Guys Microsoft Security Essentials is not reliable! Save your computer now,Its better late...



So,I have genuine windows7.I had been using the avast free(0$) antivirus for about a year now.Just a few days back I thought of installing Microsoft Security Essentials(MSE) and removing the avast one. There was a file that I could not download into my computer because avast showed that it is "Win32-Virut" trojan horse and it removes it instantly.That was an important file for me but it was attached to a virus.

Then I removed the avast and installed MSE.Performed a full scan.100% okay shown.Then I again brought the file( infected file) and scanned with MSE.But the report was the file was clean.No virus,no malware,nothing.I got amazed. Then I removed MSE and re-installed avast and performed a quick scan.It showed that the file is a trojan horse(Win32-Virut),same report as earlier.Avast also showed that a few other files from the same drive was infected due to the virus and so they are corrupted now.I had to delete them.

So,why did MSE fail to detect that viru?.I don't think MSE is reliable.What do you guys think?

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