happy birthday riss

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New member
Happy birfday!! 14 is one year older than 13!! And one year is like 356 days! And that's like 31320498793463203 minutes!! So that's A LOT older!

Note: Numericals may not be exact, give or take a few hundred thousand million or so.


crazy robster

New member
It's not Riss' birthday, her birthday was May 24th, the girl who's Bday was yesterday is a different one called ShadowedHeart and not Shadowed Heart... Yeah a gap between words caused the confusion, it happens...lol


New member
hahaha, I shouldda knownw, Well simple and easy mistake.

Anyone couldda done it.

Well no need ofr this thread anymore.



New member
lol gimmie a break

i had vodka captain morgans and jager in my system, that and my friend just left to the hospital because of an overdose

lol gimmie a breaki had vodka captain morgans and jager in my system, that and my friend just left to the hospital because of an overdose
haha :p Yeah I understand :p I think I drink abit to much 2 sometimes..... maybe that's why I've been told of a few times by the mods here posting pointless ****. :eek: haha well things happen.
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