Hams of RRAP are _stalkers_! Re: 404 for Mark

  • Thread starter The Black Goat With A Thousand Y
  • Start date

The Black Goat With A Thousand Y

On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:17:22 -0400, an_old_fan of Mark Morgan fixed me
with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:
> "Henry teh homo Schmidt god of teh voting homo" wrote...

You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
give you my actual legalname.

>> "Anon" wrote...
>>> Mark can't see binaries posted to this group. Google won't allow it.
>>> Mark wouldn't be using Google if he could help it, but DeLorean caused
>>> Mark to lose a previous account and Google is all Mark has left.

Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
being k00ks.

>>> Hats off to DeLorean!

>> DeLorean is my hero!

> with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am, so you can
post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have
little doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

Hail Eris! Cthulhu fhtagn! mhm 29x21; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
Chas. E. Pemberton; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2008
Hammer of Thor, July 2008
"Life size models of Cthulhu, on sale now!"

"You DON'T HAVE A CLUE what mythology is.

"Mythology IS the same thing as history and Gesta Danorum is purely

"Take your idiotic and ignorant conspiracy theories about the grand
falsification of European history and shove them up your arse where they
came from." -- Argyros Argyrou/Agamemnon, teh Rhodes Scholar, in
Message-ID: <MeidnSdouexwK1bV4p2dnAA@eclipse.net.uk>

"Folklore is a 19th century Romanticist movement based on
contemporary popular northern European music."

"The entire concept was concocted by the Brothers Grimm during the
Romanticist literary period and entered the discipline of music in the
following century with the Romanticist musical period after Beethoven."
-- Please send medical bills for any damage to your health caused by the
above two quotes to Agamemnon-Skopianosfaktis. Message-ID:

"Kolofilia between a human and another human is as depraved as ****ing
animals." -- Agamemnon, poutso kelftis, just plain doesn't like sex,
apparently. Message-ID:

"Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it
-- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". Message-ID:

"You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here.
Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain."
-- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID:

"For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked

"The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges
on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or
Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on
the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept
homosexuality, in Message-ID: <brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01>

"I heard that you are still trespassing in the USA. If it's black, it
refuses to work and it accuses whites of racism. What a joke.
Look at a map and see where Africa is, bitchboy. What is this GOD DAMNED
Too afraid to tell the truth?
being found all over the Carolinas, after his reply to Panama Floyd, in
Message-ID: <qiA3k.2556$Xe.1871@bignews1.bellsouth.net>

Q: Who is eligible for a COOSN?

A: Kookologists with 10 or more verifiable UV points may exchange these
points for a Cabal Obsidian Order Sombrero Number.

Q: Who is not eligible for a COOSN?

A: Certified net.kooks; notorious net.cretins; terminally clueless
****wits; previous winners of kook-awards, unless an official pardon has
been granted by the FNVW.

Q: How do I apply for a COOSN?

A: Make a Usenet post to alt.usenet.kooks (crossposting to your favourite
newsgroups is acceptable); to ensure that the FNVW actually sees your
request, try to use either of the following formats for the subject line:

[COOSN Application] Your name (or best known handle) here
[COOSN Request] Your name (or best known handle) here

Please provide a list of 10 UV points - along with verifiable evidence for
each point wherever possible.

Q: Can one Kookologist nominate another Kookologist for a COOSN?

A: Yes, but the proposer should supply a verifiable list of 10 UV points
for the nominee at the time of the nomination. Also, the nominee must
accept the nomination before a COOSN is issued.

Q: What happens if my Sombrero Number application is refused by the FNVW?

A: The Office of Darth Bawl is always looking for new candidates. Nuff

Q: What are "UV points"?
1. Threats of violence, especially death. (one point per kook)
2. Lists, i.e. real lists, not just mentions of two or three names in
the same post. One list per kook, unless the lists are clearly meant to
serve different purposes.
3. Fanboi sites (one point per kook, not one point per site. Minimum
qualification is a whole page about you; pages containing lists don't
score extra if the list also appears on Usenet).
4. Fanboi newsgroups (one point per kook, not one point per group)
5. Attempts at real-life contact (e.g. posting phone numbers)
6. Fake awards, revenge nominations etc. (one point per kook)
7. Mentions in a newsgroup FAQ (e.g. soc.men).
8. Being the target of a Kooksuit (one point per kook).

Gerald C. Newton is a wife-beating ****head.
On Sep 16, 4:15?am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
<ancient_o...@shoggoths.rule> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:17:22 -0400, an_old_fan of Mark Morgan fixed me
> with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:
> > "Henry teh homo Schmidt god of teh voting homo" wrote...

> You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
> ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
> give you my actual legalname.

they are nuts so they keep right on trying
> >> "Anon" wrote...
> >>> Mark can't see binaries posted to this group. Google won't allow it.

> >>> Mark wouldn't be using Google if he could help it, but DeLorean caused
> >>> Mark to lose a previous account and Google is all Mark has left.

> Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
> being k00ks.

not even sure delkorean is a HJam he may an exham one who LOST his
license for his antics

you can't be sure though

> >>> Hats off to DeLorean!

> >> DeLorean is my hero!

> > with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

> I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
> be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am, so you can
> post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
> so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
> intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
> what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have
> little doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

they do none of their own dirty word\k that is for sure

BTW I agree with your analys as do the cops
On Sep 16, 7:33?pm, Hoop Dee Doo <konst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 16, 6:40 pm, an old friend <kb9...@hotmail.com> wrote:> On Sep 16, 6:32 pm, Hoop Dee Doo <konst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Sep 16, 4:15 am, The Candian "Queer" who wants to twinkie-twinkie a
> > > Black Goat mustered up all his might, and with a wave of his girly
> > > limp wrists typed:

> > nice of your to prove his point

> What point, that I don't like Bisexuals? ?Sure I admit I don't like
> Bi's ?It's a free country I can dislike anyone I want
> > > > You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
> > > > ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
> > > > give you my actual legalname.

> > > Because you are a hypocrite usenet stalker/harrsser hiding behind your
> > > nyms, with good reason.

> > PKB

> How is it PKB, Fatty? It is not I posting to Auk telling snarky that
> he is wrong, it is him who is telling us that we are wrong, for doing
> the same thing that he does.
> > > > Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
> > > > being k00ks.

> > > You AUK boys are beyond being kooks...you guys are more like wackers.

> > > > > with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

> > > > I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
> > > > be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am

> > > They more than likely already know.

> > interesting geobels like trick

> WTF??? ?No trick, just an observation based on the information I have
> received.
> > > > so you can
> > > > post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
> > > > so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
> > > > intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
> > > > what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have
> > > > little doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

> > > Oh you are gullible if you think that Mark "the kook" Morgan KB9RQZ
> > > actually shot an unarmed kid in the back, he would be in jail right
> > > now.

> > what would I be in jail for? and how can you say the kids was armed or
> > unarmed I don't even know that .

> Did he point a gun at you, no he did not, so he was unarmed until
> proven otherwise.

not an issue he hwas enaged in a felony crime at the time does not
matter if he was armed or not

> > it was likely in the shuoder or arm besides if I had hit him in the
> > back I would have brought him down, interesteresting how you claim to
> > know more about that shooting affair than I do and I at least was
> > there

> Did not matter, you shot an unamed child you sick fruit..

I shot a criminal armed or unarmed child or not

> > > Or for that matter, if anyone on usenet has ever tried to do
> > > anything physical to Mark.

> > why would I be injail for someone trying to do something to me? yes I
> > know that is not what you meant but it is what you choose to write

> He did not do anything to you just as you said. ?but it never happened
> anyway.

you claim I shot a kid and now you claim it not happen make up your

the triuth was he had attached a rop to my tower and was pullit off my
home damging my home and thratening further damage

> > > I see that Mark has sucked you into his
> > > outlandish tall tales and fantasies.

> > realy

> No the word is "Really"

yawn lame one kook

> > gee it is not a crime to shootan intruder on your land not in michigan

> Yes it is a crime to shoot unarmed folks.

not in self defense or the defense of my propeerty

> > > What, do you think America is
> > > like the old west of the 1800's?

> > well in his sorwn testimonay on the castle doctirine laws my county
> > (houghton county ) stated that is exactly what the law then under
> > discussion and now passed would do (although I think he he said
> > 1880's)

I noticed you avoide the coment

> > > Your real fear is that one of those kooks you enjoy ****ing with for
> > > the last 9+ years would go to Canada and help you out with a ****ing
> > > dirt nap (we should be so lucky). But feel free to help yourself
> > > along at anytime.

> > nice admision to stalking I love when you prove the point you are
> > trying to disprove

> What admisson, only in your twisted mind.

you have admited to knowing the kid and knowing wether he was armed or

wether this admission is of more value the some the way terro gruops
claim repsonibility for bombing
it is realy lame the way you tryot cut out AUK while atacking them

besides you spent months troling for them
On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 16:38:56 -0700, an_old_friend fixed me with a beady
eye, and foamed wildly:
> On Sep 16, 7:33 pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
>> On Sep 16, 6:40 pm, an old friend wrote:
>> > On Sep 16, 6:32 pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
>> > > On Sep 16, 4:15 am, The Candian "Queer" who wants to
>> > > twinkie-twinkie a Black Goat mustered up all his might, and with a
>> > > wave of his girly limp wrists typed:

>> > nice of your to prove his point

>> What point, that I don't like Bisexuals?  Sure I admit I don't like
>> Bi's  It's a free country I can dislike anyone I want

Soitenly! You are free to display your obsessions to the entire planet
for as long as you live. I'm free to mock you until you cry, of course,
for being publicly obsessed, but that's a "duh". Snecking AUK from your
response, however, was the very paragon of cowardice. If you don't wish to
reply to me, then don't, but snecking my primary group when replying is
the act of a terrified little coward.

>> > > > You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your
>> > > > outer-filthing ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think
>> > > > I'd ever deliberately give you my actual legalname.

>> > > Because you are a hypocrite usenet stalker/harrsser hiding behind
>> > > your nyms, with good reason.

And my legalname's out there on usenet, too, in lists, and subject lines,
but you want me to post it for you specifically, to make it easier for you
to do the same thing my other fanbois have done. You're "harassed" much
like any cowardly pedo who's terrified that the regs of
alt.hackers.malicious will go after him -- by your own fears, IOW. You
started x-poasting to AUK over two years ago, specifically to get awards
for Mark, but only broke even, with a Golden Killfile for him, and a
Pathetic Anal Pineapple for the Fan Club. Two years later, you've begun
to grasp that AUK is unimpressed with your whines about Mark, and some of
his fans are refraining from x-poasting to it, or are setting followups to
go only to RRAP, because you're all about harassing Mark, not winning
awards from AUK.

Isn't it too bad for you that you're stuck with Google, because your ISP
doesn't give a **** about usenet, and you're too cheap to get a real
NSP, or too clueless to figure out the operation of a newsreader and how
to use a free newsserver?

>> > PKB

>> How is it PKB, Fatty? It is not I posting to Auk telling snarky that he
>> is wrong, it is him who is telling us that we are wrong, for doing the
>> same thing that he does.

Oh, is your legalname somehow attached to your nym, or your email? Is it
possible for me to figure out who you are without you telling me (and if
so, why do you keep denying the name given you by Mark)? Because your lazy
arse could find out my personal info, if you felt like it, but I think
you'd rather whine about my perceived "hypocrisy". Note that I've
mentioned this before, though you refuse to acknowledge it.

>> > > > Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in
>> > > > general being k00ks.

>> > > You AUK boys are beyond being kooks...you guys are more like
>> > > wackers.

IKYABWAI. <yawn> Oh, hi, Pee-Wee.

>> > > > > with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

>> > > > I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I
>> > > > should be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I
>> > > > am

>> > > They more than likely already know.

Then there's not really any reason to complain about my supposed
"hypocrisy", is there? A stalker with a clue could find out where I've
lived, at the very least.

>> > interesting geobels like trick

>> WTF???  No trick, just an observation based on the information I have
>> received.

Here's a clue for ya, then: If you know how to check headers, you'll find
a list of legalnames and nyms in the headers of this post, one of them
being mine -- the rest of them are made-up or mis-applied.

>> > > > so you can
>> > > > post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on
>> > > > the radio, so you can get someone to come to my place to try some
>> > > > physical intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even
>> > > > hospitalise me. That's what you've been trying for years with
>> > > > Mark, after all, and I have little doubt that the kid he shot was
>> > > > doing your dirty work.

>> > > Oh you are gullible if you think that Mark "the kook" Morgan KB9RQZ
>> > > actually shot an unarmed kid in the back, he would be in jail right
>> > > now.

If said kid was committing a crime when he was shot, then in fact, no,
Mark would not be in jail. You don't get to bitch about being shot while
committing a felony.

>> > what would I be in jail for? and how can you say the kids was armed
>> > or unarmed I don't even know that .

>> Did he point a gun at you, no he did not, so he was unarmed until
>> proven otherwise.

> not an issue he hwas enaged in a felony crime at the time does not
> matter if he was armed or not

Indeed. Seems he got away, too, so he doesn't have much room for
complaint anyway.

>> > it was likely in the shuoder or arm besides if I had hit him in the
>> > back I would have brought him down, interesteresting how you claim to
>> > know more about that shooting affair than I do and I at least was
>> > there

>> Did not matter, you shot an unamed child you sick fruit..

> I shot a criminal armed or unarmed child or not

Normally, I wouldn't approve, but getting shot -- non-lethally -- while
trying to vandalise sounds to me like breaking even.

>> > > Or for that matter, if anyone on usenet has ever tried to do
>> > > anything physical to Mark.

The lot of you hams are far too cowardly to do anything yourselves. I
have little doubt the kid was paid well to attempt to get Mark off the
air, which goes to show how desperate you are to shut him up.

>> > why would I be injail for someone trying to do something to me? yes I
>> > know that is not what you meant but it is what you choose to write

>> He did not do anything to you just as you said.  but it never happened
>> anyway.

> you claim I shot a kid and now you claim it not happen make up your mind
> the triuth was he had attached a rop to my tower and was pullit off my
> home damging my home and thratening further damage

Sounds like the kid got off easy, with only a bullet wound.

>> > > I see that Mark has sucked you into his outlandish tall tales and
>> > > fantasies.

Well, it's better than being sucked into your ongoing hate crime,

>> > realy

>> No the word is "Really"

> yawn lame one kook

Spell-laming a dyslexic is damned lame. Spell-laming a dyslexic, while one
has less than perfect punctuation, is lamer.

>> > gee it is not a crime to shootan intruder on your land not in
>> > michigan

>> Yes it is a crime to shoot unarmed folks.

Unless they're committing crimes. No one is obliged to tolerate acts of
vandalism against their property simply because the vandal is "unarmed".

> not in self defense or the defense of my propeerty

If you'd killed him, that might have been over the line. As it is, you
wounded him, and he rabbited.

>> > > What, do you think America is like the old west of the 1800's?

Can I come over to your place and break a few windows? I promise to only
damage your property. I might want to mess up your yard, too. Slashing
your tires, of course, is de rigeur.

>> > well in his sorwn testimonay on the castle doctirine laws my county
>> > (houghton county ) stated that is exactly what the law then under
>> > discussion and now passed would do (although I think he he said
>> > 1880's)

> I noticed you avoide the coment

Seems he's avoiding addressing the issue of legal responses to
vandalism entirely.

>> > > Your real fear is that one of those kooks you enjoy ****ing with
>> > > for the last 9+ years would go to Canada and help you out with a
>> > > ****ing dirt nap (we should be so lucky). But feel free to help
>> > > yourself along at anytime.

LOL! I am so far from being concerned that such a thing might ever
happen, I assure you. Not because of any measure of anonymity (both my
legalname and my face can be found out), but through the sheer cowardice
of my many fanbois, as well as my attitude towards death.

>> > nice admision to stalking I love when you prove the point you are
>> > trying to disprove

I'm considering nominating teh fanbois for the Special Ops Cody. That's a
classic example of the use of rubber hand grenades.

>> What admisson, only in your twisted mind.

> you have admited to knowing the kid and knowing wether he was armed or
> not
> wether this admission is of more value the some the way terro gruops
> claim repsonibility for bombing
> it is realy lame the way you tryot cut out AUK while atacking them
> besides you spent months troling for them

I'll need to check if I've already used up that nom for this month. Only
one nom/second per award per usenetter.

Hail Eris! Cthulhu fhtagn! mhm 29x21; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
Chas. E. Pemberton; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2008
Hammer of Thor, July 2008
"Life size models of Cthulhu, on sale now!"

"IMBECILE! There is NO in-between. Read the original French. Nostradamus
was an early French psychiatrist. What you think are prophecies are his
case notes." -- Why didn't I see it before, Aggie? Of course! And
Paracelsus was an early physicist, too, right? Message-ID:

"Archaeology is NOT history you FOOL!" -- Aggie Teh Scholar. Message-ID:

"You DON'T HAVE A CLUE what mythology is.

"Mythology IS the same thing as history and Gesta Danorum is purely

"Take your idiotic and ignorant conspiracy theories about the grand
falsification of European history and shove them up your arse where they
came from." -- Argyros Argyrou/Agamemnon, teh Rhodes Scholar, in
Message-ID: <MeidnSdouexwK1bV4p2dnAA@eclipse.net.uk>

"Folklore is a 19th century Romanticist movement based on
contemporary popular northern European music."

"The entire concept was concocted by the Brothers Grimm during the
Romanticist literary period and entered the discipline of music in the
following century with the Romanticist musical period after Beethoven."
-- Please send medical bills for any damage to your health caused by the
above two quotes to Agamemnon-Skopianosfaktis. Message-ID:

"Kolofilia between a human and another human is as depraved as ****ing
animals." -- Agamemnon, poutso kelftis, just plain doesn't like sex,
apparently. Message-ID:

"Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it
-- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". Message-ID:

"You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here.
Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain."
-- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID:

"For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked

"The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges
on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or
Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on
the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept
homosexuality, in Message-ID: <brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01>

"I heard that you are still trespassing in the USA. If it's black, it
refuses to work and it accuses whites of racism. What a joke.
Look at a map and see where Africa is, bitchboy. What is this GOD DAMNED
Too afraid to tell the truth?
being found all over the Carolinas, after his reply to Panama Floyd, in
Message-ID: <qiA3k.2556$Xe.1871@bignews1.bellsouth.net>

Q: Who is eligible for a COOSN?

A: Kookologists with 10 or more verifiable UV points may exchange these
points for a Cabal Obsidian Order Sombrero Number.

Q: Who is not eligible for a COOSN?

A: Certified net.kooks; notorious net.cretins; terminally clueless
****wits; previous winners of kook-awards, unless an official pardon has
been granted by the FNVW.

Q: How do I apply for a COOSN?

A: Make a Usenet post to alt.usenet.kooks (crossposting to your favourite
newsgroups is acceptable); to ensure that the FNVW actually sees your
request, try to use either of the following formats for the subject line:

[COOSN Application] Your name (or best known handle) here
[COOSN Request] Your name (or best known handle) here

Please provide a list of 10 UV points - along with verifiable evidence for
each point wherever possible.

Q: Can one Kookologist nominate another Kookologist for a COOSN?

A: Yes, but the proposer should supply a verifiable list of 10 UV points
for the nominee at the time of the nomination. Also, the nominee must
accept the nomination before a COOSN is issued.

Q: What happens if my Sombrero Number application is refused by the FNVW?

A: The Office of Darth Bawl is always looking for new candidates. Nuff

Q: What are "UV points"?
1. Threats of violence, especially death. (one point per kook)
2. Lists, i.e. real lists, not just mentions of two or three names in
the same post. One list per kook, unless the lists are clearly meant to
serve different purposes.
3. Fanboi sites (one point per kook, not one point per site. Minimum
qualification is a whole page about you; pages containing lists don't
score extra if the list also appears on Usenet).
4. Fanboi newsgroups (one point per kook, not one point per group)
5. Attempts at real-life contact (e.g. posting phone numbers)
6. Fake awards, revenge nominations etc. (one point per kook)
7. Mentions in a newsgroup FAQ (e.g. soc.men).
8. Being the target of a Kooksuit (one point per kook).

Gerald C. Newton is a wife-beating ****head.
On Sep 17, 10:04?am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
<ancient_o...@shoggoths.rule> wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 16:38:56 -0700, an_old_friend fixed me with a beady
> eye, and foamed wildly:
> > On Sep 16, 7:33?pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
> >> On Sep 16, 6:40 pm, an old friend wrote: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> >> > On Sep 16, 6:32 pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
> >> > > On Sep 16, 4:15 am, The Candian "Queer" who wants to
> >> > > twinkie-twinkie a Black Goat mustered up all his might, and with a
> >> > > wave of his girly limp wrists typed:

> >> > nice of your to prove his point

> >> What point, that I don't like Bisexuals? ?Sure I admit I don't like
> >> Bi's ?It's a free country I can dislike anyone I want

> Soitenly! You are free to display your obsessions to the entire planet
> for as long as you live. I'm free to mock you until you cry, of course,
> for being publicly obsessed, but that's a "duh". Snecking AUK from your
> response, however, was the very paragon of cowardice. If you don't wish to
> reply to me, then don't, but snecking my primary group when replying is
> the act of a terrified little coward.
> >> > > > You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your
> >> > > > outer-filthing ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think
> >> > > > I'd ever deliberately give you my actual legalname.

> >> > > Because you are a hypocrite usenet stalker/harrsser hiding behind
> >> > > your nyms, with good reason.

> And my legalname's out there on usenet, too, in lists, and subject lines,
> but you want me to post it for you specifically, to make it easier for you
> to do the same thing my other fanbois have done. You're "harassed" much
> like any cowardly pedo who's terrified that the regs of
> alt.hackers.malicious will go after him -- by your own fears, IOW. You
> started x-poasting to AUK over two years ago, specifically to get awards
> for Mark, but only broke even, with a Golden Killfile for him, and a
> Pathetic Anal Pineapple for the Fan Club. Two years later, you've begun
> to grasp that AUK is unimpressed with your whines about Mark, and some of
> his fans are refraining from x-poasting to it, or are setting followups to
> go only to RRAP, because you're all about harassing Mark, not winning
> awards from AUK.
> Isn't it too bad for you that you're stuck with Google, because your ISP
> doesn't give a **** about usenet, and you're too cheap to get a real
> NSP, or too clueless to figure out the operation of a newsreader and how
> to use a free newsserver?
> >> > PKB

> >> How is it PKB, Fatty? It is not I posting to Auk telling snarky that he
> >> is wrong, it is him who is telling us that we are wrong, for doing the
> >> same thing that he does.

> Oh, is your legalname somehow attached to your nym, or your email? Is it
> possible for me to figure out who you are without you telling me (and if
> so, why do you keep denying the name given you by Mark)? Because your lazy
> arse could find out my personal info, if you felt like it, but I think
> you'd rather whine about my perceived "hypocrisy". Note that I've
> mentioned this before, though you refuse to acknowledge it.
> >> > > > Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in
> >> > > > general being k00ks.

> >> > > You AUK boys are beyond being kooks...you guys are more like
> >> > > wackers.

> IKYABWAI. <yawn> Oh, hi, Pee-Wee.
> >> > > > > with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

> >> > > > I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I
> >> > > > should be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I
> >> > > > am

> >> > > They more than likely already know.

> Then there's not really any reason to complain about my supposed
> "hypocrisy", is there? A stalker with a clue could find out where I've
> lived, at the very least.
> >> > interesting geobels like trick

> >> WTF??? ?No trick, just an observation based on the information I have
> >> received.

> Here's a clue for ya, then: If you know how to check headers, you'll find
> a list of legalnames and nyms in the headers of this post, one of them
> being mine -- the rest of them are made-up or mis-applied.
> >> > > > so you can
> >> > > > post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on
> >> > > > the radio, so you can get someone to come to my place to try some
> >> > > > physical intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even
> >> > > > hospitalise me. That's what you've been trying for years with
> >> > > > Mark, after all, and I have little doubt that the kid he shot was
> >> > > > doing your dirty work.

> >> > > Oh you are gullible if you think that Mark "the kook" Morgan KB9RQZ
> >> > > actually shot an unarmed kid in the back, he would be in jail right
> >> > > now.

> If said kid was committing a crime when he was shot, then in fact, no,
> Mark would not be in jail. You don't get to bitch about being shot while
> committing a felony.

If I had bagged I might hgave spent the night in jail and have it
sorted out in the mroning but nothing more

> >> > what would I be in jail for? and how can you say the kids was armed
> >> > or unarmed I don't even know that .

> >> Did he point a gun at you, no he did not, so he was unarmed until
> >> proven otherwise.

> > not an issue he hwas enaged in a felony crime at the time does not
> > matter if he was armed or not

> Indeed. Seems he got away, too, so he doesn't have much room for
> complaint anyway.
> >> > it was likely in the shuoder or arm besides if I had hit him in the
> >> > back I would have brought him down, interesteresting how you claim to
> >> > know more about that shooting affair than I do and I at least was
> >> > there

> >> Did not matter, you shot an unamed child you sick fruit..

> > I shot a criminal armed or unarmed child or not

> Normally, I wouldn't approve, but getting shot -- non-lethally -- while
> trying to vandalise sounds to me like breaking even.
> >> > > Or for that matter, if anyone on usenet has ever tried to do
> >> > > anything physical to Mark.

> The lot of you hams are far too cowardly to do anything yourselves. I
> have little doubt the kid was paid well to attempt to get Mark off the
> air, which goes to show how desperate you are to shut him up.

That is not th working theory based on past acts of vandalism (in this
case the one that destroyed my former home by fire the prep hwas
located and targeted byt the fgans and twas a the borther of a
molestation victum and he was told over and over again that I was the
molestor of his brother given the MO there I suspect the poor kid is
as much a victum of my fans as I am)

> >> > why would I be injail for someone trying to do something to me? yes I
> >> > know that is not what you meant but it is what you choose to write

> >> He did not do anything to you just as you said. ?but it never happened
> >> anyway.

> > you claim I shot a kid and now you claim it not happen make up your mind

> > the triuth was he had attached a rop to my tower and was pullit off my
> > home damging my home and thratening further damage

> Sounds like the kid got off easy, with only a bullet wound.

well it wasn't a bullet it was some buckshot

> >> > > I see that Mark has sucked you into his outlandish tall tales and
> >> > > fantasies.

> Well, it's better than being sucked into your ongoing hate crime,
> homophobe.

> >> > realy

> >> No the word is "Really"

> > yawn lame one kook

> Spell-laming a dyslexic is damned lame. Spell-laming a dyslexic, while one
> has less than perfect punctuation, is lamer.
> >> > gee it is not a crime to shootan intruder on your land not in
> >> > michigan

> >> Yes it is a crime to shoot unarmed folks.

> Unless they're committing crimes. No one is obliged to tolerate acts of
> vandalism against their property simply because the vandal is "unarmed".

some how the fans sem to thinkBLTG's lack the same civl rights as the
rest of us
> > not in self defense or the defense of my propeerty

> If you'd killed him, that might have been over the line. As it is, you
> wounded him, and he rabbited.

NOT in michigan after OCT 2006 the laws may have gone to far but it
did what it did
> >> > > What, do you think America is like the old west of the 1800's?

> Can I come over to your place and break a few windows? I promise to only
> damage your property. I might want to mess up your yard, too. Slashing
> your tires, of course, is de rigeur.

> >> > well in his sorwn testimonay on the castle doctirine laws my county
> >> > (houghton county ) stated that is exactly what the law then under
> >> > discussion and now passed would do (although I think he he said
> >> > 1880's)

> > I noticed you avoide the coment

> Seems he's avoiding addressing the issue of legal responses to
> vandalism entirely.

seems no one but himself is suposed to defend themselves at all

> >> > > Your real fear is that one of those kooks you enjoy ****ing with
> >> > > for the last 9+ years would go to Canada and help you out with a
> >> > > ****ing dirt nap (we should be so lucky). But feel free to help
> >> > > yourself along at anytime.

> LOL! I am so far from being concerned that such a thing might ever
> happen, I assure you. Not because of any measure of anonymity (both my
> legalname and my face can be found out), but through the sheer cowardice
> of my many fanbois, as well as my attitude towards death.
> >> > nice admision to stalking I love when you prove the point you are
> >> > trying to disprove

> I'm considering nominating teh fanbois for the Special Ops Cody. That's a
> classic example of the use of rubber hand grenades.
> >> What admisson, only in your twisted mind.

> > you have admited to knowing the kid and knowing wether he was armed or
> > not

> > wether this admission is of more value the some the way terro gruops
> > claim repsonibility for bombing
> > ? it is realy lame the way you tryot cut out AUK while atacking them

> > besides you spent months troling for them

> I'll need to check if I've already used up that nom for this month. Only
> one nom/second per award per usenetter.

I would nto know of course but I suspect these guys will still be at
it next month
On Sep 17, 6:42?pm, Hoop Dee Doo <konst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 10:04 am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young

> > Soitenly! You are free to display your obsessions to the entire planet
> > for as long as you live. I'm free to mock you until you cry, of course,
> > for being publicly obsessed, but that's a "duh". Snecking AUK from your
> > response, however, was the very paragon of cowardice. If you don't wish to
> > reply to me, then don't, but snecking my primary group when replying is
> > the act of a terrified little coward.

> No, it is an act to make you cry like a little limp wristed bitch boi,
> and it works.

I doubt he is crying at all unless he he is laughing too hard after
all you did your best to atack his back little coward

> BTW I deleted the rest of your unreadable Morganized rant. ?Strive for
> brievity, ranting kook. Now watch me cut AUK out again...now whine
> bitch whine.

aamazing the ways anything you don't like is unreadable

lame man realy fake
an Old friend <kb9rqz@amsat.org> wrote in

> On Sep 17, 10:04?am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
> <ancient_o...@shoggoths.rule> wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 16:38:56 -0700, an_old_friend fixed me with a
>> beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>> > On Sep 16, 7:33?pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
>> >> On Sep 16, 6:40 pm, an old friend wrote: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
>> >> > On Sep 16, 6:32 pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
>> >> > > On Sep 16, 4:15 am, The Candian "Queer" who wants to
>> >> > > twinkie-twinkie a Black Goat mustered up all his might, and
>> >> > > with a wave of his girly limp wrists typed:

>> >> > nice of your to prove his point

>> >> What point, that I don't like Bisexuals? ?Sure I admit I don't
>> >> like Bi's ?It's a free country I can dislike anyone I want

>> Soitenly! You are free to display your obsessions to the entire
>> planet for as long as you live. I'm free to mock you until you cry,
>> of course, for being publicly obsessed, but that's a "duh". Snecking
>> AUK from your response, however, was the very paragon of cowardice.
>> If you don't wish t

> o
>> reply to me, then don't, but snecking my primary group when replying
>> is the act of a terrified little coward.
>> >> > > > You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your
>> >> > > > outer-filthing ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you
>> >> > > > thin

> k
>> >> > > > I'd ever deliberately give you my actual legalname.

>> >> > > Because you are a hypocrite usenet stalker/harrsser hiding
>> >> > > behind your nyms, with good reason.

>> And my legalname's out there on usenet, too, in lists, and subject
>> lines, but you want me to post it for you specifically, to make it
>> easier for yo

> u
>> to do the same thing my other fanbois have done. You're "harassed"
>> much like any cowardly pedo who's terrified that the regs of
>> alt.hackers.malicious will go after him -- by your own fears, IOW.
>> You started x-poasting to AUK over two years ago, specifically to get
>> awards for Mark, but only broke even, with a Golden Killfile for him,
>> and a Pathetic Anal Pineapple for the Fan Club. Two years later,
>> you've begun to grasp that AUK is unimpressed with your whines about
>> Mark, and some of his fans are refraining from x-poasting to it, or
>> are setting followups t

> o
>> go only to RRAP, because you're all about harassing Mark, not winning
>> awards from AUK.
>> Isn't it too bad for you that you're stuck with Google, because your
>> ISP doesn't give a **** about usenet, and you're too cheap to get a
>> real NSP, or too clueless to figure out the operation of a newsreader
>> and how to use a free newsserver?
>> >> > PKB

>> >> How is it PKB, Fatty? It is not I posting to Auk telling snarky
>> >> that h

> e
>> >> is wrong, it is him who is telling us that we are wrong, for doing
>> >> the same thing that he does.

>> Oh, is your legalname somehow attached to your nym, or your email? Is
>> it possible for me to figure out who you are without you telling me
>> (and if so, why do you keep denying the name given you by Mark)?
>> Because your laz

> y
>> arse could find out my personal info, if you felt like it, but I
>> think you'd rather whine about my perceived "hypocrisy". Note that
>> I've mentioned this before, though you refuse to acknowledge it.
>> >> > > > Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams
>> >> > > > in general being k00ks.

>> >> > > You AUK boys are beyond being kooks...you guys are more like
>> >> > > wackers.

>> IKYABWAI. <yawn> Oh, hi, Pee-Wee.
>> >> > > > > with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

>> >> > > > I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you
>> >> > > > think I should be so gullible as to let you know exactly who
>> >> > > > and where I am

>> >> > > They more than likely already know.

>> Then there's not really any reason to complain about my supposed
>> "hypocrisy", is there? A stalker with a clue could find out where
>> I've lived, at the very least.
>> >> > interesting geobels like trick

>> >> WTF??? ?No trick, just an observation based on the information I
>> >> hav

> e
>> >> received.

>> Here's a clue for ya, then: If you know how to check headers, you'll
>> find a list of legalnames and nyms in the headers of this post, one
>> of them being mine -- the rest of them are made-up or mis-applied.
>> >> > > > so you can
>> >> > > > post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know
>> >> > > > on the radio, so you can get someone to come to my place to
>> >> > > > try som

> e
>> >> > > > physical intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even
>> >> > > > hospitalise me. That's what you've been trying for years
>> >> > > > with Mark, after all, and I have little doubt that the kid
>> >> > > > he shot wa

> s
>> >> > > > doing your dirty work.

>> >> > > Oh you are gullible if you think that Mark "the kook" Morgan
>> >> > > KB9RQ

> Z
>> >> > > actually shot an unarmed kid in the back, he would be in jail
>> >> > > righ

> t
>> >> > > now.

>> If said kid was committing a crime when he was shot, then in fact,
>> no, Mark would not be in jail. You don't get to bitch about being
>> shot while committing a felony.

> If I had bagged I might hgave spent the night in jail and have it
> sorted out in the mroning but nothing more
>> >> > what would I be in jail for? and how can you say the kids was
>> >> > armed or unarmed I don't even know that .

>> >> Did he point a gun at you, no he did not, so he was unarmed until
>> >> proven otherwise.

>> > not an issue he hwas enaged in a felony crime at the time does not
>> > matter if he was armed or not

>> Indeed. Seems he got away, too, so he doesn't have much room for
>> complaint anyway.
>> >> > it was likely in the shuoder or arm besides if I had hit him in
>> >> > the back I would have brought him down, interesteresting how you
>> >> > claim t

> o
>> >> > know more about that shooting affair than I do and I at least
>> >> > was there

>> >> Did not matter, you shot an unamed child you sick fruit..

>> > I shot a criminal armed or unarmed child or not

>> Normally, I wouldn't approve, but getting shot -- non-lethally --
>> while trying to vandalise sounds to me like breaking even.
>> >> > > Or for that matter, if anyone on usenet has ever tried to do
>> >> > > anything physical to Mark.

>> The lot of you hams are far too cowardly to do anything yourselves. I
>> have little doubt the kid was paid well to attempt to get Mark off
>> the air, which goes to show how desperate you are to shut him up.

> That is not th working theory based on past acts of vandalism (in this
> case the one that destroyed my former home by fire the prep hwas
> located and targeted byt the fgans and twas a the borther of a
> molestation victum and he was told over and over again that I was the
> molestor of his brother given the MO there I suspect the poor kid is
> as much a victum of my fans as I am)
>> >> > why would I be injail for someone trying to do something to me?
>> >> > yes

> I
>> >> > know that is not what you meant but it is what you choose to
>> >> > write

>> >> He did not do anything to you just as you said. ?but it never
>> >> happen

> ed
>> >> anyway.

>> > you claim I shot a kid and now you claim it not happen make up your
>> > min

> d
>> > the triuth was he had attached a rop to my tower and was pullit off
>> > my home damging my home and thratening further damage

>> Sounds like the kid got off easy, with only a bullet wound.

> well it wasn't a bullet it was some buckshot
>> >> > > I see that Mark has sucked you into his outlandish tall tales
>> >> > > and fantasies.

>> Well, it's better than being sucked into your ongoing hate crime,
>> homophobe.

>> >> > realy

>> >> No the word is "Really"

>> > yawn lame one kook

>> Spell-laming a dyslexic is damned lame. Spell-laming a dyslexic,
>> while on

> e
>> has less than perfect punctuation, is lamer.
>> >> > gee it is not a crime to shootan intruder on your land not in
>> >> > michigan

>> >> Yes it is a crime to shoot unarmed folks.

>> Unless they're committing crimes. No one is obliged to tolerate acts
>> of vandalism against their property simply because the vandal is
>> "unarmed".

> some how the fans sem to thinkBLTG's lack the same civl rights as the
> rest of us
>> > not in self defense or the defense of my propeerty

>> If you'd killed him, that might have been over the line. As it is,
>> you wounded him, and he rabbited.

> NOT in michigan after OCT 2006 the laws may have gone to far but it
> did what it did
>> >> > > What, do you think America is like the old west of the 1800's?

>> Can I come over to your place and break a few windows? I promise to
>> only damage your property. I might want to mess up your yard, too.
>> Slashing your tires, of course, is de rigeur.

>> >> > well in his sorwn testimonay on the castle doctirine laws my
>> >> > county (houghton county ) stated that is exactly what the law
>> >> > then under discussion and now passed would do (although I think
>> >> > he he said 1880's)

>> > I noticed you avoide the coment

>> Seems he's avoiding addressing the issue of legal responses to
>> vandalism entirely.

> seems no one but himself is suposed to defend themselves at all
>> >> > > Your real fear is that one of those kooks you enjoy ****ing
>> >> > > with for the last 9+ years would go to Canada and help you out
>> >> > > with a ****ing dirt nap (we should be so lucky). But feel free
>> >> > > to help yourself along at anytime.

>> LOL! I am so far from being concerned that such a thing might ever
>> happen, I assure you. Not because of any measure of anonymity (both
>> my legalname and my face can be found out), but through the sheer
>> cowardice of my many fanbois, as well as my attitude towards death.
>> >> > nice admision to stalking I love when you prove the point you
>> >> > are trying to disprove

>> I'm considering nominating teh fanbois for the Special Ops Cody.
>> That's a classic example of the use of rubber hand grenades.
>> >> What admisson, only in your twisted mind.

>> > you have admited to knowing the kid and knowing wether he was armed
>> > or not

>> > wether this admission is of more value the some the way terro
>> > gruops claim repsonibility for bombing
>> > ? it is realy lame the way you tryot cut out AUK while atacking
>> > them

>> > besides you spent months troling for them

>> I'll need to check if I've already used up that nom for this month.
>> Only one nom/second per award per usenetter.

> I would nto know of course but I suspect these guys will still be at
> it next month

This reminds me of the legal brief on a robber who sued his victim.
Seems the perpetrator had fell down on a cutting board and knife when he
came in through the skylight awkwardly. The suit was about the
negligence of the homeowner, who left the knife out on the kitchen
counter for the robber to cut himself on as he invaded the home.

True story.

To reply: newsgroup only, what's posted in ng stays in ng.

Some choose to swim in the potty bowl of nan-ae rather than flush it
down :0)
On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 15:49:07 -0700, an old friend fixed me with a beady
eye, and foamed wildly:
> On Sep 17, 6:42 pm, Hoop Dee Doo wrote:
>> On Sep 17, 10:04 am, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young

>> > Soitenly! You are free to display your obsessions to the entire planet
>> > for as long as you live. I'm free to mock you until you cry, of
>> > course, for being publicly obsessed, but that's a "duh". Snecking AUK
>> > from your response, however, was the very paragon of cowardice. If you
>> > don't wish to reply to me, then don't, but snecking my primary group
>> > when replying is the act of a terrified little coward.

>> No, it is an act to make you cry like a little limp wristed bitch boi,
>> and it works.

> I doubt he is crying at all unless he he is laughing too hard after all
> you did your best to atack his back little coward

"Replying" to me in a group I don't read is cowardice defined. No doubt
his version of "manliness" and "courage" involves a face-to-face, IRL,
over words on a screen, because usenet is so important to his real life,
and all of his friends, family, and relatives read his group, obviously.

>> BTW I deleted the rest of your unreadable Morganized rant.  Strive for
>> brievity, ranting kook. Now watch me cut AUK out again...now whine bitch
>> whine.

> aamazing the ways anything you don't like is unreadable
> lame man realy fake

Funny, and here I thought I'd made sure of my typing. Fanboi, if you
want "brevity", try Yads. "The Doctor" will be only too happy to give
you all the brevity you can stand, plus another decade's worth. Ten
thousand posts or more, consisting of a single cryptic line, often badly
typo'ed (but properly capitalised!), and meant to be witty but failing

Hail Eris! Cthulhu fhtagn! mhm 29x21; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
Chas. E. Pemberton; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2008
Hammer of Thor, July 2008
"Life size models of Cthulhu, on sale now!"

"Who in their right mind would believe the totally unsubstantiated and
unsupported proposition that all ancient and mediaeval European
historians made everything all up in collusion with each other as part
of a grand pan-European conspiracy spanning nearly 3,000 years to fake
its history when it had none before." -- Naturally, there is no possible
way they could simply have misinterpreted events and old folk tales, and
passed on their misinterpretations, because ancient and mediaeval
historians had insight into advanced physics, chemistry, and many
related disciplines. Right, Aggie? Message-ID:

"I got my degree from on of the top 3 universities in the UK and top 10
in the world.

"You don't have a clue about science. Biology is not a true science.
Personal opinions are not science." -- Aggie teh cyuntist, in Message
-ID: <SYydncOQTP9sjUzVnZ2dnUVZ8q_inZ2d@eclipse.net.uk>

"IMBECILE! There is NO in-between. Read the original French. Nostradamus
was an early French psychiatrist. What you think are prophecies are his
case notes." -- Why didn't I see it before, Aggie? Of course! And
Paracelsus was an early physicist, too, right? Message-ID:

"Archaeology is NOT history you FOOL!" -- Aggie Teh Scholar. Message-ID:

"You DON'T HAVE A CLUE what mythology is.

"Mythology IS the same thing as history and Gesta Danorum is purely

"Take your idiotic and ignorant conspiracy theories about the grand
falsification of European history and shove them up your arse where they
came from." -- Argyros Argyrou/Agamemnon, teh Rhodes Scholar, in
Message-ID: <MeidnSdouexwK1bV4p2dnAA@eclipse.net.uk>

"Folklore is a 19th century Romanticist movement based on
contemporary popular northern European music."

"The entire concept was concocted by the Brothers Grimm during the
Romanticist literary period and entered the discipline of music in the
following century with the Romanticist musical period after Beethoven."
-- Please send medical bills for any damage to your health caused by the
above two quotes to Agamemnon-Skopianosfaktis. Message-ID:

"Kolofilia between a human and another human is as depraved as ****ing
animals." -- Agamemnon, poutso kelftis, just plain doesn't like sex,
apparently. Message-ID:

"Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it
-- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". Message-ID:

"You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here.
Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain."
-- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID:

"For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked

"The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges
on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or
Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on
the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept
homosexuality, in Message-ID: <brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01>

"I heard that you are still trespassing in the USA. If it's black, it
refuses to work and it accuses whites of racism. What a joke.
Look at a map and see where Africa is, bitchboy. What is this GOD DAMNED
Too afraid to tell the truth?
being found all over the Carolinas, after his reply to Panama Floyd, in
Message-ID: <qiA3k.2556$Xe.1871@bignews1.bellsouth.net>

Q: Who is eligible for a COOSN?

A: Kookologists with 10 or more verifiable UV points may exchange these
points for a Cabal Obsidian Order Sombrero Number.

Q: Who is not eligible for a COOSN?

A: Certified net.kooks; notorious net.cretins; terminally clueless
****wits; previous winners of kook-awards, unless an official pardon has
been granted by the FNVW.

Q: How do I apply for a COOSN?

A: Make a Usenet post to alt.usenet.kooks (crossposting to your favourite
newsgroups is acceptable); to ensure that the FNVW actually sees your
request, try to use either of the following formats for the subject line:

[COOSN Application] Your name (or best known handle) here
[COOSN Request] Your name (or best known handle) here

Please provide a list of 10 UV points - along with verifiable evidence for
each point wherever possible.

Q: Can one Kookologist nominate another Kookologist for a COOSN?

A: Yes, but the proposer should supply a verifiable list of 10 UV points
for the nominee at the time of the nomination. Also, the nominee must
accept the nomination before a COOSN is issued.

Q: What happens if my Sombrero Number application is refused by the FNVW?

A: The Office of Darth Bawl is always looking for new candidates. Nuff

Q: What are "UV points"?
1. Threats of violence, especially death. (one point per kook)
2. Lists, i.e. real lists, not just mentions of two or three names in
the same post. One list per kook, unless the lists are clearly meant to
serve different purposes.
3. Fanboi sites (one point per kook, not one point per site. Minimum
qualification is a whole page about you; pages containing lists don't
score extra if the list also appears on Usenet).
4. Fanboi newsgroups (one point per kook, not one point per group)
5. Attempts at real-life contact (e.g. posting phone numbers)
6. Fake awards, revenge nominations etc. (one point per kook)
7. Mentions in a newsgroup FAQ (e.g. soc.men).
8. Being the target of a Kooksuit (one point per kook).

Gerald C. Newton is a wife-beating ****head.
On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:15:12 GMT, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
<ancient_ones@shoggoths.rule> wrote:

>On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:17:22 -0400, an_old_fan of Mark Morgan fixed me
>with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>> "Henry teh homo Schmidt god of teh voting homo" wrote...

>You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
>ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
>give you my actual legalname.
>>> "Anon" wrote...
>>>> Mark can't see binaries posted to this group. Google won't allow it.
>>>> Mark wouldn't be using Google if he could help it, but DeLorean caused
>>>> Mark to lose a previous account and Google is all Mark has left.

>Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
>being k00ks.
>>>> Hats off to DeLorean!
>>> DeLorean is my hero!

>> with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

>I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
>be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am, so you can
>post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
>so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
>intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
>what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have
>little doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

hey everyone in the dr who ng. am i the onlyone who though the last
epp with davros in was complete and utter ****ing shite? i was left
feeling completey ripped off.
Scr?obh metro-golden-meower <metro-golden-meower@meowdot.org>:
>On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:15:12 GMT, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
><ancient_ones@shoggoths.rule> wrote:
>>On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:17:22 -0400, an_old_fan of Mark Morgan fixed me
>>with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>> "Henry teh homo Schmidt god of teh voting homo" wrote...

>>You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
>>ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
>>give you my actual legalname.
>>>> "Anon" wrote...
>>>>> Mark can't see binaries posted to this group. Google won't allow it.
>>>>> Mark wouldn't be using Google if he could help it, but DeLorean caused
>>>>> Mark to lose a previous account and Google is all Mark has left.

>>Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
>>being k00ks.
>>>>> Hats off to DeLorean!
>>>> DeLorean is my hero!
>>> with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

>>I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
>>be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am, so you can
>>post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
>>so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
>>intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
>>what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have
>>little doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

>hey everyone in the dr who ng. am i the onlyone who though the last
>epp with davros in was complete and utter ****ing shite? i was left
>feeling completey ripped off.

(a) It was shite.

(b) It was fun anyway.

(c) It's a Saturday evening family programme, what were you expecting?

'Donegal: Up Here It's Different'
? F?achad?ir
On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:58:42 +0100, metro-golden-meower wrote these lies,
denials, arrogant assertions, erroneous presuppositions, and/or
> On Tue, 16 Sep 2008 08:15:12 GMT, The Black Goat With A Thousand Young
> wrote:
>>On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:17:22 -0400, an_old_fan of Mark Morgan fixed me
>>with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:
>>> "Henry teh homo Schmidt god of teh voting homo" wrote...

>>You guys have been trolled so hard into revealing your outer-filthing
>>ways. You are utter drooling maniacs, if you think I'd ever deliberately
>>give you my actual legalname.
>>>> "Anon" wrote...
>>>>> Mark can't see binaries posted to this group. Google won't allow it.
>>>>> Mark wouldn't be using Google if he could help it, but DeLorean
>>>>> caused Mark to lose a previous account and Google is all Mark has
>>>>> left.

>>Ahhh, DeLorean net.KKKopped him, eh? More evidence of hams in general
>>being k00ks.
>>>>> Hats off to DeLorean!
>>>> DeLorean is my hero!
>>> with teh punce gotcha he wonder why i simple

>>I don't wonder at all, fanboi. You're simple because you think I should
>>be so gullible as to let you know exactly who and where I am, so you can
>>post it all over usenet, and let hams all over my area know on the radio,
>>so you can get someone to come to my place to try some physical
>>intimidation on me, perhaps beat me up or even hospitalise me. That's
>>what you've been trying for years with Mark, after all, and I have little
>>doubt that the kid he shot was doing your dirty work.

> hey everyone in the dr who ng. am i the onlyone who though the last epp
> with davros in was complete and utter ****ing shite? i was left feeling
> completey ripped off.

Not the only one, no, but I'm not in that crowd. Quite a few in RADW
agree pretty vehemently with you, though, possibly in stronger terms
than you would care to use.

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; TM#5; Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
Join my RuneScape clan!
Full name of clan: Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet
And Usenet Terrorist Pretzel

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life

Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2008
Hammer of Thor, July 2008

Hey, Aggie! Does this sound familiar?
Message-ID: <nursc4tjdsh8tpsdpqqhi5lrefr6js0qvb@4ax.com>

"Not supporting me is equivalent to forfeiting your own rights." --
John D. Wentzky: Warrior For Your Freedumb! Message-ID:

"You cognatatively challenged fool!" -- According to Agamemnon, Stephen
Wilson is, apparently, highly ignorant about cognates, and so is anyone
who dares to disagree with him, in Message-ID:

"Is it still necrophilia if I'm conscious?" -- Owen Harper, "Dead Man
Walking", Torchwood (20/207)