to come up with what is necessary to survive
the naturally caused Global Warming, desalination plants are needed to
desalinate sea water, so that we can water crops to eat and feed our cattle,
and have water to drink. Watch that traitor Bill Clinton and that idiot
Michael Bloomberg, as New York City or California runs out of fresh water,
and people start killing each other for water and or food, they will just
shrug their shoulders under the weight of their stuffed greedy pockets, and
say, well there was no way that we could have foreseen that in time to do
anything about it.

Instead of letting the People of these United States use their own
resources, equipment, businesses, manpower, and money, to do what they need
to survive, they raise Taxes for the Army Corps of Engenders to do water
projects. The People of these United States who need these water projects,
in order to prevent Government waste, and Politicians and Government
Personnel from ripping off our resources and Taxes, the People themselves
should use their own resources, equipment, businesses, manpower, and money,
to do their local water projects. There are plenty of People that need Jobs
and Housing in every area to get these Jobs done, and done right without
Government waste.

But with the blind leaders of the blind from the Tax and spend Democrats and
the borrow until economic collapse Republicans running the Federal, State,
and Local Governments, knowing that there are water shortages and homeless
people all across the Country, these people are either totally blind idiots,
or deliberate traitors that want to destroy the American Dream further.

To make the waters shortages greater on their City Water systems, they want
people surrounding the Cities to do away with their private wells and
private sewers, and cough up extra money to hook up to City Water and Sewer,
where the water prices go up with every shortage. Millions of the people in
the surrounding areas, even though they cannot afford the hookup alone, they
have to do it, or in many cases like our trailer court here, with mostly
disabled, retired, or working poor with extended families working two or
three low paying jobs just to make it, if we don't get hooked up they are
threatening to condemn our trailers making us homeless, and make the US
Water shortage greater by getting rid of our private wells.

Once you are homeless, instead of helping you get affordable housing,
transportation, and a job, when the weather elements dehydrate you because
they is not enough public drinking fountains, the Hospitals instead of
helping get what you need to get back on your feet to be able to keep from
getting dehydrated, they will give you an expensive IV to hydrate you, and
often then give you worthless and expensive mind control drugs, saying the
homelessness that the Government regulations drove you into, is not
acceptable behavior to society, like that traitorous idiot Michael Bloomberg
has ordered his NYPD and Hospitals to do with literally a hundred of
thousand or more People at Tax Payer expense.

If they really believed that there was any Global Warming at all, would they
be handling our water like idiots? You can bet that they would, because the
more poor that they can make homeless and force treat them in Hospitals
until they either commit suicide, or commit murder suicide, or get
iatrogenic illnesses or deaths from the drugs, the more Tax and Insurance
Money that their Legal and Medical systems can rip off the people, to drive
America closer to Communism.

But as an Engineer I have several designs for family size desalination units
that can be built by individuals, or be mass produced quickly, so that
families or small groups can get fresh water for drinking and cooking. But
getting desalination plants to water crops and cattle is going to take some
resources, and to prevent Government waste of our money and resources by
these treasonous greedy Politicians, the People should take these projects
on themselves as soon as possible. This will also prevent further raising of
the cost of living caused by raising Taxes. And I was talking with someone
on the Internet who was trying to develop Solar Powered air conditioners,
that should be looked into and developed, it could help beat the heat
without draining our existing power grids.And alternate power sources should
be developed, just incase the power grids go down from drawing too much
power for cooling. From the Solar fluctuations, I expect the temperature not
to peak until about 4 to 10 years, so we need to prepare for the long haul,
and double that to be more safe.

The Communist are using the Tax and Spend Democrats and the borrow until
economic collapse Republicans to destroy America, because they are blind
leaders of the blind!

The Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
Republicans, by example follow their most exalted example of a leader who
said, "God gave us trees, and hemp to make ropes for the criminals necks,"
and he passed laws and regulations and raised taxes to support his armies
and offices to harass the people. And a man stood and said, "We had better
all hang together, or we will all surly hang!" And they People threw the
Tea into the harbor and said to King George the 3rd, we will not pay the

Then they wrote the US Constitution which forbids the Federal and State
Governments to raise taxes for Armed forces in a time of peace, and bestowed
the right and responsibility of national defense upon the People of these
United States with the second amendment.

Since the Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
Republicans, helped the Communists do away with the 2nd amendment, and
disarm the public, so that they could violate the US Constitution by keeping
standing Armed Forces in a time of peace, since FDR and his new deal, so
their Communists comrades could help them scare the public into raising
living costs, by their collecting Taxes to build a massive defense highway
systems coast to coast, and massive armed forces, and massive space
programs, and massive amounts of Tax money for maintaining these things, out
of fear and paranoia of the Communists. And taking the responsibility and
the financial strength of doing these things out of the People's hands, now
these Tax and spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse
Republicans, add to these Tax Burdens multitudes of other Government
programs, just so that they or their Campaign Donors, and or Lobbyists, and
or Families, and or Friends, can rip off the Tax payers too.

The whole idea of the US Constitution was to keep as much money as possible
out of the Federal and State and Local Governments hands, and keep it in the
hands of the poorest Americans, so that they would be financially strong
enough to defend the Nation in a time of peace, and when a time of War
would come. The Communist know that a Nation raising Taxes to keep a
majority of it's people on Social Welfare and Social Security Disability and
multitudes of other Government Programs will overtax the workers and
businesses making it seem necessary for the State to take over their
businesses, as the Nation becomes first a Fascist Nation, and eventually a
Communist Nation, just because of raising taxes. So to get the people to
help destroy the Nation, they encourage the Domestic Enemies among our US
People to scream, "Why is the Government not doing something about this?"
Instead of letting the US People be strong enough to do it for themselves.
And to help they tax drain grow, every time a Foreign Nation is hit with a
disaster, and to get us to raise our taxes for them, because their people
are not financially strong enough to handle it because their Governments
take the wealth away from their own people, our Foreign Enemies scream, "Why
is America not doing something about this?" Just so they can get the US
Government to Tax the US People more, and make us weaker, as they drive
America towards Communism. And in Communist Nations when the Government gets
the money from the poor, it will never trickle down to the poor again where
it belongs to make the people strong, they put it in the hands of the rich
among the Communist Party, just so that they will be strong enough to
control the poor. But just as the housing bubble busts, these Tax and spend
Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse Republicans, make mandatory
regulations on Ethanol from corn, driving up the cost of farmland from $900
an acre to $6500 and acre in some areas,and drive up the cost of fuel, and
drive up the cost of food, clothes, transportation, and education, and
medical care. But no worker gets anymore for their labor, and if the
Government raises the minimum wage, more US Corporations will send more
materials and jobs out of the Country, because they already are doing that,
because they cannot afford to pay employees wages that would offset the
rising cost of living caused by the regulations of the oppressive Tax and
spend Democrats and the borrow until economic collapse Republicans, why are
they doing such a good job at destroying America for the Communists?

Our US Politicians being Homesick for their beloved homeland alliance, their
old Communist Soviet Union from where most of them stole their wealth, all
who ever stand for America will suffer at the hand of the US Government,
because the Democrats and Republicans now want a totally State controlled
Medical Care System like the Soviets had and Communist China has, where
Doctors are trained according to what the Government says is needed, not
according to their choice of interest. And where Patients get net no choice
of which Doctor they will see, or of a second opinion, they just have to
suffer the Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths from the first Doctor appointed
by the Government. And the Government will not take the Dangerous and Deadly
Mind Control Drugs off the Market, that the Drug Manufactures lied about
their safety and their effectiveness, because too many US Politicians or
their Family owns or runs the Medical Care system, or got donations from the
Drug Manufactures. Besides many of our Medical Facilities are now owned by
Communist States too.

Read some truth for once in your life fools, and wake up, before we become
totally Communist America! In order to save America, we have to drop a lot
of Federal and State and Local Government Programs and cut Federal and
State and Local Taxes by 1/2 to 3/4 each, and deregulate a lot of the
building and manufacturing codes, to bring back better paying American jobs
from other Countries, where even US Manufacturers have fled, and built
branches of their Corporations just to get around US Regulations and US
Taxes. This is the only that we can lower the living costs so that millions
of poor can get up on their feet, and so that millions of working Middle
Class can get out of debt and avoid becoming poor. But the Tax and Spend
Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will not do
that to save America, why?

The People of these United States need to start taking projects out of these
treasonous Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans on Federal, State, and Local Governments. They are just ripping
us all off, and destroying Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of
Millions of more Americans every year they are in Power, destroying the
American Dream.

In the 1960s when I was a child leaning science, we used the Nuclei of
Oxygen as the base unit for figuring Atomic Weight and Mass, and for
measures we used slide rules and US Fractions, not the metric decimal
system, and we used all US weights and measures. Then when they started
using the Nuclei of Carbon as the base unit for figuring Atomic Weight and
Mass, and using the metric decimal system and metric weights and measures,
just so that global scientists would be working with the same data, I was
furious because they were adding many unproven Theories to our US Text Books
from Europe, and because I was a mechanic studying to be an engineer, by the
time I was ten, I had already
purchased a full set of Husky fractional wrenches and sockets, and a lot of
science equipment, through the school where my Father taught, because I got
a better price on them, and then they were going to change the system so
that I would have to buy a whole other set of metric wrenches and sockets
and science equipment, and I just barley was able to scrape up enough for
the US set of tools and science equipment that would have to be replaced.

But since that time I have been following and keeping track of the old
proven US Theories and unproven European Theories. These unproven Greenhouse
Gas and Global Warming Theories are not originally from US Science. I am not
sure who changed the name of the Ionosphere to Thermosphere, but the
majority of the people on the internet that call it Thermosphere, (with the
exception of some NASA sites,) and talk about these unproven Greenhouse Gas
and Global Warming Theories, don't know much about true Science.

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

Releasing all the carbon stored in tar, coal, and oil, back into the Air
where it came from when it was CO2, would cause an Ice age over at least 1/3
of earth, like during the extremely active Volcanic age, when the plants and
animals began taking CO2 out of the Air, and making tar, coal, and oil, out
of it. So there is something wrong with their greenhouse gas theory, and
note, it is just a theory, and it does not correspond with too much natural
evidence on CO2 or other so called greenhouse gases like water or Volcanic

Here N= Nitrogen O=Oxygen S= Sulfur H= Hydrogen and He=Helium

Because CO2 is heavier than vaporized water, and vaporized water is heavier
than N2, O2, S, H2, and He, CO2 and vaporized water cannot ascend into the
dry stratosphere because of gravity, but the dry stratosphere produces water
and acids out of those gases N2, O2, S, H2, by using the cosmic rays, and
proton and nucleus particles from Solar Wind caught by the Earth's magnetic
field, but because the Solar activity fluctuates at times, the amount of
water and acids being produced changes too, which can either let in more of
the sun's rays, or block out more of the sun's rays at times. This is what
causes most heating and cooling periods that we experience, but the current
warming period is more than that.

The new heavier compounds formed in mostly exothermic reactions in the dry
stratosphere, is the primary cause of the upper stratosphere to being warmer
than the lower stratosphere, where the heavier compounds formed in the
stratosphere sink because of gravity, as warmer and newly released lighter
N2, O2, S, H2, and He, rises to the dry stratosphere, causing wind shears
and turbulence in the area of the troposphere where this exchange takes
place. Our jets try to fly 30,000 to 50,000 feet to fly just over these wind
shears and turbulence areas of the troposphere.

Once the warmer and lighter N2, O2, S, and H2, is to the stratosphere,
before it reaches about half way is the stratosphere, the sun's cosmic rays
have broken many of the diatomic molecules apart, and begins forming in
reactions as they rise towards the top of the stratosphere, and then sink
after forming heavier compounds, and when they reach the troposphere, many
of these molecules help rain drops condense, without something to form on,
vaporized water has a hard time condensing and forming raindrops.

The troposphere can only hold just so much water because of gravity and
temperature. If the temperature rises a few degrees in one area, less clouds
form there causing a drought below in that area, but as soon as that
supersaturated warm air gets to cooler air and cools off, it rapidly forms
clouds and cloudbursts leaving floods in other areas.

The resent increase in earthquakes and underwater Volcanic activity, is
warming some areas evaporating more water than normal over the spots where
they are located, warming the troposphere over them as it rises over areas
like Australia were the warm supersaturated air causes droughts there, but
dumps cloudbursts and floods in other areas.

The resent increase in earthquakes and underwater Volcanic activity, is
cause by the Solar Wind and Solar Flare fluctuations that have been
occurring recently since the 1950s. Normally the Solar pressure on Earth's
atmosphere just bends off nuclear particles from the Ionosphere or
Thermosphere where this Solar Activity often keeps the temperature there
around 1300 degrees Kelvin, which is hot enough to melt Aluminum and other
metals. But either a strong increase or a strong decrease in the Solar
pressure from the solar Winds against the Ionosphere or Thermosphere, causes
the Earth's normal annual wobble on it's axis to change slightly. This
causes a molten layer of the Earth's core to shift slightly, causing more or
less volcanic activity.

I was just looking on the net, and those multitude of people who call the
ionosphere the thermosphere, don't know what they are talking about.
According to the majority of real English scientists, embedded within the
thermosphere is the ionosphere, a weakly ionized plasma. I pointed it out to
a couple of sites who were saying the name was changed, and some of them
said that they would change it, because NASA had the only sites that I had
read, until I read Sci-Tech Encyclopedia that were talking about them,
using them correctly.

And as far as educated people go, G W Bush was educated in Business
from one of our finest schools, so the Communist knew they could swindle him
for at least 10 to 11 trillion worth of debt to them.

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!
Revealing their false science test conclusions about Nitrogen Oxide Gasses
in the Atmosphere

Nitric Oxide NO or Nitrous Oxide N2O or Dinitrogen trioxide N2O3 or
Dinitrogen tetroxide N2O4 ( nitrogen dioxide NO2 ) or Dinitrogen pentoxide
N2O5 are all Nitrogen Oxide Gasses produced by autos and jet engines, and
they are all heavier than vaporized water H2O, and would normally not rise
against gravity into the dry stratosphere. But since jets fly in the lower
stratosphere up to around 52,800 feet, some scientists are flying jets to
collect these Nitrogen Gasses to try to find out how much Nitrogen Gases are
produced by man in the Atmosphere. But they falsely claim that burning
fossil fuels is the primary producer of Nitrogen Gasses.

N2 is light enough that it rises into the upper dry stratosphere all the way
to 130,000 feet, and is naturally combined with the sun's rays as it is
forming O3 and O2 and O, and some Nitrogen combines with them alone, and
some Nitrogen combines with them and with H and H2 to produce Nitric Acid
HNO3, and Nitrous Acid HNO2, and this naturally produces all the Nitrogen
Gasses in the process, and these Naturally produced Acids and Naturally
Produce Nitrogen Gasses are all too heavy to remain in the dry Stratosphere
and sink down below the clouds in the troposphere.

At the Poles in the winter these freeze in the winter, in high stratosphere
clouds, that because of the earth's tilt, the sunlight gets under them, and
holds them up against gravity all winter until the earth's Pole tilts
towards the sun for warm enough spring sunlight to melt the clouds and also
get it's light above them, then these heavy compounds fall to the earth like
they do everywhere else they are formed. The natural formation of these
Nitrogen Gases and Acids, and the formation of Sulfuric Acids, and the
formation of new water high in the dry stratosphere, uses up most of the O3
produced there by the sun, and because O3 is also heavier than water vapor
it sinks too after forming in the stratosphere, and cannot ascend above the
clouds in the troposphere because of gravity.

Because CO2 is heavier than vaporized water, and vaporized water is heavier
than N2, O2, S, H2, and He, CO2 and vaporized water cannot ascend into the
dry stratosphere because of gravity, but the dry stratosphere produces water
and acids out of those gases N2, O2, S, H2, by using the cosmic rays, and
proton and nucleus particles from Solar Wind caught by the Earth's magnetic
field, but because the Solar activity fluctuates at times, the amount of
water and acids being produced changes too, which can either let in more of
the sun's rays, or block out more of the sun's rays at times. This is what
causes most heating and cooling periods that we experience, but the current
warming period is more than that.

The new heavier compounds formed in mostly exothermic reactions in the dry
stratosphere, is the primary cause of the upper stratosphere to being warmer
than the lower stratosphere, where the heavier compounds formed in the
stratosphere sink because of gravity, as warmer and newly released lighter
N2, O2, S, H2, and He, rises to the dry stratosphere, causing wind shears
and turbulence in the area of the troposphere where this exchange takes
place. Our jets try to fly 30,000 to 50,000 feet to fly just over these wind
shears and turbulence areas of the troposphere.

Once the warmer and lighter N2, O2, S, and H2, is to the stratosphere,
before it reaches about half way is the stratosphere, the sun's cosmic rays
have broken many of the diatomic molecules apart, and begins forming in
reactions as they rise towards the top of the stratosphere, and then sink
after forming heavier compounds, and when they reach the troposphere, many
of these molecules help rain drops condense, without something to form on,
vaporized water has a hard time condensing and forming raindrops.

The troposphere can only hold just so much water because of gravity and
temperature. If the temperature rises a few degrees in one area, less clouds
form there causing a drought below in that area, but as soon as that
supersaturated warm air gets to cooler air and cools off, it rapidly forms
clouds and cloudbursts leaving floods in other areas.

The resent increase in earthquakes and underwater Volcanic activity, is
warming some areas evaporating more water than normal over the spots where
they are located, warming the troposphere over them as it rises over areas
like Australia were the warm supersaturated air causes droughts there, but
dumps cloudbursts and floods in other areas.

The resent increase in earthquakes and underwater Volcanic activity, is
cause by the Solar Wind and Solar Flare fluctuations that have been
occurring recently since the 1950s. Normally the Solar pressure on Earth's
atmosphere just bends off nuclear particles from the Ionosphere or
Thermosphere where this Solar Activity often keeps the temperature there
around 1300 degrees Kelvin, which is hot enough to melt Aluminum and other
metals. But either a strong increase or a strong decrease in the Solar
pressure from the solar Winds against the Ionosphere or Thermosphere, causes
the Earth's normal annual wobble on it's axis to change slightly. This
causes a molten layer of the Earth's core to shift slightly, causing more or
less volcanic activity.

When the warmer and lighter N2, O2, S, and H2, is to the stratosphere,
before it reaches about half way into the stratosphere, the sun's cosmic
have broken many of the diatomic molecules apart, this is about 52,800 feet.
Though the US military keeps it a secret how high their jests can fly, it
would not be a whole lot higher than that. Because the sun's rays cause the
diatomic molecules to break down in an endothermic reaction, cooling the air
around them as they take on the sun's energy, and causes the air to be less
dense, as single atoms form, as they rise there and begin changing O2 to two
single O O atoms that grab two O2 molecules to make two O3 molecules. This
also happens simultaneously with all the other diatomic atoms of elements
there. The Altitude where they break down, the density of the air is too
low to give a winged craft lift on its wings, and requires a rocket boost
for it to go any higher than that.

The record high balloon flight was 100,000 feet and they did not reach the
top of the stratosphere which then, it was considered to be 130,000 feet.
All these sites on the internet give different heights for the stratosphere,
which shows they don't all actually know where it is. We stopped most of the
stratospheric balloon tests in the 1960s after we had enough information to
begin the space race.

There was not then, no has been any data from an actual stratospheric
qualitative test, that I have seen, that shows any CO2 or heavier CFCs in
the dry stratosphere. But because jets fly in the lower stratosphere,
burning jet fuels produces CO2 and H2O and Nitrogen Oxides that cannot rise
any higher than the jets because of Gravity. And that is the reason they
find no CO2 or Carbonic Acids in the Clouds the form over the Poles.

The O3 over the Poles is consumed in the natural exothermic production of
H2O and Nitrogen Oxides, Nitric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid. These all are
formed in exothermic reactions warming the upper stratosphere all over the
Globe, but at which ever Pole it is winter, these freeze into ice crystals
upon forming. Then even though they are too heavy to remain at that height,
because of the tilt of the earth, the sun is able to hit the bottom of these
frozen clouds, and the pressure from the sun's rays hold them up all winter
long, and because of the ionized ions being pulled into the Poles and
forming new H2O and Nitrogen Oxides, Nitric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid
depleting continue consuming more O3 whose production is slowed down in the
winter, the ozone layer gets a bigger hole and the clouds normally get
thicker and the sunlight bounces off and begins to warm the Pole during the
winter. When the Solar activity changes, and causes the natural production
new H2O and Nitrogen Oxides, Nitric Acid, and Sulfuric Acid to increase
depleting more O3 than normal, even more rays are able to bounce off the
Poles and begin melting the Poles.

I was just looking on the net, and those multitude of people who call the
ionosphere the thermosphere, don't know what they are talking about.
According to the majority of real English scientists, embedded within the
thermosphere is the ionosphere, a weakly ionized plasma. I pointed it out to
a couple of sites who were saying the name was changed, and some of them
said that they would change it, because NASA had the only sites that I had
read, until I read Sci-Tech Encyclopedia that were talking about them,
using them correctly.

Don't count on the fact that some of these so called scientists have
educations, as far as educated people, G W Bush was educated in Business
Economics from one of our finest schools, so the Communist knew they could
swindle him for at least 10 to 11 trillion worth of debt to them.

In service of God and Country
