Had to get it off my chest...


Nov 27, 2005
This is just a rant about someone that I used to be friends with and that I work with. Her and I were really good friends. She was my only female friend where I am stationed. I introduced her to a guy friend of mine that hung out with my boyfriend at the time. Well, things didn't work out with my boyfriend and she pretty muched turned her back on me and became "best friends" with my ex and all his friends that I used to hang out with. When she and her guy broke up, she didn't have anyone so she came apologizing to me. I forgave and and a couple weeks later I got back with my ex. Same thing happened again. She is now friends with my ex and tried to get me and another friend mad at eachother. It was all very stupid and childish. I stopped talking to her. I would see pictures of her in my ex's lap on a mutual friends site. That kind of pissed me off because she knows how much I cared about him. And now, here recently, something else has happened that has really just set me off. She and her man split up. I met a guy that I was really attracted to and had started talking to. Well.... she came along and asked him to help her with something. There is no telling what she told him about me. Now they have been hanging out and I am ready to just beat the **** out of this girl for not leaving me alone. She always has to be doing something to piss me off. If I was a civilian, I would just beat the **** out of her and get it over with but being military, I can't really do that. I don't know what the hell to do. :mad:
I love being single...then I don't have to worry about stupid crap like this!:)

But from military person to military person, try to avoid this stupid screwworm the best you can. Try your best to maintain your composure because you know how the military works (nosy NCOs, UCMJ, Article 15, all that cool stuff). If she starts becoming a bigger itch in your life, then MAYBE a person you can trust can step in and take care the situation. Kinda difficult predicament you're in. Wish I had better advice.
My flight commander knows how much drama she causes and hates her. There isn't much that the military can do about it though. I am just trying to restrain from snapping on her ass.
Well, I guess that is all you can do for now then sadly. I hate complete morons who have no use in life.
LilBit said:
I introduced her to a guy friend of mine that hung out with my boyfriend at the time
That, my dear, was your first and BIGGEST mistake. All guys look to "trade up" and you now happen to be one of his discarded "trophies".

Life sucks, huh?
Outlaw2747 said:
I love being single...then I don't have to worry about stupid crap like this!:)

But from military person to military person, try to avoid this stupid screwworm the best you can. Try your best to maintain your composure because you know how the military works (nosy NCOs, UCMJ, Article 15, all that cool stuff). If she starts becoming a bigger itch in your life, then MAYBE a person you can trust can step in and take care the situation. Kinda difficult predicament you're in. Wish I had better advice.

You are one lonley lonley guy.:cool:
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
That, my dear, was your first and BIGGEST mistake. All guys look to "trade up" and you now happen to be one of his discarded "trophies".

Life sucks, huh?

I think you misread what I wrote. My ex never dated her. A mutual friend of mine and my ex dated her. Even my ex isn't quite THAT stupid...
snafu said:
You are one lonley lonley guy.:cool:

Yea well...sometimes you gotta accept what ya have. When that one oddball woman comes by then it's all good. Until then, I might as well enjoy being lonely while I can!
LOL, sometimes that's your only option. Right now I have family members going thorugh some really stupid **** in thier relationships. And do I mean STUPID.
LilBit said:
This is just a rant about someone that I used to be friends with and that I work with. Her and I were really good friends. She was my only female friend where I am stationed. I introduced her to a guy friend of mine that hung out with my boyfriend at the time. Well, things didn't work out with my boyfriend and she pretty muched turned her back on me and became "best friends" with my ex and all his friends that I used to hang out with. When she and her guy broke up, she didn't have anyone so she came apologizing to me. I forgave and and a couple weeks later I got back with my ex. Same thing happened again. She is now friends with my ex and tried to get me and another friend mad at eachother. It was all very stupid and childish. I stopped talking to her. I would see pictures of her in my ex's lap on a mutual friends site. That kind of pissed me off because she knows how much I cared about him. And now, here recently, something else has happened that has really just set me off. She and her man split up. I met a guy that I was really attracted to and had started talking to. Well.... she came along and asked him to help her with something. There is no telling what she told him about me. Now they have been hanging out and I am ready to just beat the **** out of this girl for not leaving me alone. She always has to be doing something to piss me off. If I was a civilian, I would just beat the **** out of her and get it over with but being military, I can't really do that. I don't know what the hell to do. :mad:

Long term this won't do you much good however in the short term it might give you some chuckles, I can't verify this works but I have heard if you dump Visine in something strong like coffee, alot of Visine...the person will get the runs like they have never experienced. OR you could get some syrup of Ipacack (SP?) and work that into something and then get out of the way before she starts throwing up. Childish I know but it might be fun.

I think I would make a point of hanging with people who already hate her so she has no chance of horning her way in.