

New member
What is everyone on here doing for Halloween tomorrow? I am dressing up as Joey and Chris from Slipknot. I made Joey's mask and I bought Chris's for 50 bucks. I am just switching off and on on masks. I am also being my favorite wrestler Sick Nick Mondo. I am dressed as him under the Masks and Coveralls of my slipknot costume.

I am going trick or treating with my 2 best friends and hanging with Family and terrorizing the neighborhood by being a ****. :p


Solid Snake

New member
I'm gonna be in classes from 3pm till 9pm......I guess I'll go see Saw 2 after class.-_- ****! I got an exam that night too. o_0

I should probably consider studying..............................But the TV is on.....I don't wanna waste the cable... :(

Actually, the two threads are very different. That one is for posting pictures of you costume, this one is about what you're doing on Halloween. Very different.


New member
yer, we aussies dont really celebrate it, but i dressed my little brother up in the scream mask, a red nose and a big pink top hat.

Halloween it 2dai for us so




New member
I'm a bit too old to go trick or treating now. Which is a shame because ~~~> SWEETS! Yum ^.^ I love peoples costumes as well, the masks use to terrify me! Anyway I'm not doing much. A lot of kids have been coming round though, I just give them a couple handful of sweets and chocolates :) The kids are so cute heh, you gotta love em.

So Happy Halloween to everybody! I changed my avatar for the occassion lol. I made it last year along with other halloween graphics if anyone wants to take them to get in the spirit of things or whatever. My halloween page ~~> http://all-sugar-no-spice.com/halloween/halloween.html

Umm actually, does that count as advertising? It's just a page with halloween graphics for you all to take, I hope not. I'll remove it if you want. They were done last year so they kinda suck, my graphic skills have certainly improved. o_0



New member
Me i don't know what I'm gonna do go out or stay and give out candies but we don't really get much cause we're way out and people think I'm mean so they don't talk to me but i don't give a ****


New member

A carved pumpkin ^.^ My neighbours plus my sisters did it... I... was on the computer whilst all of this "fun" was happening :) It's pretty though isn't it?



New member
I think its funny

All ur life ur told not to take sweets from strangers and this night!


You do just that, u take sweets from stangers



New member
^ Very pretty pumpkin ^.^ We didn't do one this year :(

I went to a partay :D And dressed up as a scary lady. I was told that we got A LOT of trick or treaters this year though, I'm just glad I wasn't there to see to them all.



New member
The usuall... It my birthday, but I got presents yesterday... soooo yeah. Pretty boring. Plus I had school. AND NONE OF MT FM STUFF CAME YET...[Any day now] >.<

People havent come trick or treating around here... YET... :p



New member
Actually' date=' the two threads are very different. That one is for posting pictures of you costume, this one is about what you're doing on Halloween. Very different.[/quote']
I´m sorry Vash,my apologyse to Spike :) .

For some reason I misunderstood it.

I didn´t do anything for halloween cuz we don´t celebrate it in here:(
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