Hair Donating For Cancer Patience


New member
I’ve always heard about people growing there hair out to cut it off so that they can donate it to be use to make wigs. July 13 was the kick off for Pantene Beautiful Lengths to make it become wide known about donating your hair for women who have lost there hair do to cancer treatments. Actress Diane Lane became involved in this project and cut her hair off live on T.V. on NBC’s The Today Show.

Since my own grandmother passed away from cancer back in 2001, I’ve always wanted to get involved in helping out woman with breast cancer. My favorite singer Celine Dion has been growing her hair out and donating her own hair since I've been a fan of her. The last time she did that was back in March of 2003. This is something that I’ve always consider doing until my mom told me that we've got to do it when she heard about it on ABC’s The View when Diane Lane came on to talk about the campaign. So now my mom and I are growing are hairs out and when it grows 8 inches long in a ponytail, where going to cut it off and donate our hair.

What I want to know is if anyone else has consider growing there hair out and cutting it to donate it or had done it? Or if there’s anything else that you do to help with people who suffer from cancer?

For more information please visit



Active Members
I think this is a great cause.. I have always wanted to do this,aswell.. My grandfather died of cancer.. and even before that, I was always intrested in something like this.. I don't know anyone who has ever done it.. But I want to.. I am currently letting my hair grow out.. So this is something to consider, when I am ready to cut it.


New member
My mother had breast cancer when I was in elementary school. I can honestly say I was the only kid in my entire school that had hair that long. I ended up cutting it off {going bald} and donating it to a wig place. My mother ended up receiving that wig as a gift from the place.


New member
My grandfather died of cancer when I was 6.

It's a good cause, and a nice thing to do, donating your hair, but I find it somehow more useful to donate money to cancer research...

Don't get me wrong, I admire the people giving their hair. If there were a program like that where I live, I'd donate my hair, as I've got quite a lot, and I usually shave it bald after a while anyway...



New member
hmm i dont know what but i would never ever give my own hair.....loads of money yes just no hair


New member
Oh thats pretty cool, i would do this if it would be in my country, because I ahve long hair (about 38 cm) and im thinking of cutting it off, like -20 cm, so it would be good to donate. + I have healthy hair so that would be another + :D


New member
actually, ironically as it is.. i'm currently growing out my hair to do this. its to a foundation called locks of love. i saw it on tv and i really wanted to do it so i've been growing my hair out for two years now. its ALMOST to the point where i would cut 13 inches off, but not quiet yet. my hair is going to be shoulder length, blah. but i think it's worth it to make someone's life better :)
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