Hamas facing first Israeli invasion


New member
One Israeli soldier gets taken hostage, so war is declared. Power station gets bombed, tanks and artillery roll in, the recently handed over Gaza strip is invaded again, and fighter-jets and choppers await the order to attack.

Geez, that's all it takes to mobilize an army?

As Israeli tanks amass outside Gaza and diplomats from Washington to Paris to Cairo talk about the fate of a single Israeli hostage, the response of the online media in Israel and the occupied territories ranges from joy to rage, tempered by hopes that a negotiated settlement can be reached.
The Palestinian militant holding baby-faced corporal Gilad Shalit, abducted in a pre-dawn raid in Israel on Sunday, are demanding the release of 95 Palestinian women and 313 youths under the age of 18 held in Israeli prisons. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says there will be no negotiations.

On all sides, the Palestinian leadership is seen as facing a crucial test.


New member
Hamas has no business talking hostages. They were given a chance to release they man they kidnapped and they refused so **** THEM. These terrorist camel-jockies need to be taught some manners. The best way to have peace in that region is to remove any and all hamas influence.

Hamas started a fight and now they will get raped like the terrorist ******* they are.



New member
That, and they have one of the best militaries in the world, if not the best.
Their secret service is in the top three, as are their special services, but whose hardware are they using? Whose aircraft are they flying? Who funds them?

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