Half of Me


New member
this is a new story. i havent forgotten about the other one so dont worry n_n I hope you find this one just as entertaining, I promise. A little romance and other things. Its based of a manga that I like, cant remember the name of it right now but probably some other time.

He just sat there. It was almost mechanical how he signed autographs, person after person. It looked like he hadn't slept for days. He couldnt sleep, not without fear of seeing her. She haunted his dreams like a vampire after her prey. She wasnt a vampire though, she was a normal girl who was going through a hard time. Being new at school, in a new country, no one but her brothers as her friends. He just didnt understand why he saw her. his eyes blinked finally.

"Dude youre starting to freak us out man. What's the deal you're more silent then usuaul."

Brad said to his friend. Rob shook his head, not saying anything. He swallowed, his throat dry and scratchy. He let out a sigh. He didnt want to talk to his friends about it. there is no way in **** that they would understand his dreams or his feelings for that matter. After the signing, Rob stood up and went to the bus while the others went out for beer and what not. He downed some asprin and took a large gulp out of the water bottle that he always carried around. He pulled his hat off and tossed it in his bunk, unleashing the mass of hat hair that was hidden under his hat. he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a well built body. He yawned as he climbed in the bunk and stared at the top of the bunk. His vision swam in and out of darkness. He finally gave in to sleep.

He found himself facing the girl from his dreams yet again. She gave a shy smile.

"I'm sorry, I just realized that you were the one watching me."

She said softly. Rob shook his head.

"I dont even know why I see you, I dont even know if your real."

He said as he continued to shake his head. She opened her mouth to say something. to him her voice was like choclate to the ears, it had a rich Irish acent.

"I'm as real as you are. You'll see, one day."

She said as a tear fell down her bruised cheek.

"What happened this time?"

He asked as he brushed away the tear. He closed his eyes in understanding.

"It was Sara again wasn't it?"

She nodded silently.

"Aye. She's the devil she is."

"Dont worry things will be better soon. I can gaurente it."

Rob said with a smile.

"I trust you. You say the same thing that me mum said before she died. Thank you Rob. I owe so much to you and the music."

Rob gave a small chuckel.

"Thanks, but I still don't know your name. What is it?"

"Its Faollan Ryan. for me great grandfather. but its just Faollan."

"Its a mighty big name for a girl."

Rob said as he sat down on the ground with her.

"But I like Lan better. Can I call you that?"

"I like Lan too. I guess you can call me that."

She said, her amazing eyes said as they gazed at rob. it felt as if they were gazing right into his soul, one brown, one green. Things began to fade.

"When will I see you again?"

Rob said, for once not wanting to let go of his dreams.

"Soon. I promise ya."

She said.

Rob jerked awake. The five guys that stood around him frowned. They all had a frightened look on their faces.

"Man you almost scared us. we thought you were dying or something."

Phoenix said as he handed the drummer his water bottle. Rob shook his head.

"I'm fine. How much longer untill we have to play?"

"Are you sure you can play after that?"

Mike asked as the younger male hopped out of his bunk.

"I'm sure. Lets get moving."

Rob strode off the bus.


Brad called after him.

"you want your shirt?"

Chester asked. Rob shook his head.

"Naw, I'm going to play shirtless."

ok tell me what you think. love it hate it, what ever. leave me some ideas and what not.



New member
ok this is where there is a camo of a person who will be in the remainder of the story. hope you like it

(Lan's POV)

I smiled. I saw him again. He was the nicest person I know. I sat in the office again. I was in trouble for falling asleep in class again. I looked at me tattoos on me arm. I smiled. I would probably get off lighter then I did when I fought with sara. But right now the principal was busy with another new student. I guess it would be better if i wasnt the newbie any more. The secretary looked at me as the guy came out of the principals office. He was pretty tall with black hair, lots of tattoos and pircings. He looked about twenty six maybe. I had no ******* idea what the **** he was doing here.

"Hold on for a moment Benjamin, we'll get a schedual drawn up for you."

I frowned as Principal Gibbs called me into his office. He treated me to a five minute lecture about sleeping in class. I walked back out of the office while the secretary stopped me.

"Faollan, can you show Benjamin to his first class?"

I nodded. I walked out with big and tall and dark. I looked up at him.

"What's the deal? You're too old to be in high School. I know it."

I said. He gave a smirk.

"The name's Benji. I never finished high school so i came back to finish.''

I looked at his class schedual.

"You have first, second, and fourth block with me. Dont you feel lucky.''

The guy shrugged.

"I dont know about that, but you have a kick *** tattoo on your elbow."

"Oh Aye, I'm all Irish meself. You have the same one too."

I opened up the door of the room to pre-cal. I went back to my seat in the last seat last row. After talking with the teacher, Benji came and sat down with me in the back.

"How long do these classes last?"

He asked me.

"Bout an hour and a half."

I said as I sighed and I pulled out a pair of pictures. I smiled as I looked at the top one. It was a picture of the guy from my dreams. He was real, that's a first. His name was Rob. I know he played in a band and I liked the music. Rob and I met in dreams. then we started talking on the internet and he was one of the only friends that I had. I flipped the picture to another one. I looked out the corner of my eye, Benji was looking at my picture.

"That's a big family."

I nodded.

"Aye there's ninteen of us. Me mum died ten years ago when I was eight. But its all good. we love each other, its a tight family. Even when me dad started dating a mystery woman."

I said.

"**** that's alot of people. I know the feeling about your dad dating some one you dont know. My mom's started dating some random dude too. its frustrating. "

I nodded.

"Me dad's goin on about how we have to meet her and her family tonight. I'm a bit tired of hearing about all of it. You'll meet about eight of us at lunch. we're the O'connors."

I said with a smile. The bell rang. We made it to lunch through the day with out much of a hitch. unless you count sara dropping her books on me foot for the tenth time in a row. I waved at my family who was sitting under the tree.

"nice to see you survived Lan."

one of me brothers said.

"Alright Benji, from the left to the right are my brothers and sisters. Ryan, Bree, Aiden, Erin, Bowen, Kirra, Cole, Kylee, Keegan, and Archer. Me, Bowen, and Archer are triplets."

All of my brothers had brownish red hair. Benji smiled and sat down with us.

(with Rob general POV)

Rob yawned and streatched. He had a great nap. His grin was huge on his face, almost like the time when Chester and Mike caught him eying a chick.

"Who's *** are you eying now?"

chester said as he slapped Rob on his bare back.

"No one's. I'm just finally happy that I got a decent nap. That and I finally get to meet someone."

Chester raised an eyebrow



New member
Wow... quite visual. The story in general I mean, not the vision of Rob being... *swoon* You know...

Anyway, One crtique; The flow. Flow is good, but you need to structure it more sequentially. What I mean is; "blah blah." He said. Would read better, "Blah blah," he said. One sentence. Two cuts it up and makes the read 'jerky.' You lose momentum. Fullstops in sentence structures gives us an automatic pause as we read. Too many. And. It. Becomes. Like. This. Get it? Just a trick I learned once. :D

As for the story itself, quite nice. Original too. I like the fact you're taken along with the characters rather than just told. Provides an emotional connection with your audience, which as a writer is the goal, otherwise if the reader doesn't care they don't read. That's the deal. So I like the plot. Very... I dunno, quasi-dream like. Something. And believable despite obvious limitations. But Rob with his shirt off? That's just a pearl. Rob drumming with his shirt off? I should give you ***** (5 stars) just for that visual alone. Nice. :D

Can't wait to read more. Thumbs up.


Edit: what I didn't get was the 'Cameo' notice. Who's the one performing the Cameo role and as what? I didn't get that bit. Maybe I'm just vague.

But if you have an opening...? *big wicked grin*



New member
of course you can be in it Rav. And if any other CoB-ers want to be in it just let me know. as for the ideas, thanks. I read it over and I see what u mean. dont worry I promise the next part will be more intresting. As for the Camo, you'll get it in this part.

( w/Rob general POV still *drool* XD )

"There is nothing wrong with him, he's just well......"

Brad trailed off as he was trying to explain to the rest of the guys.

"happy, giddy, insane slightly. those sound like good words."

Chester grumbeled, Mike threw a pillow at him.

"Can't he be happy for once? I mean cut him some slack. He hasn't been this happy since he found out about that place online, the CoB or what ever."

Mike said as he wagged his finger in a fatherly like fashion at Chester. Chester shook his head darkly. Joe and Phoenix were too busy, absorbed in the x-box, to notice the talk about the absent drummer.

"What was it that one chick said about him? 'a big cudly teddy bear' and how the word 'drool' appears in every other sentance. Come on man, that is just too **** crazy for my taste."

Chester said hotly. Mike had a look on his face that was so smug it should have been illegal.

"Oh aparently you havent seen the Church of Chester have you? Besides the 'drool' word is, most simply put, Brad and the 'L' word."

Chester raised his eyebrows in suprise, but it still couldnt hide the fact that he was extreamly interested in this news.

"Oy! what are you lot up to now?"

Chester jumped strait up in the air from suprise. His ears went a bright red. Rob flopped down on the couch with a smile on his face.

"Just kidding, man Chester you should be an olympic jumper. I've never seen any one shoot strait up in the air like that."

Rob chuckeled. Mike's eyes dissapeared up into his hat. Chester muttered something and went into the back with Joe and Phoenix.

"Dude are you sure you're like ready for something like this? "

Brad asked concerned. mike nodded his agreeance with Brad, then he nailed brad with a pillow.

"What was that for?"

Brad rubbed the back of his head.

"You said the 'L' word again. But Brad's right, Rob, You havent dated anyone since susan and that was a year and a half ago."

Rob raised his eyebrows as he looked at the clock.

"What are you, my parents? I'm fine with this. The worst that can happen is that it dosent."

He said smoothly, Rob ran his fingers through his hair before replacing the cap on it. Brad and Mike shook their heads.

(lan's POV)

"Hey! Faollan! Come sit back here with me!"

A girl who looked a bit older then me and had an Aussie accent called as me brothers and sisters got on the bus to go home.

"You're Ravynlee right?"

I checked to make sure. (a/n Rav, I dont know how old you really are, but in my story for purposes, you're gonna be 20 and in highschool.)

"Yeah, But its just Rav. I notecied the the nice piece of eye candy on your note book. Is that an actual picture?"

Her eyes were lit up with excitement.

"Aye. He's a friend of mine. Well we actualy havent met before, but we're gonna meet tonight hopefully. "

Rav's face bugged out in amazement.

"Do you even know who that is?! He's the greatest drummer of all time! I mean look at him, he's gorgeous as all get out too."

Rav screeched, causing the obnoxious football players in the front to turn around.

"Aye, that's Rob. He's in a band, I cant remember the name. But I like some of the music he's sent me."

Rav gave an exasperated sigh. She pulled out a lap top and logged on. She then did some typing and then pushed the laptop over to me.

"This is why. "

I frowned.

"A whole topic dedicated to this guy, a bit much isnt it?"

Rav shrugged. I wrote down my email and phone number for her. The bus screeched to a stop.

"Email me some time."

I said as me brothers and sisters got off the bus towards our house. all of me little brothers were in the yard with me dad. He told me that we were finally going to meet mystery woman and her family. Archer and Bowen just shook their heads. I mean come on, another woman, her three sons and daughter to mix with the O'connors? please dont even flatter yourself.

"Dad, I got to be somewhere in three hours. Is she gonna come soon?"

I asked as the eight little siblings ran around while the other ten (the teenagers) just sat around compleatly calm.

"Aye should be here any minute. Just be home before sunrise."

Me dad said.

"Aye dad."

I said. I grabbed me guitar and started strumming on it. It was a real nice day. Not as green as Ireland is, but its a nice semi-tropical place, California. A car pulled up into the driveway. Me dad jumped to his feet.

"Alright, O'connors, line up! Oldest to youngest."

Me dad shouted. I waited as the woman got out of the car. Wait, she was with Benji....now I'm really confused.

"Benji, what are you doing here?"

"Faollan? I'm with my mom.... I get it now."

Benji said as he smacked his forehead with his hand.

"Me dads dating your mum. Makes perfect sense to me."

I said sarcastically. I looked at the other three who had gotten out of the car.

"Hello Breck, these are my children, Benji and his twin Joel, Josh and Sara. My what a crowd you have here."

Me dad nodded.

"Aye, They're a handfull they are. From the left starting with the oldest, Ryan, Aiden, Cole, Bowen, Archer, Faollan, Kegan, Bree, Erin, Kirra, Kylee, Aslin, Barry, Emerald, Seamus, Colleen, Merric, Danelea, and Kieth."

I ran my hand down my face as I gave a sigh of frustration. this was just too much.



New member
Heya Phi! *screeches* Yay! I was in the story! *Screeches again, excitedly*

Oh I don't mind being younger... and at high school... *thinks back* was a while ago, but maybe I'll do better second time around, 'eh?

Here's a thought tho - I don't get the impression any of them are young enough for high school. Almost all of the characters sound, even if they aren't, older. Maybe that's intentional, don't get me wrong, but a University setting may have been more appropriate. Or a technical college. Just a consideration. Having said that - 2 points. The lots of family lost me. I got real confused at the end. Forgive me, I do that sometimes. But for the purposes of the story does ALL that family need to be there? What I mean by that is that when writing you whould only add/introduce characters that are relevant to the story at any given particular time. Having 2 big families come together may be better constructed to say something like 8 boys, 6 girls, what ever, but not introduce all of them individually unless it was necessary. Do you get my point? Read Stephen King? He's a master at it. He'll give you 2 pages of dialogue for a character that delivers a coffee, and it can get distracting and retract from the plot. You can lose the flow. It's just a suggestion to keep in mind.

Point 2 - towards the end your format was getting jerky again. I know it's tough to repair but it will make the flow easier to those that are reading it. Again, just a suggestion. Take it on board or leave it, I won't be insulted, but I've been writing for years and sometime friendly criticism is better than no criticism at all. It'll help you develop and hone your skills as a writer, and believe me, you have talent. It's coming through. :D

Hopefully you're not insulted. I'm just trying to help.

But for the record... alas, I am an old duck; 29. High school was many years ago for me... *sigh* Rob was in high school when I was for crying out loud (but just barely). Chester and I could have been in the same classes... ****, providing we weren't on different continents and all that. Still... gives you an idea, yuh? Hehehe. But the CoB inclusion... ahhh... Robbie on a date... *sigh* Lucky Lan. *Ravyn sobs enviously in her milo* You go girl.

BTW, I like the 'like' inclusion in Brad's dialogue. Makes him a far more 'believable' character. Little quirky 'realistic' nuances can make all the difference between someone liking your character enough to believe and care what happens to him, and just not give a sh*t. Brad's like... actually, have you noticed they all do it? Brad's the worst but Rob's not much better. Watch Frat Party or even LPTV, ep 1 & 2. The guy just can't think of what to say so 'like' slips out a lot more than usual... that's funny. Classic LP. Nicely done, Phi. Thumbs up from me. :thumbsup:




New member
two answer a few questions, yeah rav, your gonna be in there more too, you become Lan's best friend and yeah the family was nessicary because they play a big part later on in the story. I dont have time to post a chapter now bcuz I have school. With the Ages thing, umm...its a little based on how my school is where alot of people are older then they seem like there is a freshman who is 17. Plus with the different school systems in other countries it can either hold you back or push you forward. but i hope that clears it up. I dont have the time right now but I'm going to hopefully get the chance to go back and edit it a little. I'm also glad you found the brad character to be of realistic perportions.




New member
yay! new story time! lol. awesomeness, the big family part was confusing. and just for the record I'm friends with a guy that went to some high school with Benji and Joel (no joke) and according to him, they were ********... yeah.


New member
a cookie to ACDC for getting the part about the camo. yeah just wait and see how it comes out to be with them in it.

(with Rob)

He wandered into a coffee shop downtown. People were hurrying around him as they were getting off of work. Rob couldnt help but smile. He was glad to be on a short break from the ubiquitous rush that seemed to go where ever he and the guys went. He meandered past a couple kissing over the last bit of coffee in a nonexistant cup. He shook his head since it gave him a painful reminder of susan. This was where he was gonna wait for her. Lan said she would meet him at six. He glanced at the clock on the wall then checked the time on his watch. He frowned. he still had about twenty minutes. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see a pair of eyes, one brown one green. It was the one feature that was an idiosyncrasy that set her apart from the rest of the mundane masses around him.

"Hey Lan. Were you waiting? I ment to get here first."

Rob quickly stood up and gave her a hug.

"I've been here for about a minute that's all."

She said running her fingers through her brown and green hair.

"Well we still have about twenty minutes. What have ya been up to lately?"

Rob asked as he adjusted his hat. Lan shrgged.

"Oh nothing much, just found out me dad's dating me friends mum, business as usuaul."

She said shaking her head. Rob gave a small laugh.

"Ah problems with the rents. Really brings me back."

"You're not that old."

Lan pointed out. Rob blushed.

"I'm 26, that's old enough."

"Well I'm ninteen so youre not too much older then me."

Rob waved his hand dismissively.

"You want a coffee or something to drink?"


Lan went to fish some money out of her pocket. Rob held a hand up stopping her.

"Let me pay."

He insisted. Lan tried to argue but then stopped. She saw that he was too stubborn to be told otherwise. They sat down at a small table by a window that overlooked the ocean. Rob smiled as he looked from her eyes to the ocean.

"You know the ocean is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen."

He said offhandedly. Lan shrugged.

"Na, The ocean I grew up seeing was about a hundered or so feet below the cliff."

Rob turned his head as he looked her in the eyes.

"That's right you're from Ireland. The coast is pretty rocky out there."

Lan nodded as she followed Rob's gaze to the people that were out in the line up in the ocean with their surf boards.

"So.....have you ever been surfing?"

Rob asked as he tried to keep the conversation up.

"No, but I'd like to. It looks like its loads of fun."

(Lan's POV the next day)

I got on the bus to see Rav in the back waving like a maniac at me. I smiled as I made my way to the back.

"Hey Lan"


She looked like she was excited about something. I hope the seat is absorbant.

"Come on tell! How was it? Was rob as hot as he is in the pictures? is he nice?"

I laughed. She was really excited to hear about my little outting with rob.

"I can't see why you're making a big deal about this. He's just a normal guy."

"A normal guy with the body of a ***."

I shook my head.

"He's very nice. I mean he's a real gentle man."

Rav had a look of triumph on her face.

"I knew it. So where are y'all going on your next date?"

She made me laugh.

"Rob's going to teach me surfing. But I'll tell you how it is and maybe introduce you some time."

I'll trade you cookies for reviews



New member
*eats cookie noisily* thanks. this is a great story, i'm loving the details that take me into rob fantasy land (hehe) anywho... idk just keep going storg and dont' forget about frogs together!


New member
Why thankyou, Phi. And thanks for clearing a few things up for me, I'm a bit vague, so that's good, now I'm informed I can better get my head around it, or in 'the zone' if you will. Always important with stories; one must submerge themselves... I do it all the time, (hehehe... oops, lets not go there - leave it for the appropriate - CoB - thread :D ) Anyway, thanks.

Well, as for the story - blossoming romance, very sweet. The stubborn nature of the Capricorn, yes, you have that down pat with Rob paying for the coffees. It's a wonder being an ex-coffee slinger he isn't nit-picking what he's served with a critical eye, just reflexively. Don't wanna make him sound like a narcissitic jerk, huh? Nah, Rob's all good. Besides that, he strikes me as the gentlemanly type that would (pay), so, nice addition. Also little indicators that he's struggling himself to make the right impression, he isn't full of his own 'stardom.' Nice.

Ravyn squealing (waving) on the seat - classic. The 'I hope the seat is absorbant' line made me burst out laughing - literally, nearly choked on my milo, well done. Humor injection is a good counterbalance to heavy emotional issues; like developing romance and associated insecurities that go along with first dates, etc. Yeah, nice. As for Lan introducing Rav and Rob? Probably not the best move for Lan, Rob may meet her friends (especially one so openly 'mad' for him/the ideal of him) he may get the wrong impression about her (Lan). It's that old adage; 'you are who you hang (around) with.' Hope not. I'd hate for the big gentle giant to diss Lan over Rav's teeny-bopperish behav. Not cool. But we'll see... *grins* Something tells me Lan's gonna be okay...

Can't wait for the surfing tutorials... that outta be a treat!

Nice. Me likey big much. Can't wait to see where this goes... down the proverbial isle, huh? *s******s* :D

PS, Give the cookie to the less fortunate. Thanks anyway. *wink* I'm just glad to be here, being entertained! I do it for free!!



New member
I will be gone on vacation for about five days so alas I wont be able to work on this. Its all good though. I havent forgotten about frogs. (gives rav a cookie any way) I'm making rob shaped brownies for christmas. ok I need two more characters for this story. PM me and I'll see what I can do about it. I will need your name and what you look like some what. but hey its all good


New member
Have fun, and we'll be anxiously waiting for the next part :p

well I don't have a long review, but I like your vocabulary, I like the words you use, well maybe it's because I suck at English or something lol

oh and yeah I like having Rav in there, it brings another caracter I know and makes me want to read the story even more, don't get me wrong though, I'd of course read the story without Rav :thumbsup:



New member
Awww, thanks Fribby, erm, I mean, Viking! *hugs* But I knew what you meant, still, sounded sweet *chuckles*

Maybe you'll be joining the 'elite' in the story here huh? You, me, half of the CoB (we get around) and a world of trouble... hehehe. *innocent eyes*

Cool. Can't wait to see where this story goes.

Hey, Phi, I'm bummed that you wont be able to work on this but am happy that you're taking a holiday, lucky you, I'm jealous as all **** but I'll get over it. Place won't be the same without you. Missin' y'already *sob*

Take care, in this age of terrorism just please stay safe. Look forward to seeing you back here refreshed full of stories and ideas and totally re-energized. *squeeze hugs*

See you when you get back. Then we'll see Lan and Rob get their acts together, huh? *grins*




New member
Alright the phi is back and ready to work. I couldnt do any of my homework on vacation since they made me leave my US History and French Books in customs. that was too funny. but I'm back safe and sound. thanks for all the well wishes and the reviews. more to come. oh and just remembered, this story is loosely based off of a Manga called Chobits. I'll have to explain the connection in later chapters

"Are you excited about the trip to the bahamas? I mean its going to be pretty cool to study the dolphins up close."

I sat down with Rav. Me brothers were hanging out with Benji. I was still extreamly ****** at him.

"I guess, Dolphins were always funny creatures. But this is cool to get to work with them one on one and then have our test be to see how well we train them."

Rav elbowed me in the side and pointed. I let out a sigh, one pee call is enough for me in one day. Rob parked his car and was now headed over towards us.

"Is he actualy coming over here?"

Rav's nails were digging into my skin. Rob waved at me and came over.


Rob sat down with us in the grass. He handed me the messanger bag that was around his side.

"You're gonna need this for later."

Rob grinned as I flexed my hand. I think Rav had squeezed all the feeling out of my hand.

"Oh Rob, this is my friend Rav."

Rob smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you."


Rav stammered, she looked compleatly and totaly petrified of him. Rob gave me a look that plainly said 'i get that alot'.

"See you later today, lan, have fun at school."

Rob winked at me and I nodded at him. Rav and I looked at each other. She had a look of shock on her face. Rob waved goodbye from his car and drove off.

"Open up the bookbag, oh my ***!"

Rav said hystericaly. I opened up the messanger bag, I frowned. It was a wet suite. An 'O' formed on my face, it was for our date later on.

"Here something fell out."

Rav handed me a necklace that was black and had little parts where the beads were red yellow and green.

(general POV later that day)

"Just let the water move with you,"

Rob instructed as they sat in the cold california water on a pair of surfboards. Lan's hair was soaked, but the wet suite Rob gave her kept her nice and warm.

"Here, lets try this."

Rob paddeled over to her on his board. He clambered on behind her and shifted his weight so they wouldnt fall over. Rob put his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed on them.

"First off relax, you're too tense. "

Lan swallowed hard as she felt the warmth of his hands through the wet suite.

"Then when you're up there, you have to move with the push and pull of the water......"

Rob was cut off and sent flying into Lan. A wave crashed down on them and sent them flying and tumbeling head over heels in the surf. Rob landed on top of her, he looked down into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I hope I'm not hurting you."

Rob said softly.

"It's alright its good."

Rob felt blush creep into his cheeks, another wave washed up on shore, soaking them both.

"Hey Rob! I knew there was a chick in the equation some where."

Rob looked up and then hurriedly stood up while pulling Lan to her feet. 'way to kill a moment chaz,' Rob thought darkly. It was chester with his son draven. Draven gave a squeal and ran over to Rob. He bent down to give the five year old a hug.

"Hey buddy what are you doing here?"

Rob said as he ruffeled the little kid's hair. Draven giggeled and chester frowned.

"Daddy's gonna put me in the sand and cover me up!"

"Don't try to change the subject Rob."

Chester said bluntly. Rob sighed, sometimes Chester could be almost as stubborn as he was.

"Chaz this is Lan, Lan this is Chaz. We're here on a date."

Rob said a little irritatedly. Draven started laughing as Lan smiled and made funny faces at Him. He ran to chester and jumped in his arms.

"Daddy, I like her. she's nice and pretty."

Rob chuckeled. This was the one thing you could always trust little kids on, they were always honest. If they didnt like you, they'd tell you.

"Unkey Rob, is she your girwl frwiend?"

Draven asked as he poked Chester on the cheek. Rob shrugged his shoulders,

"Only if she wants to be my girlfriend."

"I'd like that."

Lan said as rob took her hand. They said goodbye to chester who was being drug by his hand to look at seashells by Draven. Rob handed her a towel as they planted their Boards in the sand.

"I sure am gonna miss you for two weeks. But where ever you're going, I'm sure it'll be fun."

"I guess. It would be alot more fun with you though."

Rob shook out his hair and they sat down on the extra towel. The sun had started to set, it was giving its last bit of warmth.

(Lan's POV)

"Come on Lan, You're gonna miss the plane!"

Rav said as she waved at me by the gate. I hurriedly made me way through the line to join me school group. There were about seven of us going to the Marine Biology fieldtrip. I even packed the wetsuite that Rob had given me. Rav and I slept most of the plane trip since we both had to get up at the **** crack of dawn. She then brought out her laptop and was showing me her picture files of Rob and chester and the rest of the band. Pretty cool.

"So how was surfing?"

I smiled.

"It was loads of fun untill we met chester. He seemed to irritate Rob a little."

Rav laughed. I smiled as I took out my CD player.

"oh I made this CD for you. Linkin Park's greatest drumming songs."

She said handing me the CD. I rolled me eyes, typical. I can tell you she's become one of the best friends I've ever had outside me brothers. I felt a little woozy as we got off the plane. We hurriedly got our bags and Joined up with our teacher ms. Dickson. She was giving out room asingments. Of course I was rooming with Rav. We highfived eachother and got in the taxi that would take us down to the warf. That was the worst ride in me whole life. It was bumpy and the guy drove like he had a death wish. Rav and I were green by the time we got to the boat. I took in a deep breath of the salt air. It was calming, and it reminded me of rob. Rav had woken me from my dream world.

"Have you kissed him yet?"

I looked at her as the ferry was backing out.

"Not yet."

"You'd better hurry up, a man like that must have thousands of girls throwing them at his feet."

I rolled my eyes at her. Up on the top deck, a few guys were playing around.

"I miss him already."

I said to no one in particular. We docked and walked out onto the area where we could see the dolphins playing. our instructor was named Chris.

"We have ten dolphins here, four males and six females. You'll be getting into the water and which ever dolphin comes to you first will be the one that you work with for the next few days."

I had slipped into the water with my wetsuite. Ravyn was a good few feet bedside me, shivering. A dolphin came right up to her and rolled over so she could rub it's belly. I felt a nudge behind me, I turned to see a dolphin with a scar on it's fin. I smiled



New member
I'm not as good as commenting on structure of stories and so on, as Rav, only thing I can say, is that I like it, keep it up :thumbsup:
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