Happy Birthday Hitlary: Accuser Claims New Evidence of Fraud in Documentary


Patriot Games


Hillary Clinton Accuser Claims New Evidence of Fraud in Documentary
Friday, October 26, 2007

WASHINGTON - One gift that Hillary Clinton is unlikely to enjoy on her 60th
birthday Friday is the premiere of "Hillary Uncensored," a scathing
documentary whose 13-minute trailer has been No. 1 on Google Video since
Oct. 10, with more than 1.1 million views to date.

The film's first full-length showing is scheduled for Friday night at
Harvard University, followed by viewings at universities through the weekend
and a wrap Tuesday at the Metropolitan Club in New York City.

Among the allegations summarized in the documentary:

- Bill and Hillary Clinton solicited cash from Peter F. Paul, an
international lawyer and businessman, even after Hillary Clinton's campaign
manager told The Washington Post she would not take money from him;

- FBI agents and U.S. attorneys colluded with the Clintons to keep Paul, who
was convicted of cocaine possession and fraud, tangled up in the criminal
courts for years;

- The Clintons later made sure Paul was kept in a Brazilian prison for 25
months, including 58 days in a maximum security cellblock nicknamed the
"Corridor of Death," while the Justice Department waited to extradite him;

- Hillary Clinton still hasn't filed reports to the FEC enumerating Paul's
excessive contributions to her 2000 Senate campaign.

Click here to see the trailer video posted on YouTube (part 1).

Click here to see the trailer video posted on YouTube (part 2)

Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign spares no kindness about its
view of Paul, whose long arrest record, officials say, demonstrates his
inherent deceit.

"Peter Paul is a professional liar who has four separate criminal
convictions, two for fraud. His video repackages a series of seven-year-old
false claims about Senator Clinton that have already been rejected by the
California state courts, the Justice Department, the Federal Election
Commission and the Senate Ethics Committee," Clinton's campaign said in a
statement to FOXNews.com.

While it's a coincidence that the film about the New York senator and
Democratic presidential candidate is being released on her birthday, the
movie's producers say it is no accident the film's trailer is getting such

Douglas Cogan, a businessman-turned-associate producer and researcher for
the film, said he's made it his mission to expose what he calls "the
greatest campaign finance fraud that ever has been committed."

The Clintons think "they are truly above the law," Cogan said. "My country
has never seen anyone like Hillary Rodham Clinton."

The allegations in the film are not new, although much of the video is. The
film resurrects claims made by the thrice-convicted Paul that he unwittingly
agreed to violate election-funding laws in exchange for a pledge from Bill
Clinton to work with him in his new venture, Stan Lee Media, after Clinton
left the presidency.

The documentary revisits Paul's claim that, in exchange for Bill Clinton's
promise to promote Stan Lee Media overseas, for which Paul said he was
willing to pay $17 million, he also agreed to produce an August 2000
fundraising gala in Hollywood for Hillary Clinton's 2000 New York Senate

"My interest in supporting Hillary Clinton was specifically to hire Bill
Clinton," Paul told FOXNews.com in a telephone interview, noting that
Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign "concocted" the whole idea of the fundraiser.

Paul said he believed that in exchange for organizing the gala, "I had
accomplished the hiring of the president of the United States to work with
me when he left the White House."

The gala cost $1.2 million, which was under-reported to the Federal Election
Commission and led to the arrest of Clinton's then-Senate campaign
fundraising chief, David Rosen.

Rosen was found not guilty; a co-host of the gala, Aaron Tonken, was
sentenced in a separate case to more than five years in prison for
misappropriating funds for charity to pay for fundraisers featuring
Hollywood celebrities.

Paul never got to work with Bill Clinton. Stan Lee Media filed for Chapter
11 bankruptcy in February 2001, long after it became apparent to Paul that
Clinton wasn't going to join the company and, Paul alleges, had stolen one
of Stan Lee Media's chief investors.

Paul writes off his convictions in the 1970s for cocaine possession and
defrauding Fidel Castro of $8.7 million as part of an international
anti-Castro effort gone wrong. He adds that the securities fraud plea that
he agreed to cop in March 2005 was to get out of jail after 43 months in
Brazilian and New York prisons. He still is awaiting sentencing on that plea
despite being under house arrest since then.

As for the Rosen case, he calls that a farce aimed at getting a Clinton
crony off the hook. The accompanying civil case, he said, also set a legal
precedent Hillary Clinton later used to get out of being a defendant in his
case against her and her husband.

"I am not the one-dimensional villain that I am portrayed to be, but I am
the victim not only of the Clintons" but of their associates, who Paul says
tried to steal his assets and wrap him up in a corrupt court system.

"Not only was the indictment and the trial (of Rosen) a scam, the judge ...
turned it into a referendum on the credibility of Peter Paul," Paul said,
also faulting the prosecutor for not objecting to Judge Howard Matz's
characterization of Paul as a con man during his instructions to the jury.

"You conclude either that the prosecutor is incompetent or, worse, that the
prosecutor is dogging the case."

Paul claims that while he has been prosecuted and marginalized by the
Clintons, his video evidence proves his case against them - that the power
couple defrauded him by falsely pledging the former president's post-White
House services in exchange for footing the bill for all the gala's expenses.

That video documentation, however, may be worth only the revenue from copies
sold. The California Court of Appeals last week upheld, 3-0, a lower court's
ruling to excuse Hillary Clinton as a defendant in that suit. The court also
noted that the new video isn't new evidence.

"In his motion to admit new evidence, Paul also seeks to admit the
videotaped recording of the July 17, 2000, telephone call to demonstrate
Senator Clinton had sufficient knowledge of Paul's business enterprises and
the president's involvement with Paul such that it would not have been a
'fishing expedition' to depose her. While the recording itself may have only
been recently obtained by Paul, the substance of the conference call is not
new evidence," reads the ruling written by Judge P.J. Perluss.

Nonetheless, the conference call with then-first lady Clinton is among the
most compelling moments in the new documentary. The video, taken in Paul's
Beverly Hills office a month before the gala, shows on one end of a
teleconference, Paul, Tonken and their business partner Alana Stewart, Rod
Stewart's ex-wife. On the other end is Hillary Clinton.

Clinton can be heard saying: "Whatever it is you're doing, is it OK if I
thank you? ... I am very appreciative and it sounds fabulous. I got a full
report from Kelly (White House adviser Kelly Craighead) today when she got
back and told me everything that you're doing and it just sounds like it's
going to be a great event. But I just wanted to call and personally thank
all of you. I'm glad you're all together so I could tell you how much this
means to me, and it's going to mean a lot to the president, too."

Paul's attorney, Colette Wilson, argues that Clinton's conversation proves
she was in violation of campaign finance rules preventing candidates from
personally having a hand in coordinating fundraising events in excess of

The appeals court's ruling to dismiss Hillary Clinton as a defendant is
flawed because "my evidence showed that this gala was coordinated between
the candidate and Peter Paul," Wilson said. "The whole basis of (Clinton's
motion to dismiss) was her right to solicit campaign contributions, so she
admitted" she knew about the gala planning.

Wilson said that the appeals court also erred when it cited the lower
court's claim that they were on a "fishing expedition" by demanding to
depose Clinton about her knowledge of the gala.

"I would attack that by saying that the case is defined as too broad [when
it] is asking to take a lot of people's depositions. A fishing expedition
means you don't have a clue whether the person has any evidence or not," she

But Wilson acknowledged that it's the court's discretion to admit new
evidence or not.

"They don't have to allow it in. The cutoff is what was available during the
lower court submission," she said.

Wilson contends that several of the videotapes, including the would-be
smoking gun, weren't available to Paul because they were confiscated by the
FBI when the securities fraud investigation began in 2001 and were withheld
from Paul until April of this year, long after the lower court heard the

"They still have the originals," she noted, adding that the FBI sent the
videos to a vendor to be copied and sent to Paul.

Wilson said she's not certain she wants to appeal for an en banc hearing of
the entire appeals court or to ask the California Supreme Court to take the
case because it could mean a delay of two years before they can return to
the underlying case - the alleged fraud committed by the Clintons in
pledging that Bill Clinton would work for Stan Lee Media.

Of that, Wilson and Paul claim to have plenty of evidence and still are able
to depose Hillary Clinton as a material witness.

Paul said he also is prepared to keep open the case against the Clintons
through other means. He is filing a new complaint with the FEC and is
requesting that when Michael Mukasey is confirmed as U.S. attorney general,
he investigate how the government could have prosecuted Rosen when
authorities knew he did not commit a crime.

Cogan said he hopes the film also shines light on Hillary Clinton's
presidential campaign.

"Hillary can no longer feign ignorance in what went on here," he said. "I
think she is absolutely an unthinkable commander in chief."

Click here to view more information on the allegations made in the film:

Click here to learn more about Peter F. Paul: http://www.peterfpaul.com/
No surprise here, the Clintons have been leaving trails like this all over the
country for years.....AAC

On Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:59:42 -0400, "Patriot Games" <Patriot@America.com> wrote:

>Hillary Clinton Accuser Claims New Evidence of Fraud in Documentary
>Friday, October 26, 2007
>WASHINGTON - One gift that Hillary Clinton is unlikely to enjoy on her 60th
>birthday Friday is the premiere of "Hillary Uncensored," a scathing
>documentary whose 13-minute trailer has been No. 1 on Google Video since
>Oct. 10, with more than 1.1 million views to date.
>The film's first full-length showing is scheduled for Friday night at
>Harvard University, followed by viewings at universities through the weekend
>and a wrap Tuesday at the Metropolitan Club in New York City.
>Among the allegations summarized in the documentary:
>- Bill and Hillary Clinton solicited cash from Peter F. Paul, an
>international lawyer and businessman, even after Hillary Clinton's campaign
>manager told The Washington Post she would not take money from him;
>- FBI agents and U.S. attorneys colluded with the Clintons to keep Paul, who
>was convicted of cocaine possession and fraud, tangled up in the criminal
>courts for years;
>- The Clintons later made sure Paul was kept in a Brazilian prison for 25
>months, including 58 days in a maximum security cellblock nicknamed the
>"Corridor of Death," while the Justice Department waited to extradite him;
>- Hillary Clinton still hasn't filed reports to the FEC enumerating Paul's
>excessive contributions to her 2000 Senate campaign.
>Click here to see the trailer video posted on YouTube (part 1).
>Click here to see the trailer video posted on YouTube (part 2)
>Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign spares no kindness about its
>view of Paul, whose long arrest record, officials say, demonstrates his
>inherent deceit.
>"Peter Paul is a professional liar who has four separate criminal
>convictions, two for fraud. His video repackages a series of seven-year-old
>false claims about Senator Clinton that have already been rejected by the
>California state courts, the Justice Department, the Federal Election
>Commission and the Senate Ethics Committee," Clinton's campaign said in a
>statement to FOXNews.com.
>While it's a coincidence that the film about the New York senator and
>Democratic presidential candidate is being released on her birthday, the
>movie's producers say it is no accident the film's trailer is getting such
>Douglas Cogan, a businessman-turned-associate producer and researcher for
>the film, said he's made it his mission to expose what he calls "the
>greatest campaign finance fraud that ever has been committed."
>The Clintons think "they are truly above the law," Cogan said. "My country
>has never seen anyone like Hillary Rodham Clinton."
>The allegations in the film are not new, although much of the video is. The
>film resurrects claims made by the thrice-convicted Paul that he unwittingly
>agreed to violate election-funding laws in exchange for a pledge from Bill
>Clinton to work with him in his new venture, Stan Lee Media, after Clinton
>left the presidency.
>The documentary revisits Paul's claim that, in exchange for Bill Clinton's
>promise to promote Stan Lee Media overseas, for which Paul said he was
>willing to pay $17 million, he also agreed to produce an August 2000
>fundraising gala in Hollywood for Hillary Clinton's 2000 New York Senate
>"My interest in supporting Hillary Clinton was specifically to hire Bill
>Clinton," Paul told FOXNews.com in a telephone interview, noting that
>Clinton's 2000 Senate campaign "concocted" the whole idea of the fundraiser.
>Paul said he believed that in exchange for organizing the gala, "I had
>accomplished the hiring of the president of the United States to work with
>me when he left the White House."
>The gala cost $1.2 million, which was under-reported to the Federal Election
>Commission and led to the arrest of Clinton's then-Senate campaign
>fundraising chief, David Rosen.
>Rosen was found not guilty; a co-host of the gala, Aaron Tonken, was
>sentenced in a separate case to more than five years in prison for
>misappropriating funds for charity to pay for fundraisers featuring
>Hollywood celebrities.
>Paul never got to work with Bill Clinton. Stan Lee Media filed for Chapter
>11 bankruptcy in February 2001, long after it became apparent to Paul that
>Clinton wasn't going to join the company and, Paul alleges, had stolen one
>of Stan Lee Media's chief investors.
>Paul writes off his convictions in the 1970s for cocaine possession and
>defrauding Fidel Castro of $8.7 million as part of an international
>anti-Castro effort gone wrong. He adds that the securities fraud plea that
>he agreed to cop in March 2005 was to get out of jail after 43 months in
>Brazilian and New York prisons. He still is awaiting sentencing on that plea
>despite being under house arrest since then.
>As for the Rosen case, he calls that a farce aimed at getting a Clinton
>crony off the hook. The accompanying civil case, he said, also set a legal
>precedent Hillary Clinton later used to get out of being a defendant in his
>case against her and her husband.
>"I am not the one-dimensional villain that I am portrayed to be, but I am
>the victim not only of the Clintons" but of their associates, who Paul says
>tried to steal his assets and wrap him up in a corrupt court system.
>"Not only was the indictment and the trial (of Rosen) a scam, the judge ...
>turned it into a referendum on the credibility of Peter Paul," Paul said,
>also faulting the prosecutor for not objecting to Judge Howard Matz's
>characterization of Paul as a con man during his instructions to the jury.
>"You conclude either that the prosecutor is incompetent or, worse, that the
>prosecutor is dogging the case."
>Paul claims that while he has been prosecuted and marginalized by the
>Clintons, his video evidence proves his case against them - that the power
>couple defrauded him by falsely pledging the former president's post-White
>House services in exchange for footing the bill for all the gala's expenses.
>That video documentation, however, may be worth only the revenue from copies
>sold. The California Court of Appeals last week upheld, 3-0, a lower court's
>ruling to excuse Hillary Clinton as a defendant in that suit. The court also
>noted that the new video isn't new evidence.
>"In his motion to admit new evidence, Paul also seeks to admit the
>videotaped recording of the July 17, 2000, telephone call to demonstrate
>Senator Clinton had sufficient knowledge of Paul's business enterprises and
>the president's involvement with Paul such that it would not have been a
>'fishing expedition' to depose her. While the recording itself may have only
>been recently obtained by Paul, the substance of the conference call is not
>new evidence," reads the ruling written by Judge P.J. Perluss.
>Nonetheless, the conference call with then-first lady Clinton is among the
>most compelling moments in the new documentary. The video, taken in Paul's
>Beverly Hills office a month before the gala, shows on one end of a
>teleconference, Paul, Tonken and their business partner Alana Stewart, Rod
>Stewart's ex-wife. On the other end is Hillary Clinton.
>Clinton can be heard saying: "Whatever it is you're doing, is it OK if I
>thank you? ... I am very appreciative and it sounds fabulous. I got a full
>report from Kelly (White House adviser Kelly Craighead) today when she got
>back and told me everything that you're doing and it just sounds like it's
>going to be a great event. But I just wanted to call and personally thank
>all of you. I'm glad you're all together so I could tell you how much this
>means to me, and it's going to mean a lot to the president, too."
>Paul's attorney, Colette Wilson, argues that Clinton's conversation proves
>she was in violation of campaign finance rules preventing candidates from
>personally having a hand in coordinating fundraising events in excess of
>The appeals court's ruling to dismiss Hillary Clinton as a defendant is
>flawed because "my evidence showed that this gala was coordinated between
>the candidate and Peter Paul," Wilson said. "The whole basis of (Clinton's
>motion to dismiss) was her right to solicit campaign contributions, so she
>admitted" she knew about the gala planning.
>Wilson said that the appeals court also erred when it cited the lower
>court's claim that they were on a "fishing expedition" by demanding to
>depose Clinton about her knowledge of the gala.
>"I would attack that by saying that the case is defined as too broad [when
>it] is asking to take a lot of people's depositions. A fishing expedition
>means you don't have a clue whether the person has any evidence or not," she
>But Wilson acknowledged that it's the court's discretion to admit new
>evidence or not.
>"They don't have to allow it in. The cutoff is what was available during the
>lower court submission," she said.
>Wilson contends that several of the videotapes, including the would-be
>smoking gun, weren't available to Paul because they were confiscated by the
>FBI when the securities fraud investigation began in 2001 and were withheld
>from Paul until April of this year, long after the lower court heard the
>"They still have the originals," she noted, adding that the FBI sent the
>videos to a vendor to be copied and sent to Paul.
>Wilson said she's not certain she wants to appeal for an en banc hearing of
>the entire appeals court or to ask the California Supreme Court to take the
>case because it could mean a delay of two years before they can return to
>the underlying case - the alleged fraud committed by the Clintons in
>pledging that Bill Clinton would work for Stan Lee Media.
>Of that, Wilson and Paul claim to have plenty of evidence and still are able
>to depose Hillary Clinton as a material witness.
>Paul said he also is prepared to keep open the case against the Clintons
>through other means. He is filing a new complaint with the FEC and is
>requesting that when Michael Mukasey is confirmed as U.S. attorney general,
>he investigate how the government could have prosecuted Rosen when
>authorities knew he did not commit a crime.
>Cogan said he hopes the film also shines light on Hillary Clinton's
>presidential campaign.
>"Hillary can no longer feign ignorance in what went on here," he said. "I
>think she is absolutely an unthinkable commander in chief."
>Click here to view more information on the allegations made in the film:
>Click here to learn more about Peter F. Paul: http://www.peterfpaul.com/
Goebbels speech on March 18, 1933:
"German women, German men !
It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the
Ministry for Propaganda and People's Enlightenment is to German women.
Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not
forget that women raise boys to manhood. You know that the National
Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily
politics. This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very
unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic
intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not
respect them, but because we respect them too much. We do not see the
woman as inferior, rather as having a different mission, a different
value, than that of the man. Therefore we believed that the German
woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best
sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other
areas than the man.

The woman has always been not only the man's sexual companion, but
also his fellow worker. Long ago, she did heavy labor with the man in
the field. She moved with him into the cities, entering the offices
and factories, doing her share of the work for which she was best
suited. She did this with all her abilities, her loyalty, her selfless
devotion, her readiness to sacrifice.

The woman in public life today is no different than the women of the
past. No one who understands the modern age would have the crazy idea
of driving women from public life, from work, profession, and bread
winning. But it must also be said that those things that belong to the
man must remain his. That includes politics and the military. That is
not to disparage women, only a recognition of how she can best use her
talents and abilities.
Looking back over the past year's of Germany's decline, we come to the
frightening, nearly terrifying conclusion, that the less German men
were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to
the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men
always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all
great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness and determination
have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually
loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the

It may be unpopular to say this to an audience of women, but it must
be said, because it is true and because it will help make clear our
attitude toward women.

The modern age, with all its vast revolutionary transformations in
government, politics, economics and social relations has not left
women and their role in public life untouched. Things we thought
impossible several years or decades ago are now everyday reality. Some
good, noble and commendable things have happened. But also things that
are contemptible and humiliating. These revolutionary transformations
have largely taken from women their proper tasks. Their eyes were set
in directions that were not appropriate for them. The result was a
distorted public view of German womanhood that had nothing to do with
former ideals.

A fundamental change is necessary. At the risk of sounding reactionary
and outdated, let me say this clearly: The first, best, and most
suitable place for the women is in the family, and her most glorious
duty is to give children to her people and nation, children who can
continue the line of generations and who guarantee the immortality of
the nation. The woman is the teacher of the youth, and therefore the
builder of the foundation of the future. If the family is the nation's
source of strength, the woman is its core and center. The best place
for the woman to serve her people is in her marriage, in the family,
in motherhood. This is her highest mission. That does not mean that
those women who are employed or who have no children have no role in
the motherhood of the German people. They use their strength, their
abilities, their sense of responsibility for the nation, in other
ways. We are convinced, however, that the first task of a socially
reformed nation must be to again give the woman the possibility to
fulfill her real task, her mission in the family and as a mother.

The national revolutionary government is everything but reactionary.
It does not want to stop the pace of our rapidly moving age. It has no
intention of lagging behind the times. It wants to be the flag bearer
and pathfinder of the future. We know the demands of the modern age.
But that does not stop us from seeing that every age has its roots in
motherhood, that there is nothing of greater importance than the
living mother of a family who gives the state children.

German women have been transformed in recent years. They are beginning
to see that they are not happier as a result of being given more
rights but fewer duties. They now realize that the right to be elected
to public office at the expense of the right to life, motherhood and
her daily bread is not a good trade.

A characteristic of the modern era is a rapidly declining birthrate in
our big cities. In 1900 two million babies were born in Germany. Now
the number has fallen to one million. This drastic decline is most
evident in the national capital. In the last fourteen years, Berlin's
birthrate has become the lowest of any European city. By 1955, without
emigration, it will have only about three million inhabitants. The
government is determined to halt this decline of the family and the
resulting impoverishment of our blood. There must be a fundamental
change. The liberal attitude toward the family and the child is
responsible for Germany's rapid decline. We today must begin worrying
about an aging population. In 1900 there were seven children for each
elderly person, today it is only four. If current trends continue, by
1988 the ratio will be 1 : 1. These statistics say it all. They are
the best proof that if Germany continues along its current path, it
will end in an abyss with breathtaking speed. We can almost determine
the decade when Germany collapses because of depopulation.

We are not willing to stand aside and watch the collapse of our
national life and the destruction of the blood we have inherited. The
national revolutionary government has the duty to rebuilt the nation
on its original foundations, to transform the life and work of the
woman so that it once again best serves the national good. It intends
to eliminate the social inequalities so that once again the life of
our people and the future of our people and the immortality of our
blood is assured..."

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
