Happy Birthday Jojo (crazy robster)!

Awwwwww you guys make me misty!! :'(Thank you so much!! :D:D And thanks Sarah for making this thread, much appreciated!! You deserve big squeeze hugs!! LOVE YOU ALL! <3
Oh, so today is your birthday!! how lovely!! well, dear, I think I dont need to tell you too much things, after all, as everybody here, I hope you spend the most beautiful day you've had with your family and your relatives and all those people who have a space in your hugeeee heart.
So, have a nice day and enjoy it 'cos you really deserve it!! hugeee kiss:friends:

btw, Rob phoned me and well, now he's free but you arent (yeah, I know it. You were warning him for a long time, but he was deaf... oh, soorryyy!! XD) but he still is a nice guy so, he and all together (you know, all the members, the whole band and... well, just me..:eek: give you this little but sincere present.

happy bday =)

Thanks my sweety *hugs*

Oh, so today is your birthday!! how lovely!! well, dear, I think I dont need to tell you too much things, after all, as everybody here, I hope you spend the most beautiful day you've had with your family and your relatives and all those people who have a space in your hugeeee heart.
So, have a nice day and enjoy it 'cos you really deserve it!! hugeee kiss:friends:

btw, Rob phoned me and well, now he's free but you arent (yeah, I know it. You were warning him for a long time, but he was deaf... oh, soorryyy!! XD) but he still is a nice guy so, he and all together (you know, all the members, the whole band and... well, just me..:eek: give you this little but sincere present.

Hahahaha awww this is definitely one of the sweetest things I've heard and seen all day!! A HUUGE kiss backatcha!;)

Thank y'all once again <3 <3 <3
SIS !!!

Hope you had a fantastic day, and of course many more to come!
Love you my sweet. Hope we get to talk again soon.

~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ~

Awwness :D *cat purrs* Thanks so much sis!! I wuv yoo too!!! Well, I'm still waiting for my cake cut! Damn I can't wait for that, love my cake! :D When it's done I'll post pics for all to see. Much love and thanks again for making me feel so special!

*Hugs you all tightly*
Awwness :D *cat purrs* Thanks so much sis!! I wuv yoo too!!! Well, I'm still waiting for my cake cut! Damn I can't wait for that, love my cake! :D When it's done I'll post pics for all to see. Much love and thanks again for making me feel so special!

*Hugs you all tightly*

You dont have to thank us anything dear... even, from my part, I didnt make you feel so special, 'cos actually, you're special, so I think it's us, it's me who celebrate everyday her birth with the opportunity of meeting a great person as you are. And I dont say it like a favour. I really feel it. :yes:
Umm happy birthday. Don't know you but hope we can be friends? So when was your birthday? And how old are you now?
Thank you all once again!!

Lorena I don't know what to say you're simply awesome!

Sponge of course we can be friends!! As for the rest of your questions just check my profile lol :D

Allie awwww my happy just-married friend!! Congrats on the wedding by the way!! So happy for you!! I wish you the most blissful life with your hubby and your kiddies ^.^

Untitled my dear (ashamedly I can never remember your real name...*is embarrassed*) so very kind and sweet as always!

JAVIER!!! Thank you so much! Missed ya pal! Love you too!*hugs*

So the cake update: Everything happened really hurriedly and we didn't take pics...:( yeah I know, shame...oh well... I can tell you the cake was awesome, my presents were awesome, everything went great today so all good! WUV YAS!! :D
Untitled my dear (ashamedly I can never remember your real name...*is embarrassed*) so very kind and sweet as always!

So the cake update: Everything happened really hurriedly and we didn't take pics...:( yeah I know, shame...oh well... I can tell you the cake was awesome, my presents were awesome, everything went great today so all good! WUV YAS!! :D

it's Tristan haha
got some cake left^^?