
New member
Didn't see this topic till now. I tend to ignore topics that have "TJ" in the title.

**** the guy could be dead and I wouldn't see the news for at least a month.

Hmm, so should I wish TJ a happy birthday?

Nope, I wish him a liberal birthday and hope it's a reminder that this has been yet another year of enslavement for him.

I know he still fears the boogeyman at his age, I'd just hope, he has learned to AT LEAST quit wetting the bed by now as well.

I had always heard the older we get, the wiser we become. I'm glad TJ proved that theory wrong. At least it's an accomplishment.

Besides, birthdays are socialist anyway. What with people always GIVING you things you probably don't deserve nor have you even earned.

I know TJ would be too proud to accept charity, so I never got him a gift out of respect for his personal beliefs.

He's undoubtedly, has turned much uglier then he was, most of that comes from the ugliness in his heart for human beings, but his sanctimonious rightousness counters this, so all is forgiven.





Active Members
Even emkay took the time out of the usual 'hate TJ' routine to do something nice, I really appreciate those who had the ability to wish me a happy birthday and leave their agenda at the door. I won't return the insults of those who can't leave their agendas at the door but I will say it is very telling of their character thay they could not.


New member
Ya know, I do feel kinda bad. One of the guys on my website posted this and the first person that came to mind, was TJ.

So for you TJ, in honor of your birthday (although belated), I present to you, your cake




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