Halo: Reach beta


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Has anyone had a chance to play it? Is it any good?

I may have a chance to play it on Monday but I have to go out of my way to do it...so if it has to be planned I wanna make sure its worth my time. :p



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I want to, I have a friend who played it and he said he really liked it, but then again he is like a halo fanboy, so anything halo, he loves.


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I thought ODST was the best installment so far, so Reach better carry over the same feel as that game or I am not gonna be impressed. I thought the game was much more immersive and also had more (HEY YOU CAN ACTUALLY DIE IN THIS ONE N00BS) reality.

I also liked the fact that the story engaged me. I think that Bungie got really obsessed with the multiplayer for a while and didn't give the actual game enough time and energy.

Either way, I think I will try the Beta just to check out the new modes and the new guns. :)

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