Hamas Finally ****** Themselves!!!!


New member
Israelis arrest dozens of Hamas officials

AP - 21 minutes ago GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli troops rounded up dozens of ministers and lawmakers from the Palestinians' ruling Hamas party Thursday, including the deputy prime minister, while forging ahead with a military campaign in Gaza meant to win the release of an Israeli soldier held by Hamas gunmen. The body of a kidnapped 18-year-old Jewish settler was found in the West Bank, Israeli security officials said. He had been shot in the head. Palestinian militants said they killed Eliahu Asheri, whose body was found buried near the West Bank city of Ramallah.


This is how terrorists NEED TO BE HANDLED!!!! Give them a short time to do what they're told then ******* INVADE THEIR CITIES AND ARREST THEIR ******* *****!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :D


The sad truth in this situation is that the Palestinians brought this on themselves. All they had to do was realease ONE MAN and this could've been avoided. Of course, hamas has to cause trouble...EVEN AFTER THE ISRAELIES GAVE BACK GAZA.


I think it's funny that Hamas is getting their *** handed to them. They brought this on themselves and they have nobody to blame but themselves.


*** (Allah) is punishing the palestinians for their sins. I bet Osama bin Douchebag is soiling is robes watching the action in Gaza unfold. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Let this be a lesson to Hamas!!! WHEN YOU **** WITH ISRAEL YOU GET OWNED LIKE A 2 DOLLAR *****!!!!


:D :D:D








New member
If I'm not mistaken the reason behind the kidnapping was for the release of Palistinians, namly women and children, from Isrealie jails. Now ******-up opinion aside, how exactly is it fair to say that their reaction to imprisonment and harassment by the Isrealie government is to be considered bringing it upon themselves?

Because they choose not to be Jewish?

Because they chose to have their lands taken from them 60 years ago?

Or because they fought fire with fire?



New member
If I'm not mistaken the reason behind the kidnapping was for the release of Palistinians, namly women and children, from Isrealie jails. Now ******-up opinion aside, how exactly is it fair to say that their reaction to imprisonment and harassment by the Isrealie government is to be considered bringing it upon themselves?
Because they choose not to be Jewish?

Because they chose to have their lands taken from them 60 years ago?

Or because they fought fire with fire?
1.) The land was owned by Egypt... NOT THE SCUMASTINIANS...


3.) There are no Palenstinian children in Israelie jails....(that is bullshit propaganda)

4.) Kidnapping and murder are inexcuseable


6. Hamas abducted and murdered an Israelie soldier WITHOUT provocation.

Now, if you're through supporting terrorism, I would appriciate it if you would stop defending the actions of terrorists. :mad:



Kryptonite Man

New member
Eisanbt, there was NEVER a land called "Palestine". It was called that because of a Jew-hating Roman officer named Hadrian erasing Judaea off the maps and putting the ancient enemy of the Hebrews in it's place. Look it up if you don't believe me.


New member
Eisanbt, there was NEVER a land called "Palestine". It was called that because of a Jew-hating Roman officer named Hadrian erasing Judaea off the maps and putting the ancient enemy of the Hebrews in it's place. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Those nasty roman ***** .... I hope somebody rams a sword up their *****!!!




New member
1.) The land was owned by Egypt... NOT THE SCUMASTINIANS... 2.) Egypt LOST THE WAR AND THE LAND

It was only under Egyptian administration after 1921 because Sheikh chiefs asked the British to run the show who than passed the buck. 20years of a central government run by Egyptians hardly makes for a state of Egyptians. It was than handed over to, not the natives of the region, but swarms of Zionists from around the globe.

3.) There are no Palestinian children in Israeli jails....(that is bullshit propaganda)
And how am I to know that anything the Israelis say isn



New member
The scum bags in Israeli jails are just exactly that, Scumbags. They are criminals caught in criminal acts and should not be released. If Palestine does not hand over the kidnapped soldier I do not think there will be anything left in Gaza to argue about. Personally I hope they are enjoying the position they are in until they are ready to puke they caused all of this now let them roll in it. There is never going to be any peace in that region until Palestine gets it through there heads that Israel will continue to exist and that their own existance will come into question if they continue with their attitude. Why do they feel they need all of the land, they can't even manage that which they have without aide, how would they manage all of the territory?


New member
It was only under Egyptian administration after 1921 because Sheikh chiefs asked the British to run the show who than passed the buck. 20years of a central government run by Egyptians hardly makes for a state of Egyptians. It was than handed over to, not the natives of the region, but swarms of Zionists from around the globe.

And how am I to know that anything the Israelis say isn


New member
Muslims kill Jews.

Jews kill Muslims.

But then, we support Israel so the latter is acceptable while the first is an atrocity.

Hamas kills an 18 year old kid, a tragedy no doubt, and every Palestinian deserves death. Israeil troops gun down a highschool stone thrower, ehhhh, lets avert our eyes.

Somehow that logic seems a bit twisted to me.

I mean, don't get my wrong, my sympathy for both sides is hovering a notch or two right above non-existent, but I think people need to realize that the Zionists are no better, and no worse, than organizations like Hamas.



New member
Instead of starting a new thread....

I can't follow the situation in the middle east. All I know is that there is some **** going down, but I can't tell my tans from my tanners because of all the obscure names being shouted back and forth in an obscure language. Sorry for being white.

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