Dr. Jai Maharaj

Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus

Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.

By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
Friday, February 15, 2008

DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
authorities and witnesses said.

The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
to the floor.

Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
Hospital officials said several of the students had been
shot in the head.

The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
Peters said, noting that the man and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus
> Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.
> By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> Friday, February 15, 2008
> DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> authorities and witnesses said.
> The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> to the floor.
> Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> shot in the head.
> The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> Peters said, noting that the man
In article <20080214232635.508$>, posted:

> (Dr. Jai Maharaj) posted:
> > Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus
> >
> > Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> > Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.
> >
> > By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> > Friday, February 15, 2008
> >
> > DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> > sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> > afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> > from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> > said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> > authorities and witnesses said.
> >
> > The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> > times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> > to the floor.
> >
> > Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> > Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> > conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> > Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> > shot in the head.
> >
> > The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> > identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> > Peters said, noting that the man
On Feb 15, 1:18 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:

> The NRA wouldn't let 'em do that because it makes a lot of
> money off of gun nuts.

Don't worry, "Dr." Jay-bot! We MORE than get our money's worth.

The Truth About Jay (Jai) Stevens and hinduism
Child Marriage - Girls are to be married when 5 years old !
Dowry - Vedas prescribe this practice
Bride-Burning - if the dowry is insufficient
No Property
Mass Wife-Burning (Jauhar) - Often 100s are burnt at a time.
Widow-Burning (Sati) - Sanctioned by the Vedas, Puranas,
practiced by Krishna's wives, it still continues.
<> wrote in message
> and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj) >>
> What do you expect? With all these ignorant, self-absorbed mental cases
> encouraging more guns, it will only get worse from here. I just wish
> they'd turn their beloved guns on themselves and rid us of this plague of
> ****roaches.

Oh, STFU you gun grabbing ignorant fascist nanny-stater. Why do you never
hear of someone shooting up a police station, shooting range, or a gun show?
Because shooters know they'll meet armed resistance if they pull that BS
there. If you want to shoot up someplace, a school is perfect---because it's
illegal to have guns there.
On Feb 14, 10:21 pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus
> Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.
> By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> Friday, February 15, 2008
> DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> authorities and witnesses said.
> The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> to the floor.
> Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> shot in the head.
> The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> Peters said, noting that the man's body was found on the
> stage. Police from the campus, in a snow-filled city of
> about 40,000 people 65 miles due west of Chicago, said
> three weapons were found with the man's body -- two
> handguns, including a Glock, and the shotgun. He had
> ammunition left over, the police here said.
> The gunman had been a graduate student at the university in
> 2007 but was no longer enrolled, Mr. Peters said.
> Desiree Smith, one of the university students, said she saw
> students fall down around her as the gunman opened fire.
> She tried to crawl away, she told a local television
> station, CLTV, thinking she was going to die, then wondered
> if she should play dead before getting up to run out of the
> classroom.
> Ms. Smith said the gunman was wearing a black beanie cap or
> a ski cap. She said he aimed, right off, for one person:
> the classroom instructor.
> Other students told of a chaotic scene in which panicked
> students dropped to the floor, the blood of victims
> spattering those who escaped injury.
> "This thing started and ended within a matter of seconds,"
> said Donald Grady, the chief of police at the university.
> The class in Cole Hall had been an introductory offering,
> and most of the 162 students registered for it had probably
> been freshmen or sophomores, said Jonathan Berg, chairman
> of the department of geology and environmental geosciences.
> Mr. Berg, who was in his office about two blocks from Cole
> Hall when the shooting began, ran over and found injured
> students sitting on sidewalks, waiting for ambulances. Some
> had bandages on their heads, he said.
> Mr. Berg said an instructor and a teaching assistant had
> been in the classroom along with students; he said he
> believed that the instructor had been wounded, but not
> seriously.
> In the moments after the shooting, university officials put
> into action a detailed security plan created for just such
> an incident, Mr. Peters said. Many universities and
> colleges around the country designed elaborate lock-down
> and notification plans in the days and weeks after a
> student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people on that
> Blacksburg campus, the worst shooting rampage in modern
> American history.
> "This is a tragedy," Mr. Peters said. "But from all
> indications we did everything we could when we found out."
> Shots rang out inside Cole Hall shortly after 3 p.m.
> Central time, Mr. Peters said. At 3:07 p.m., the campus was
> ordered into a lockdown, he said. At 3:20 p.m., he said,
> the university posted an alert on its Web site, through its
> e-mail system, and through another campus alarm system.
> "There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus,"
> the alert read. "Get to a safe area and take precautions
> until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all
> buildings in that vicinity."
> By 4 p.m., Mr. Peters said, the police had determined that
> there was only one gunman, now dead, and issued another
> message to students at 4:14 p.m. "Campus police report that
> the immediate danger has passed," it read. "The gunman is
> no longer a threat."
> The authorities here canceled classes for the rest of the
> evening and Friday. Counselors had been called in, they
> said, and counseling was being offered in every residence
> hall by Thursday evening.
> Leaders at the university said the events in Virginia a
> year ago had shaken many, but also led to a focus on
> security and the possibility of such an incident at
> Northern Illinois.
> "Since Virginia Tech, people have had time to think about
> how to respond to these things, so it's fresh on
> everybody's mind," Mr. Berg said. "And they're trying to do
> everything they've been talking about for the last few
> months."
> Police officers arrived at the classroom within two
> minutes, Chief Grady said, adding that even with elaborate
> plans, it might be impossible to prevent such violence
> entirely.
> Students here had heard of threats at the university late
> last year, a fact that left some wondering whether there
> might have been some connection to what had happened on
> Thursday. Last December, university officials canceled
> classes for a day during final exams after someone scrawled
> threats in a dormitory bathroom, including a reference to
> the Virginia Tech killings and a racial slur. The police
> here said Thursday that they had no reason to suspect a
> connection.
> Chartered in 1895, Northern Illinois University is a public
> institution with more than 25,000 enrolled students, 91
> percent of them from Illinois.
> In Springfield, the state capital, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich
> declared a state of emergency after the shootings, offering
> state relief for expenses and the state emergency
> management agency to offer help.
> "The State of Illinois will provide whatever assistance and
> support is necessary to university staff and students, and
> to local officials," Mr. Blagojevich said.
> Officials and students said they had yet to even start to
> come to terms with all they had seen.
> Outside the dormitories on Thursday evening, it looked like
> the last day of school. Students streamed out of dorms
> carrying backpacks and luggage. A caravan of parents' cars
> made its way onto campus to meet them, and many waited for
> their children in idling vehicles.
> "You don't think it's going to happen at your university
> and you certainly don't think it's going to happen in your
> department to people you know," Mr. Berg said.
> "You don't know how to react," he said.
> Susan Saulny reported from DeKalb, and Monica Davey from
> Racine, Wis. Catrin Einhorn also contributed reporting from
> Chicago.
> More at:
> Jai Maharaj
> Om Shanti
> Hindu Holocaust Museum
> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophyhttp://www.hindu.org
> The truth about Islam and Muslims
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.

Hey Doc.Would you be posting your cut/paste drivvel if the nutcase had
used 20 pounds of C-4 containing a few hundred ball bearings strapped
around his waist and detonated himself? Much more effective,better
kill ratio and helluva lot more dramatic.High explosives would be my
weapon of choice.Hell,really good HE can be made in you own garage/
basement with common household chemicals.Much more of a challenge than
a gun.You can even find the receipes online!! Try it Doc.But,when
you're cooking up your homemade batch of nitroglycerin be sure and
cook it in an enclosed area at 225 degress. Get back with us and let
us know how that works out for ya' (tee-hee).
On Feb 14, 10:26 pm, wrote:
> and/ Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus

> > Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> > Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.

> > By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> > Friday, February 15, 2008

> > DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> > sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> > afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> > from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> > said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> > authorities and witnesses said.

> > The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> > times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> > to the floor.

> > Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> > Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> > conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> > Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> > shot in the head.

> > The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> > identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> > Peters said, noting that the man's body was found on the
> > stage. Police from the campus, in a snow-filled city of
> > about 40,000 people 65 miles due west of Chicago, said
> > three weapons were found with the man's body -- two
> > handguns, including a Glock, and the shotgun. He had
> > ammunition left over, the police here said.

> > The gunman had been a graduate student at the university in
> > 2007 but was no longer enrolled, Mr. Peters said.

> > Desiree Smith, one of the university students, said she saw
> > students fall down around her as the gunman opened fire.
> > She tried to crawl away, she told a local television
> > station, CLTV, thinking she was going to die, then wondered
> > if she should play dead before getting up to run out of the
> > classroom.

> > Ms. Smith said the gunman was wearing a black beanie cap or
> > a ski cap. She said he aimed, right off, for one person:
> > the classroom instructor.

> > Other students told of a chaotic scene in which panicked
> > students dropped to the floor, the blood of victims
> > spattering those who escaped injury.

> > "This thing started and ended within a matter of seconds,"
> > said Donald Grady, the chief of police at the university.

> > The class in Cole Hall had been an introductory offering,
> > and most of the 162 students registered for it had probably
> > been freshmen or sophomores, said Jonathan Berg, chairman
> > of the department of geology and environmental geosciences.

> > Mr. Berg, who was in his office about two blocks from Cole
> > Hall when the shooting began, ran over and found injured
> > students sitting on sidewalks, waiting for ambulances. Some
> > had bandages on their heads, he said.

> > Mr. Berg said an instructor and a teaching assistant had
> > been in the classroom along with students; he said he
> > believed that the instructor had been wounded, but not
> > seriously.

> > In the moments after the shooting, university officials put
> > into action a detailed security plan created for just such
> > an incident, Mr. Peters said. Many universities and
> > colleges around the country designed elaborate lock-down
> > and notification plans in the days and weeks after a
> > student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people on that
> > Blacksburg campus, the worst shooting rampage in modern
> > American history.

> > "This is a tragedy," Mr. Peters said. "But from all
> > indications we did everything we could when we found out."

> > Shots rang out inside Cole Hall shortly after 3 p.m.
> > Central time, Mr. Peters said. At 3:07 p.m., the campus was
> > ordered into a lockdown, he said. At 3:20 p.m., he said,
> > the university posted an alert on its Web site, through its
> > e-mail system, and through another campus alarm system.
> > "There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus,"
> > the alert read. "Get to a safe area and take precautions
> > until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all
> > buildings in that vicinity."

> > By 4 p.m., Mr. Peters said, the police had determined that
> > there was only one gunman, now dead, and issued another
> > message to students at 4:14 p.m. "Campus police report that
> > the immediate danger has passed," it read. "The gunman is
> > no longer a threat."

> > The authorities here canceled classes for the rest of the
> > evening and Friday. Counselors had been called in, they
> > said, and counseling was being offered in every residence
> > hall by Thursday evening.

> > Leaders at the university said the events in Virginia a
> > year ago had shaken many, but also led to a focus on
> > security and the possibility of such an incident at
> > Northern Illinois.

> > "Since Virginia Tech, people have had time to think about
> > how to respond to these things, so it's fresh on
> > everybody's mind," Mr. Berg said. "And they're trying to do
> > everything they've been talking about for the last few
> > months."

> > Police officers arrived at the classroom within two
> > minutes, Chief Grady said, adding that even with elaborate
> > plans, it might be impossible to prevent such violence
> > entirely.

> > Students here had heard of threats at the university late
> > last year, a fact that left some wondering whether there
> > might have been some connection to what had happened on
> > Thursday. Last December, university officials canceled
> > classes for a day during final exams after someone scrawled
> > threats in a dormitory bathroom, including a reference to
> > the Virginia Tech killings and a racial slur. The police
> > here said Thursday that they had no reason to suspect a
> > connection.

> > Chartered in 1895, Northern Illinois University is a public
> > institution with more than 25,000 enrolled students, 91
> > percent of them from Illinois.

> > In Springfield, the state capital, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich
> > declared a state of emergency after the shootings, offering
> > state relief for expenses and the state emergency
> > management agency to offer help.

> > "The State of Illinois will provide whatever assistance and
> > support is necessary to university staff and students, and
> > to local officials," Mr. Blagojevich said.

> > Officials and students said they had yet to even start to
> > come to terms with all they had seen.

> > Outside the dormitories on Thursday evening, it looked like
> > the last day of school. Students streamed out of dorms
> > carrying backpacks and luggage. A caravan of parents' cars
> > made its way onto campus to meet them, and many waited for
> > their children in idling vehicles.

> > "You don't think it's going to happen at your university
> > and you certainly don't think it's going to happen in your
> > department to people you know," Mr. Berg said.

> > "You don't know how to react," he said.

> > Susan Saulny reported from DeKalb, and Monica Davey from
> > Racine, Wis. Catrin Einhorn also contributed reporting from
> > Chicago.

> What do you expect? With all these ignorant, self-absorbed mental cases
> encouraging more guns, it will only get worse from here. I just wish
> they'd turn their beloved guns on themselves and rid us of this plague of
> ****roaches.
> --
> T. Ryan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Talk about IGNORANT!! I bet you,as a handwringing,leftist bedwetter
has no problem with the gangbangers MS13 and the Cholos sneaking
across the borders with automatic machine guns and taking over our
cities.That's right,they just come here to do the crimes the lazy
gringos won't do.
On Feb 14, 10:21 pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> a bunch of bullshit.

There, fixed it for ya.

Yol Bolsun,

"Nature abhors a moron"- Henry Louis Mencken
this white killing whites need to stop.
whites are so messed up; they will elect baracka. louis farkahn is planning
to vote for barack.

< and/or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20080214PS3gR5lJ4K594L7422yAj6r@FtM7u...
> Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus
> Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.
> By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> Friday, February 15, 2008
> DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> authorities and witnesses said.
> The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> to the floor.
> Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> shot in the head.
> The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> Peters said, noting that the man's body was found on the
> stage. Police from the campus, in a snow-filled city of
> about 40,000 people 65 miles due west of Chicago, said
> three weapons were found with the man's body -- two
> handguns, including a Glock, and the shotgun. He had
> ammunition left over, the police here said.
> The gunman had been a graduate student at the university in
> 2007 but was no longer enrolled, Mr. Peters said.
> Desiree Smith, one of the university students, said she saw
> students fall down around her as the gunman opened fire.
> She tried to crawl away, she told a local television
> station, CLTV, thinking she was going to die, then wondered
> if she should play dead before getting up to run out of the
> classroom.
> Ms. Smith said the gunman was wearing a black beanie cap or
> a ski cap. She said he aimed, right off, for one person:
> the classroom instructor.
> Other students told of a chaotic scene in which panicked
> students dropped to the floor, the blood of victims
> spattering those who escaped injury.
> "This thing started and ended within a matter of seconds,"
> said Donald Grady, the chief of police at the university.
> The class in Cole Hall had been an introductory offering,
> and most of the 162 students registered for it had probably
> been freshmen or sophomores, said Jonathan Berg, chairman
> of the department of geology and environmental geosciences.
> Mr. Berg, who was in his office about two blocks from Cole
> Hall when the shooting began, ran over and found injured
> students sitting on sidewalks, waiting for ambulances. Some
> had bandages on their heads, he said.
> Mr. Berg said an instructor and a teaching assistant had
> been in the classroom along with students; he said he
> believed that the instructor had been wounded, but not
> seriously.
> In the moments after the shooting, university officials put
> into action a detailed security plan created for just such
> an incident, Mr. Peters said. Many universities and
> colleges around the country designed elaborate lock-down
> and notification plans in the days and weeks after a
> student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people on that
> Blacksburg campus, the worst shooting rampage in modern
> American history.
> "This is a tragedy," Mr. Peters said. "But from all
> indications we did everything we could when we found out."
> Shots rang out inside Cole Hall shortly after 3 p.m.
> Central time, Mr. Peters said. At 3:07 p.m., the campus was
> ordered into a lockdown, he said. At 3:20 p.m., he said,
> the university posted an alert on its Web site, through its
> e-mail system, and through another campus alarm system.
> "There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus,"
> the alert read. "Get to a safe area and take precautions
> until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all
> buildings in that vicinity."
> By 4 p.m., Mr. Peters said, the police had determined that
> there was only one gunman, now dead, and issued another
> message to students at 4:14 p.m. "Campus police report that
> the immediate danger has passed," it read. "The gunman is
> no longer a threat."
> The authorities here canceled classes for the rest of the
> evening and Friday. Counselors had been called in, they
> said, and counseling was being offered in every residence
> hall by Thursday evening.
> Leaders at the university said the events in Virginia a
> year ago had shaken many, but also led to a focus on
> security and the possibility of such an incident at
> Northern Illinois.
> "Since Virginia Tech, people have had time to think about
> how to respond to these things, so it's fresh on
> everybody's mind," Mr. Berg said. "And they're trying to do
> everything they've been talking about for the last few
> months."
> Police officers arrived at the classroom within two
> minutes, Chief Grady said, adding that even with elaborate
> plans, it might be impossible to prevent such violence
> entirely.
> Students here had heard of threats at the university late
> last year, a fact that left some wondering whether there
> might have been some connection to what had happened on
> Thursday. Last December, university officials canceled
> classes for a day during final exams after someone scrawled
> threats in a dormitory bathroom, including a reference to
> the Virginia Tech killings and a racial slur. The police
> here said Thursday that they had no reason to suspect a
> connection.
> Chartered in 1895, Northern Illinois University is a public
> institution with more than 25,000 enrolled students, 91
> percent of them from Illinois.
> In Springfield, the state capital, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich
> declared a state of emergency after the shootings, offering
> state relief for expenses and the state emergency
> management agency to offer help.
> "The State of Illinois will provide whatever assistance and
> support is necessary to university staff and students, and
> to local officials," Mr. Blagojevich said.
> Officials and students said they had yet to even start to
> come to terms with all they had seen.
> Outside the dormitories on Thursday evening, it looked like
> the last day of school. Students streamed out of dorms
> carrying backpacks and luggage. A caravan of parents' cars
> made its way onto campus to meet them, and many waited for
> their children in idling vehicles.
> "You don't think it's going to happen at your university
> and you certainly don't think it's going to happen in your
> department to people you know," Mr. Berg said.
> "You don't know how to react," he said.
> Susan Saulny reported from DeKalb, and Monica Davey from
> Racine, Wis. Catrin Einhorn also contributed reporting from
> Chicago.
> More at:
> Jai Maharaj
> Om Shanti
> Hindu Holocaust Museum
> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> The truth about Islam and Muslims
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may
> not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
> current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others
> are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the
> article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with
> Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
> included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more
> information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.
It is as if whites are saying, "We don't like whites
so we're going to kill our kind, and we are gonna vote
for a black-and-white Muslim Barrack "Barry" Hussein Obama.

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

In article <47b68cd8$0$4041$>,
"harmony" <> posted:
> this white killing whites need to stop.
> whites are so messed up; they will elect baracka. louis farkahn is planning
> to vote for barack.
> (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
> > Gunman Kills 5 on Illinois Campus
> >
> > Eric Sumberg/, via Associated Press
> > Rescue workers evacuate a victim of the shooting.
> >
> > By Monica Davey and Susan Saulny
> > Friday, February 15, 2008
> >
> > DeKalb, Ill. - With minutes left in a class in ocean
> > sciences at Northern Illinois University on Thursday
> > afternoon, a tall skinny man dressed in black stepped out
> > from behind a curtain on the stage of the lecture hall,
> > said nothing, and opened fire with a shotgun, the
> > authorities and witnesses said.
> >
> > The man fired again and again, witnesses said, perhaps 20
> > times. Students in the large lecture hall, stunned, dropped
> > to the floor.
> >
> > Five people, all of them students, were killed, John G.
> > Peters, the president of Northern Illinois, said at a news
> > conference Thursday evening. Sixteen others were injured.
> > Hospital officials said several of the students had been
> > shot in the head.
> >
> > The gunman, whom the authorities did not immediately
> > identify, also died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mr.
> > Peters said, noting that the man's body was found on the
> > stage. Police from the campus, in a snow-filled city of
> > about 40,000 people 65 miles due west of Chicago, said
> > three weapons were found with the man's body -- two
> > handguns, including a Glock, and the shotgun. He had
> > ammunition left over, the police here said.
> >
> > The gunman had been a graduate student at the university in
> > 2007 but was no longer enrolled, Mr. Peters said.
> >
> > Desiree Smith, one of the university students, said she saw
> > students fall down around her as the gunman opened fire.
> > She tried to crawl away, she told a local television
> > station, CLTV, thinking she was going to die, then wondered
> > if she should play dead before getting up to run out of the
> > classroom.
> >
> > Ms. Smith said the gunman was wearing a black beanie cap or
> > a ski cap. She said he aimed, right off, for one person:
> > the classroom instructor.
> >
> > Other students told of a chaotic scene in which panicked
> > students dropped to the floor, the blood of victims
> > spattering those who escaped injury.
> >
> > "This thing started and ended within a matter of seconds,"
> > said Donald Grady, the chief of police at the university.
> >
> > The class in Cole Hall had been an introductory offering,
> > and most of the 162 students registered for it had probably
> > been freshmen or sophomores, said Jonathan Berg, chairman
> > of the department of geology and environmental geosciences.
> >
> > Mr. Berg, who was in his office about two blocks from Cole
> > Hall when the shooting began, ran over and found injured
> > students sitting on sidewalks, waiting for ambulances. Some
> > had bandages on their heads, he said.
> >
> > Mr. Berg said an instructor and a teaching assistant had
> > been in the classroom along with students; he said he
> > believed that the instructor had been wounded, but not
> > seriously.
> >
> > In the moments after the shooting, university officials put
> > into action a detailed security plan created for just such
> > an incident, Mr. Peters said. Many universities and
> > colleges around the country designed elaborate lock-down
> > and notification plans in the days and weeks after a
> > student at Virginia Tech killed 32 people on that
> > Blacksburg campus, the worst shooting rampage in modern
> > American history.
> >
> > "This is a tragedy," Mr. Peters said. "But from all
> > indications we did everything we could when we found out."
> >
> > Shots rang out inside Cole Hall shortly after 3 p.m.
> > Central time, Mr. Peters said. At 3:07 p.m., the campus was
> > ordered into a lockdown, he said. At 3:20 p.m., he said,
> > the university posted an alert on its Web site, through its
> > e-mail system, and through another campus alarm system.
> > "There has been a report of a possible gunman on campus,"
> > the alert read. "Get to a safe area and take precautions
> > until given the all clear. Avoid the King Commons and all
> > buildings in that vicinity."
> >
> > By 4 p.m., Mr. Peters said, the police had determined that
> > there was only one gunman, now dead, and issued another
> > message to students at 4:14 p.m. "Campus police report that
> > the immediate danger has passed," it read. "The gunman is
> > no longer a threat."
> >
> > The authorities here canceled classes for the rest of the
> > evening and Friday. Counselors had been called in, they
> > said, and counseling was being offered in every residence
> > hall by Thursday evening.
> >
> > Leaders at the university said the events in Virginia a
> > year ago had shaken many, but also led to a focus on
> > security and the possibility of such an incident at
> > Northern Illinois.
> >
> > "Since Virginia Tech, people have had time to think about
> > how to respond to these things, so it's fresh on
> > everybody's mind," Mr. Berg said. "And they're trying to do
> > everything they've been talking about for the last few
> > months."
> >
> > Police officers arrived at the classroom within two
> > minutes, Chief Grady said, adding that even with elaborate
> > plans, it might be impossible to prevent such violence
> > entirely.
> >
> > Students here had heard of threats at the university late
> > last year, a fact that left some wondering whether there
> > might have been some connection to what had happened on
> > Thursday. Last December, university officials canceled
> > classes for a day during final exams after someone scrawled
> > threats in a dormitory bathroom, including a reference to
> > the Virginia Tech killings and a racial slur. The police
> > here said Thursday that they had no reason to suspect a
> > connection.
> >
> > Chartered in 1895, Northern Illinois University is a public
> > institution with more than 25,000 enrolled students, 91
> > percent of them from Illinois.
> >
> > In Springfield, the state capital, Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich
> > declared a state of emergency after the shootings, offering
> > state relief for expenses and the state emergency
> > management agency to offer help.
> >
> > "The State of Illinois will provide whatever assistance and
> > support is necessary to university staff and students, and
> > to local officials," Mr. Blagojevich said.
> >
> > Officials and students said they had yet to even start to
> > come to terms with all they had seen.
> >
> > Outside the dormitories on Thursday evening, it looked like
> > the last day of school. Students streamed out of dorms
> > carrying backpacks and luggage. A caravan of parents' cars
> > made its way onto campus to meet them, and many waited for
> > their children in idling vehicles.
> >
> > "You don't think it's going to happen at your university
> > and you certainly don't think it's going to happen in your
> > department to people you know," Mr. Berg said.
> >
> > "You don't know how to react," he said.
> >
> > Susan Saulny reported from DeKalb, and Monica Davey from
> > Racine, Wis. Catrin Einhorn also contributed reporting from
> > Chicago.
> >
> > More at:
> >
> >
> > Jai Maharaj
> >
> >
> >
> > Om Shanti
> >
> > Hindu Holocaust Museum
> >
> >
> > Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> >
> >
> >
> > The truth about Islam and Muslims
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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On Feb 16, 3:00 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> It is as if whites are saying, "We don't like whites
> so we're going to kill our kind, and we are gonna vote
> for a black-and-white Muslim Barrack "Barry" Hussein Obama.

Nah, it's whites hoping for a Muslim Obama president. Now there's a
guy who will understand the logic behind nuking all those billions of
Hindus in India to save the white world! We can start in Kashmiri
with a little help from our friends.
harmony wrote:

> this white killing whites need to stop.
> whites are so messed up; they will elect baracka. louis farkahn is planning
> to vote for barack.

Who are YOU voting... I mean "predicting" will win, Jay?