Hahninator needs your help! Scan your old tickets!


New member

I need everyone's help please. I'm working on a massive LP live guide, which will be a huuuge upgrade from what is currently there (http://hahninator.sotrix.net/liveguidestuff/).

What I need to help make this thing pwn is YOUR tickets. I'd love to get scans of tickets from live shows to put on there. It'd really be a nice touch. Of course, I'd give credits to you if you wish, or you can remain anonymous.

Any Linkin Park show ever, whether it be from this year or 7 or 8 years ago, I'd like to have a picture of your ticket. This isn't hard, it's a quite simple task.

If everyone that could possibly participate could please do this, I would really appreciate it. It'd look good too, thousands seeing your ticket when they click the link to the show you went to :)

To send them to me, you can email a picture or 2 to markterrell(at)gmail.com. Thanks everyone!



New member
ok cool.

I have this posted on like 6 forums and im not sure where he saw this, but

****, I have spam filter on in Gmail and Jonas Meyer sent me his Copenhagen picture, but I accidentally hit delete, but I managed to see his in time. Jonas if you could resend it that'd be great LOL. **** I already messed something up. Oh well, noone's perfect, right? ^_^

I still have my tickets but my scanner is kinda ****** around :( it does scan but like brown-redish... :'(

I'll try maybe I can upload it another way



New member
Yeah sure I'd still like to have it.

LP or FM. I'll DEFINITELY take Fort Minor :D If you have tickets to upcoming shows, that works too :)

I've gotten about 10 so far, yall can do better than that :p

Thanks to everyone that's sent them in so far.

don't remind me that, ok???? :'( :'( :'(

the 03 and 04 I couldn't go, but the last one... MAN!! It was such a stupidity...

when i knew they was coming, i didn't hav mooney... well, i don't want to talk bout this cause i'm still sad!! :(

but it doesn't matter... what matters is that I want them to come back, and i'm gonna see them!!

i'm getting money to that and everything...

but, will they come back??? tell me hahn, u always know everything about tours...



New member
Well I can't tell you exactly when LP will come back to Portugal because they usually only hit Portugal once a year or so....

However, I'm in the same boat...LP came in 03 and twice in 04 and I missed them all 3 times so this year will be my first live show seeing them hopefully :)



New member
Well I can't tell you exactly when LP will come back to Portugal because they usually only hit Portugal once a year or so....
However, I'm in the same boat...LP came in 03 and twice in 04 and I missed them all 3 times so this year will be my first live show seeing them hopefully :)
One of the biggest LP fans never seen lp live:eek:



New member
Hmm... now where did those boozle tics get to...? *Goes to look*

Ive also got tics from 2 Holly shows too if you ever decide to do a guide for her...

We should still do an FMCollectors thing, heh.

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