Greenpeace pisses me off!

John Bull

Nov 28, 2004
I have been recently checking out the activities of the well known and widely respected GREENPEACE movement and have been shocked at my findings!
Greenpeace was set up in 1971 by scientists who were quite rightly worried by the direction humanity is heading but over the years they have been corrupted by quasi-marxist dogma. This has undermined their credibility as a trustworthy organisation that should be listened to.
For instance many of their activists nowadays are former marxists who sought a new political home after the fall of communism in 1989. As a result of this Greenpeace are strangely quiet when it comes to Leftist governments (Hugo Chavez comes to mind here) ignoring ecological issues while Western democracies are routinely demonised by them. Greenpeace were also silent when Saddam Husssein caused the biggest oil spill in history by spilling millions of tons of oil into the gulf. In fact on this issue all their fire was turned on the Coalition for responding to Iraq`s aggression in the first place!
Greenpeace also endangered innocent lives in Zimbabwe a while back by stopping food aid from reaching them. They said the food was dangerous (GM) but this very GM food has been consumed by people for years will no ill effects.
But perhaps their greatest failure lies in their obsessive opposition to nuclear power. Nuclear power is perfectly safe if responsibly managed and alot safer than fossil fuel emmisions that are causing global warming. Nuclear power doesn`t release any greenhouses gases into the athmosphere.

Now don`t get me wrong, I believe that global warming is a real danger to us all and it`s results will become potentially devastating for future generations if we don`t make some serious changes to the way we go about doing things. For instance we need to find a way to slash the rate of greenhouse gas emmisions into the athmosphere or else life for our grandchildren won`t be worth living, hence my support of nuclear power.
We will also have to start recycling stuff alot more too in order to conserve resources.
Another thing we have to do is to greatly increase spending on research for developing alternative energy sources so we stop being so dependent on oil.
Yes, there is a real need for a strong well organised enviromental lobby with real influence.
Sadly however the clapped out corrupt old leftists who are at present raising the ecology banner are not fit to carry out this vital job.

Well said... all of it... especially about GP's marxist idealology and its distain for western democracies at any cost, even in the face of 1991's Oil field disasters!

It was better than cats! I'll see it again and again!

- Fullauto, World Enki Monthly
I'm quite leftest myself and Yah, I'll agree that greenpeace does some stupid **** and I don't really support them. However, wither or not their attention is directed towards us here in the west, they do keep some **** in check. EG: Recently a greenpeace ship was in port here in Halifax so they could go and check out claims of poor deep sea fishing pactices off the coast of Newfoundland. They found that there was some ugly **** going on and they were ripping up the bottom of the ocean. It is presently being furthur investigated. West or not, its good to have somebody checking this **** out.

But the reason I don't like them is as you mentioned, they've done some pretty stupid stuff as well, but if you compare this to pretty much everyone else, they're not that bad (Comparativly). A good line form a friend of mine came when we went to check out the ship (and go for coffee) And she didn't know much about Greenpeace, I told her what i know and that I wasn't a supporter of them but she had a good respose I think. She Just stopped for a moment and pointed at the Royal Bank building (Which wa dominating the skyline at the time) And said "Whats the point of complaining about half-bad organizations when theres places like that around" Which made alot of sense to me.

And as for the Nuclear Power thing, Yes it is safer and cleaner then then Oil or coal, but the radioactive materials left over are REALLY shitty in the long run, they don''t just disappear! SO would it not be better to invest instead into already found alternative energy sources, ones that are clean and always will be. (Namely wind and solar) One idea I really like as a way of cutting down on our emissions is using solar panels on rooftops (And solar heating via clay floors if possible). Although at present a panel can't Run the entire house, unless you get a good one with a batery stock, the power generated could supply about 60-70% of our dayly power needs and thereby DRASTICALLY reduce power needed from oil/coal/nuclear sources.
eisanbt said:
And as for the Nuclear Power thing, Yes it is safer and cleaner then then Oil or coal, but the radioactive materials left over are REALLY shitty in the long run.
Don't matter to me. I won't be around to see the consequences of the nuke waste anyway.
Greenpeace blows the oil companies while they are fisting the U.S. government.
It's one big happy circle-jerk! :rolleyes:
Don't matter to me if you don't care about the future, but you're VASTLY out-numbered by those of us who give a **** and therefore your voice amounts to percisly jack-****. ;)
What have you eaten/smoked? :p
Oh, I've just finished a delicacy of fresh Grey Whale fillets and smoked a bowl of Lebanese blond hash freebased in lanolin that was extracted from a freshly squeezed sea otter.
Thanx Greenpeace! :p
Walt Disney's empire is a major supporter of greenpeace, his daughter is an active member, often on their boat- rainbow warrior.
hopeUslide said:
Walt Disney's empire is a major supporter of greenpeace, his daughter is an active member, often on their boat- rainbow warrior.

Must be rainbow warrior 2. The french terrorists sunk rainbow warrior way back.