Happy Birthday Chi!


New member
Happy birthday, Chi!!! What are you now? 41? 42? :p

Edit: Duh! Like Emkay said: 40. Woot woot! Lawdy, Lawdy. Miss Chi be fawdy.



New member
LOL. No I think she is actually my age, one year younger, or one year older. Something like that. And I'm 50 so there you go.


New member
LOL. No I think she is actually my age, one year younger, or one year older. Something like that. And I'm 50 so there you go.
yeah, now that I think about it, I am pretty sure she is younger than me...

dammit, something else that I am older than. I needed that reminder today....

Happy birthday Chi! TJ said he'd buy you fakes ***** if you want! :D

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